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File metadata and controls

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Data Formats

helyOS uses JSON formats. Except fora minimum set of required fields used by helyOS to control the data flow, developers can freely choose the data structure of the assignment, map and sensor data. In the helyOS framework, most of the data formats used in a project will result from agreements between user interface programmers, path planner developers and the agent controller developers.

Yard and map formats

helyOS is very flexible regarding map data structure. The map information is organized by yards, with each yard containing n map objects. Each map object has a JSON data field.

The map object data can contain any kind of information; from a simple polygon representing an obstacle to a complete Geo-JSON data structure representing a map layer. The definition of map objects and the alignment with other entities of a project lies within the responsibility of the developers.

  • helyOS yard
    • id: database id, automatically generated.
    • uid: string that identify the yard.
    • name: name of the yard.
    • lat: latitude map origin.
    • lon: longitude map origin.
    • alt: altitude map origin.
    • map_data: (optional) JSON field containing relevant rendering information or metadata.
    • data_format: (optional) name of the map data format. Example: "Trucktrix-Map"

An agent arriving at an automated yard must perform the check-in for that yard. The check-in procedure registers the agent to the helyOS system. The agent must provide the uid of the respective yard. helyOS returns the map origin as part of the Check-In-Response.

  • helyOS map object
    • yard_id: database id of the yard.
    • name: name of the map object.
    • data: JSON field (defined by the developer).
    • type: string to identify the object.
    • metadata: (optional) JSON field containing any relevant information.
    • data_format: (optional) name of the map data format. Example: “Trucktrix-Map”

Assignment data format

helyOS is agnostic regarding the assignment data format. Nevertheless, the assignment must be enclosed in a JSON structure together with other fields that will help helyOS to route the assignment to the correct agent.

In the helyOS framework, the assignment is originated from a microservice [*]. That is, the developers must create a microservice that produces the assignment data. The microservice's response must have the following data structure:

HelyOSMicroserviceResponse {

    request_id?: string;  // auto-generated job id.

    status: "failed" | "pending" | "successful";

    results: AssignmentPlan[]; // array of assignments.

    dispatch_order?: number[][]; // order in which the assignments will be dispatched to the agents.


AssignmentPlan {
    agent_id?: number; // id of the agent that will receive the assignment.
    agent_uuid?: string; // UUID of the agent that will receive the assignment.
    assignment: any; // assignment data, usually defined by the agent vendor.

Note, in the inset, that the agent assignment data is nested into the field results. helyOS core will forward the assignment to the agent indicated by agent_id or agent_uuid . The agent will finally receive this assignment inside the following data structure:

AgentAssignmentCommand {

    type: string = "assignment_execution";

    uuid: string; // agent UUID.

    body: any = **assignment** // same data than in the AssignmentPlan.assignment.

    metadata: AssignmentMetadata; // automatic generated by helyos core.


AssignmentMetadata {
    id: number;
    yard_id: number;
    status: string = "to_execute";
    workk_process_id: number; // mission identification in the helyOS database.
    context: any; // data from previous assignments belonging the same mission (workk_process_id).
[*]Although considered an anti-pattern, the assignment data can also be created in the frontend if the related mission uses a microservice set as a dummy in the helyOS dashboard. A dummy microservice simply reflects back the request data as the response.

Check also helyOS and Agents section: :ref:`helyOS and Agents <helyos-and-agents>`

Agent data format

The agent data is saved in the database and can be updated via the helyOS Dashboard, or user interface, or by the agent itself via RabbitMQ (agent.{uuid}.update).

  • Agent Fields
    • uuid: universal unique identifier.
    • available_operations: array of string defining the operations available for the agent.
    • geometry: free JSON format defining the vehicle geometry.
    • factsheet: JSON field added for compatibility with VDA 5050.
    • x, y, z, orientations : x, y and z a numbers to specify the position of the agent. Orientations is a number array with information of the orientation of the first agent part, and of the joint angles for trailers.
    • status: "not_automatable" | "free" | "ready" | "busy"
    • sensors: JSON field containing any data about the agent: temperature, diagnosis data, assignment progress, velocity etc. The helyOS-native sensor data format allows the data be visualized in the helyOS dashboard. However, following this specification is optional; the field sensors can hold any arbitrary data structure. The data format is imposed by the visualization app that the developer choose for reading it.

helyOS-native Sensor Data Format

The sensor data returned from an agent can have any format. The information is published in a RabbitMQ topic, and helyOS forwards the data to user clients via WebSocket. Therefore, the user interface must be aligned with the information and parse the sensor values.

However, if you wish the sensor values to also be visualized on the helyOS admin dashboard, then you must use the following format:


Sensor data format

Mission request data format

To create a mission, the software developers must insert a row into work processes table. They can use the GraphQL language or the helyOS JavaScript SDK. Here again, helyOS does not specify the content of data; this should be provided according to the designed mission recipe.

    yardId: number;
    workProcessTypeName: string;
    status: string;
    agentIds: array of numbers;
    agentUuids: array of strings;
    waitFreeAgent: boolean;
    data: {…}

The field data will be forwarded to all microservices linked to the mission recipe given by the value of workProcessTypeName.

The follow fields are processed by helyOS core:

  • yardId: Database id of yard.
  • workProcessTypeName: One of the mission recipe names previously defined in the helyOS dashboard (Define Missions view).
  • status: 'draft' | "canceling" | 'canceled' | 'dispatched' | "preparing resources" | "calculating" | "executing" | "succeeded". When creating, you can only define as 'draft' or "dispatched". When updating, you can only set the status as "cancelling" or "dispatched".
  • agentIds or agentUuids: A list containing only the database ids (uuids) of the agents taking part in the mission. This agents will be reserved by helyOS core.
  • waitFreeAgent (optional): Default is true. It defines if helyOS must wait all agents listed in agentIds to report the status free before triggering the mission calculations. Set false if you don't need to reserve the agent and you can pile up assignments in the agent queue. Notice that this may produce assignments calculated with outdated yard data.