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Releases: helpscout/hsds-react

Blue - v0.0.34

12 Oct 21:28
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Add scrollableRef to Scrollable and Modal

  • Add scrollableRef prop to Scrollable and Modal to expose the scrollable DOM node
  • Add onScroll callback for Modal
  • Make isNodeElement() util more robust

Resolves: #72

Blue - v0.0.33

12 Oct 18:30
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New Features

Add InfiniteScroller component + enhance Scrollable

This update adds a new InfiniteScroller component that makes it easy to dynamically fetch/load/inject content (or do anything else!). It has a couple of handy callbacks to provide the user with control when the component is scrolled into position.


  <InfiniteScroller onLoading={loadMoreContent} />

The Scrollable component has also been enhanced with a new onScroll callback.

Additional Updates

  • Adjust markup for Modal to better support Scrollable usage
  • Add scrollParent prop to InfiniteScroller to accept DOM elements
  • Create new Storybook for InfiniteScroller example (with Modal)

Other Updates

  • Remove yarn.lock (and add to gitignore)
  • Remove fetch dependency and polyfill. Blue doesn't use Fetch API.
  • Add prop-types-extra for DOM node checking

Resolves: #12


  • Rename Card className from c-card to c-Card

Resolves #66

Bug Fixes

The onSortEnd prop that uses the onSortEnd() method in the Sortable class is being overwritten by the onSortEnd prop in the rest object. A quick fix to pull out the onSortEnd property from the rest object.

Blue - v0.0.32

10 Oct 21:45
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SidebarCollapsibleCard: Fix # usage in header

Currently, when I click on the toggle on the SidebarCollapsibleCard component, the browser navigates to "#". This is a quick fix to prevent that behavior.

I also added a new line to .gitignore, for those of us who are using PHPStorm (me 😄 <-- @lgariepy )

Blue - v0.0.31

10 Oct 20:19
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Add Dropdown Component ✨

screen recording 2017-10-10 at 04 06 pm

Ooooo boy! This update adds LOTS of stuff to Blue, including:

New Drop HOC Component

A new Drop HOC component, that Portals and auto positions the composedComponent based on the trigger.

New Dropdown Components

This update adds new Dropdown, DropdownTrigger, DropdownMenu, DropdownItem, and DropdownDivider components

New Utilities!

This update adds new focus, node, and nodePosition DOM-based utils

Other enhancements

The EventListener and KeypressListener components were enhanced with scope, allowing them to listen to events on specific node elements other than just document.

KeypressListener has also been improved to handle modifier keys (like shift or alt).

slim CSS stylesheet removal

Based on a discussion with @Charca and @knicklabs , this update removes the .slim version of the Blue CSS. This allows for a cleaner CSS build structure, and allow for us to use the standard c-ComponentName className structure.

Resolves: #57 #27

Blue - v0.0.30

05 Oct 21:58
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Update package-lock.json

To update the dependencies from

Blue - v0.0.29

05 Oct 21:30
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Resolve package.json dependencies

Move project dependencies to dependencies instead of devDependencies.
Some of these items are used by polyfill.js (by create-react-app).

Others are being used by Blue components.

Spotted by @lgariepy

Blue - v0.0.28

02 Oct 22:14
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Add hint text to input component

It may be desirable to have text appear above and/or below the input but currently it is only possible to configure the input to have text appear below it via the helpText prop.

This PR adds a hintText prop that can be used to configure the input to have text appear above it, as shown below.


Blue - v0.0.27

21 Sep 21:09
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Add EmojiPicker and Emoji components

screen recording 2017-09-21 at 04 01 pm

This update adds 2 new components: <EmojiPicker /> and <Emoji />. Both of these components are light wrappers around the components provided by the emoji-mart library.

The strategy I used to tweak the styles EmojiPicker was to structure the EmojiPicker/*.scss files as if we had smaller components, exactly like how we structure the CSS for other Blue components.

Each .scss file under EmojiPicker is scoped under the main component class. This allows the styles to not leak into global scope, and it allows for us to easily override the default library styles in an easy-to-understand + maintainable way.

Resolves: #26

Blue - v0.0.26

19 Sep 16:11
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Sortable: Re-render children on children prop change

This update fixes the Sortable component lifecycle to update the remapped state.items when there is a change in props.children. Previously, this was only firing on mount, but it now fires on componentWillReceiveProps as well.

Resolves: #49

Blue - v0.0.25

19 Sep 13:53
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Avatar - Add initials prop

Beacon API is going to be specifying an initials attribute, which we want to use to override the default <Avatar> initials parsing from the name attribute. This update adds an initials property to the Avatar component.

Resolves: #46