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Python module helper_functions is missing #49

dnieuw opened this issue Jul 31, 2017 · 4 comments

Python module helper_functions is missing #49

dnieuw opened this issue Jul 31, 2017 · 4 comments


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dnieuw commented Jul 31, 2017

Dear developers,
I ran the "install" instructions from the main page and downloaded the parens data as a test.
However, I get the following error, indicating a missing module:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 8, in <module> from lstmdata.data_handler import LSTMDataHandler File "/home/dnieuwenhuijse/Software/LSTMVis/lstmdata/", line 11, in <module> import helper_functions as hf ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper_functions'

I couldn't find the module on your github repo either, so I am guessing that you have removed the module from your repo by accident?

Kind regards,


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Hi @dnieuw, I cannot replicate this error and can see module here
Can you try again after cloning the repository from scratch? If it still doesn't work, can you let me know which python version you are on and your installed packages so I can try and replicate the error?

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dnieuw commented Aug 7, 2017

Hi @sebastianGehrmann,

I have re-cloned the repo and have found the module, however, does not seem to be able to import it. I am able to import the module myself when running python from the lstmdata folder itself, so that seems fine. I have installed the required packages via Anaconda, see the complete enviroment:

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Hey, unfortunately LSTMVis operates on python 2.7 and this is the reason for your error. Ensuring python 3 compatibility would unfortunately require a complete rewrite and is not feasible without significant effort.
Can you try running it with python 2.7? It should all work then.

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dnieuw commented Aug 15, 2017

Thanks, it works using a Python 2.7 environment on anaconda!

@dnieuw dnieuw closed this as completed Aug 15, 2017
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