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Creating a component

In this guide, we'll walk through creating a custom component in HSDS!

All Components in HSDS are or have been updated to TypeScript, do not fret! You can write your components in regular old JavaScript, just make sure the extensions are '.ts' or '.tsx' (if your file contains jsx, you want .tsx) things will work as normal. We do enocurage you to have a look at other components and follow how thay are put together, you might learn a thing or two, which is always a good thing!

We'll be created a Strong component, an enhancement to the default HTML strong primitive.


All of HSDS's components are located under src/components/:

  └── src/
      └── components/

Initial files

The first thing we'll need to do is create a dedicated Strong directory under Components/:

  └── src/
      └── components/
          └── Strong/

Under our newly created Strong/ directory, we'll need to create a few files:

  • index.ts
  • Strong.tsx
  • Strong.utils.ts

If your component will be styled (not all are!) add a styles folder and put a Strong.css.js file in it

  └── src/
      └── components/
          └── Strong/
              └── styles/
                  └── Strong.css.js
              ├── index.ts
              ├── Strong.tsx
              └── Strong.utils.ts

The index.ts file is the main file allow the consuming App/component to use Strong. It also "connects" our component to PropProvider, allowing the user to more easily customize Strong (more on that later!).

The String.tsx file our actual React component.

Base component code

Add the starting React component boilerplate for Strong.tsx:

import * as React from 'react'
import getValidProps from '@helpscout/react-utils/dist/getValidProps'
import { classNames } from '../../utilities/classNames'
import { namespaceComponent } from '../../utilities/component'
import { COMPONENT_KEY } from './Strong.utils.ts'
import { StrongUI } from './styles/Strong.css.js'

class Strong extends React.PureComponent {
  static defaultProps = {
    isSuperBold: false,

  render() {
    const { children, className, } = this.props

    const componentClassName = classNames(
      isSuperBold && 'is-superBold',

    return (
      <StrongUI {...getValidProps(rest)} className={componentClassName}>

namespaceComponent(COMPONENT_KEY, Strong)

export default Strong

Whoa 😳! Lots of stuff going on already!


HSDS uses TypeScript for typing. You can write your component in JS, and add the TypeScript layer little by little. Here are a couple of relevant links to get you started:

Notice how our example at the moment does not include anything TypeScript wise yet.


I just told you a lie, TypeScript requires that specific way to import React: import * as React from 'react' so no import React, { PureComponent as Component } from 'react'


The style strong component, using CSS-in-JS techniques. More on that our styling guide.


Creating a component class from extending React.PureComponent works seems to work best for component libraries.

Compared to a React.Component, it's often more performant and faster since it shallow diff's props when React needs to re-render.

If you're expecting your Component to have a bunch of deeply nested, logic heavy child components, extends from React.Component instead of React.PureComponent.

Compared to Stateless-Functional Components, the pros are many, which include:

  • Ability to reference DOM nodes
  • Standardized component structure
  • Access to React lifecycle hooks
  • Prop-diffing, so that it doesn't re-render all the time (this is a big one)


The classNames utility is a light-weight version of the popular classnames library.

It is used to both define your component's className, and to extends the className prop.

Always give your components a className. Even if it's not directly attached to a CSS style rule. The main reasons are for inclusivity and thoughtful architecture.

The concept of markup and classNames can be understood by everyone who knows HTML. That allows for non JS/React folks to inspect to understand/debug the UI. It also allows for folks to write tests that explicitly target selectors.

The second point is thoughtful architecture. HTML is the foundation to your React component. It's critical to get this right to make your components/app accessible and easy to reason about/comprehend. There has to be a purpose for every single HTML selector added to a React component. Describe that reasoning with a thoughtful className.

HSDS follows the ITCSS naming architecture, which is why components have a className prefix of c-.


Any prop that can modify a components appearance or behaviour is added as a className under componentClassName. This is to both apply styling and to better communicate a component's state within the DOM (for debugging/testing/targeting).

These modifier classNames should typically be prefixed with words like is-, has-, with.


HSDS's components are designed to be used as if they were default HTML elements. The pattern allows for users to pass in custom (but HTML-supported) props like:

  • aria roles
  • data- attributes
  • title

(Just to name a few)

It also allows for the user to hook into default React props, like:

  • onMouseEnter
  • onClick
  • htmlFor

getValidProps() is a special utility function that filters out non-default HTML/React props. This prevents React from throwing errors if non-default props are accidentally passed during the Object spread process.

Wonderful 🙏! You've created the base for Strong, that's performant, easy to extend, and Flow typed.


This is a Higher-Order component that sets up the internal namespacing within HSDS. It allows for HSDS components to reliably type-check each other.

COMPONENT_KEY is the namespace for the component, in our case, Strong. This key normally resides in the "utils" file.


Your component might need different functions, constants or other stuff that don't need to live inside of it, the place to put those is inside your utils file: Strong.utils.ts, at the minimum, this file is where the COMPONENT_KEY lives:


export const COMPONENT_KEY = 'Strong'


We'll need to export Strong to make it simpler to import and use. This is all done in our index.js file:

import Strong from './Strong'
import { propConnect } from '../PropProvider'
import { COMPONENT_KEY } from './Strong.utils.ts'

export default propConnect(COMPONENT_KEY)(Strong)

Whoa 😳! More stuff!


propConnect is a special Higher-Order Component that works very similar to Redux's connect. It hooks up our Strong component to HSDS's PropProvider, which allows the user to more easily override props.

We provide it with the (string) namespace (COMPONENT_KEY), as well as the actual Component.

More Exporting

All of HSDS's components are made available in components/index.js:

  └── src/
      └── components/
          └── index.js

Open that file. You should see a bunch of exports listed in alphabetical order. Add Strong:

export { default as Strong } from './Strong'

Adding TypeScript types

When working with TypeScript on A react component, one of the things it brings to the table is a different way to generate a component's "prop types", you no longer need the separate package 'prop-types' as you will be using TS's type system. Let's add this to our example, first, create a new file: Strong.types.ts

  └── src/
      └── components/
          └── Strong/
              └── styles/
                  └── Strong.css.js
              ├── index.ts
              ├── Strong.tsx
              └── Strong.types.ts


Notice the convention to define the component prop types: ComponentNameProps, for state types use: ComponentNameState

export type StrongProps = {
  children?: any
  className?: string
  isSuperBold: boolean


import * as React from 'react'
import getValidProps from '@helpscout/react-utils/dist/getValidProps'
import { classNames } from '../../utilities/classNames'
import { namespaceComponent } from '../../utilities/component'
import { StrongUI } from './styles/Strong.css.js'
import { StrongProps } from './Strong.types.ts'

export const COMPONENT_KEY = 'Strong'

class Strong extends React.PureComponent<StrongProps> {
  static defaultProps = {
    isSuperBold: false,

  render() {
    const { children, className, } = this.props

    const componentClassName = classNames(
      isSuperBold && 'is-superBold',

    return (
      <StrongUI {...getValidProps(rest)} className={componentClassName}>

namespaceComponent(COMPONENT_KEY, Strong)

export default Strong

And that's it 🙏! You've successfully created, hooked up, and exported our new Strong component 💪.

About naming conventions

You'll quickly notice a pattern to everything we add inside a component. The reason for this is that HSDS has many components! And when you are working inside your code editor, it's easier to find what you need if everything is named following a convention.

Below is a summary of things to pay attention to with examples of a slightly more complex component:

Folder Structure

  └── src/
      └── components/
          └── Table/
              └── __tests__/
                  ├── Table.Cell.test.js
                  └── Table.test.js
              └── styles/
                  ├── Table.Cell.css.js
                  └── Table.css.js
              ├── index.ts
              ├── Table.tsx
              ├── Table.Cell.tsx
              ├── Table.utils.ts
              └── Table.types.ts


export type TableProps = {
  /* ... */
export type TableState = {
  /* ... */
export type TableCellProps = {
  /* ... */
export type TableCellState = {
  /* ... */

In general, the pattern looks like Component.SubComponent...


Let's add some styles!

See also