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User's guide

Computer Vision Annotation Tool (CVAT) is a web-based tool which helps to annotate videos and images for Computer Vision algorithms. It was inspired by Vatic free, online, interactive video annotation tool. CVAT has many powerful features: interpolation of bounding boxes between key frames, automatic annotation using deep learning models, shortcuts for most of critical actions, dashboard with a list of annotation tasks, LDAP and basic authorization, etc... It was created for and used by a professional data annotation team. UX and UI were optimized especially for computer vision tasks developed by our team.

Getting started


  • First of all, you have to log in to CVAT tool.

  • You can register a user but by default it will not have rights even to view list of tasks. Thus you should create a superuser. The superuser can use Django administration panel to assign correct groups to the user. Please use the command below to create an admin account:

    docker exec -it cvat bash -ic '/usr/bin/python3 ~/ createsuperuser'

  • If you want to create a non-admin account, you can do that using the link below on the login page. Don't forget to modify permissions for the new user in the administration panel. There are several groups (aka roles): admin, user, annotator, observer.

Administration panel

Go to the Django administration panel. There you can:

  • Create / edit / delete users

  • Control permissions of users and access to the tool.

Creating an annotation task

  1. Create an annotation task pressing Create New Task button on the main page.

  2. Specify mandatory parameters of the task. You have to fill in Name, Labels and press the Select Files button. After that you have to choose data you want to annotate.

    Labels. Use the following layout to create labels: label_name <prefix>input_type=attribute_name:attribute_value1,attribute_value2. You can specify multiple labels and attributes and divide them pressing the space button. Attributes belong to a previous label.


    • vehicle @select=type:__undefined__,car,truck,bus,train ~radio=quality:good,bad ~checkbox=parked:false - one label with multiple attributes
    • car person bike - three labels without attributes
    • circle @radio=color:green,red,blue @number=radius:0,10,0.1 line square - one label with two attributes and two labels without attributes

    label_name: for example vehicle, person, face etc.


    • Use @ for unique attributes which cannot be changed from frame to frame (e.g. age, gender, color, etc.)
    • Use ~ for temporary attributes which can be changed on any frame (e.g. quality, pose, truncated, etc.)

    input_type: the following input types are available select, checkbox, radio, number, text.

    attribute_name: for example, age, quality, parked

    attribute_value: for example, middle-age, good, true

    Default value for an attribute is the first value after ":".

    For select and radio input types the special value is available: __undefined__. Specify this value first if an attribute should be annotated explicitly.

    Bug Tracker. Specify full bug tracker's URL if you have it.

    Dataset Repository. URL link of the repository optionally specifies the path to the repository for storage (default: annotation / <dump_file_name> .zip). The .zip and .xml file extension of annotation are supported. Field format: URL [PATH] example: [1/2/3/4/annotation.xml]

    Supported URL formats :


    The task will be highlighted in red after creation if annotation isn't synchronized with the repository.

    Use LFS. If the annotation file is large, you can create a repository with LFS support.

    Source. To create huge tasks please use shared server directory (choose Share option in the dialog).

    Z-Order. Defines the order on drawn polygons. Check the box for enable layered displaying.

    Overlap Size. Use this option to make overlapped segments. The option makes tracks continuous from one segment into another. Use it for interpolation mode. There are several options for using the parameter:

    • For an interpolation task (video sequence). If you annotate a bounding box on two adjacent segments they will be merged into one bounding box. If overlap equals to zero or annotation is poor on adjacent segments inside a dumped annotation file, you will have several tracks, one for each segment, which corresponds to the object.
    • For an annotation task (independent images). If an object exists on overlapped segments, the overlap is greater than zero and the annotation is good enough on adjacent segments, it will be automatically merged into one object. If overlap equals to zero or annotation is poor on adjacent segments inside a dumped annotation file, you will have several bounding boxes for the same object. Thus, you annotate an object on the first segment. You annotate the same object on second segment, and if you do it right, you will have one track inside the annotations. If annotations on different segments (on overlapped frames) are very different, you will have two shapes for the same object. This functionality works only for bounding boxes. Polygons, polylines, points don't support automatic merge on overlapped segments even the overlap parameter isn't zero and match between corresponding shapes on adjacent segments is perfect.

    Segment size. Use this option to divide a huge dataset into a few smaller segments. For example, one job cannot be annotated by several labelers (it isn't supported). Thus using "segment size" you can create several jobs for the same annotation task. It will help you to parallel data annotation process.

    Image Quality. Use this option to specify quality of uploaded images. The option helps to load high resolution datasets faster. Use the value from 1 (completely compressed images) to 95 (almost not compressed images).

    Select files. Push this button to select files you want to annotate.

    Push Submit button and it will be added into the list of annotation tasks. Then, the created task will be displayed on dashboard:

  3. The Dashboard contains elements and each of them relates to a separate task. They are sorted in creation order. Each element contains: task name, preview, execution status, buttons, and one or more links. Each button is responsible for a specific function:

    • Dump Annotation — download an annotation file from the task (xml format)
    • Upload Annotation — upload an annotation file to the task (xml format)
    • Update Task — bring up "Update task" panel. It is used to edit or add labels line
    • Delete Task — delete the task
    • Git Repository Sync — sync annotation with the dataset repository. It is available only if you specify a dataset repository when the task has been created.
    • Run TF Annotation — automatic annotation with Tensorflow Object Detection API. Presence depends on how you build CVAT instance
    • Run Auto Annotation — automatic annotation with OpenVINO toolkit. Presence depends on how you build CVAT instance.

    Item color depends on status of synchronization with the dataset repository: red means annotations are not synchronized with the repository, yellow means annotations are in a temporary branch of the repository, green means annotations are merged into the repository.

  4. Follow a link inside Jobs section to start annotation process. In some cases, you can have several links. It depends on size of your task and Overlap Size and Segment Size parameters. To improve UX, only the first several frames will be loaded and you will be able to annotate first images. Other frames will be loaded in background.

Model manager

The application will be enabled automatically if OpenVINO™ component is installed. It allows to use custom models for auto annotation. Only models in OpenVINO™ toolkit format are supported. If you would like to annotate a task with a custom model, please convert it to the intermediate representation (IR) format via the model optimizer tool. See OpenVINO documentation for details. You can "register" a model and "use" it after that to pre annotate your tasks.

The model manager allows you to manage your deep learning (DL) models uploaded for auto annotation. Using the functionality you can upload, update or delete a specific DL model. Use "Auto annotation" button to pre annotate a task using one of your DL models. Read more


There are several options how to use the search. It may be task's name, mode (annotation or interpolation), owner (username), assignee (username), status (annotation, validation, completed), id. The search is case insensitive.

Interface of the annotation tool

The tool consists of:

  • Workspace — where images are shown;
  • Bottom panel (under workspace) — for navigation, filtering annotation and accessing tools' menu;
  • Side panel — contains two lists: objects (on the frame) and labels (of objects on the frame);
  • Bottom side panel — contains the main annotation functions (create, merge, group objects). Here you can choose a type of shape, a label you want to annotate and a mode (annotation or interpolation)

There is also:

  • Settings (F2) — the button inside Open Menu in the bottom panel. Contains different parameters which can be adjusted according to the user's needs.
  • Context menu — available on right mouse button.

Basic navigation

  1. Use arrows below to move on next/previous frame. Use the scroll bar slider to scroll through frames. Almost every button is covered by a shortcut. To get a hint about a shortcut, just put your mouse pointer over an UI element.

  2. An image can be scaled in/out using mouse's wheel. The image will be zoomed relatively your current cursor position. Thus, if you point on an object, it will be under your mouse during zooming process.

  3. An image can be moved/shifted by holding left mouse button inside some area without annotated objects. If Mouse Wheel is pressed, then all annotated objects are ignored. Otherwise, a highlighted bounding box will be moved instead of the image itself.

Types of shapes (basics)

There are four shapes which you can annotate your images with:

  • box
  • polygon
  • polyline
  • points
  • auto segmentation

And there is how they all look like:

Annotation mode (basics)

Usage examples:

  • Create new annotations for a set of images.
  • Add/modify/delete objects for existing annotations.
  1. Before starting, you need to check if Annotation is selected:

  2. Create a new annotation:

    • Choose a right Shape (box etc.) and Label (was specified by you while creating the task) beforehand:

    • Create a bounding box by clicking on Create Shape button or N shortcut. Choose opposite points. Your first bounding box is ready!

    • It is possible to adjust boundaries and location of the bounding box using mouse. Box's size is shown in the top right corner , you can check it clicking on the one point of box. You can also undo your actions using Ctrl+Z and redo them with Shift+Ctrl+Z or Ctrl+Y.

  3. In the list of objects you can see the labeled car. In the side panel you can perform basic operations under the object — choose attributes, change its label or delete box.

  4. The following figure is an example of fully annotated frame in Annotation mode.

Interpolation mode (basics)

Usage examples:

  • Create new annotations for a sequence of frames.
  • Add/modify/delete objects for existing annotations.
  • Edit tracks, merge a lot of bounding boxes into one track.
  1. Before starting, you have to be sure that Interpolation is selected.

  2. Create a track for an object (look at the selected car as an example):

    • Annotate a bounding box on the first frame for the object.
    • In Interpolation mode the bounding box will be interpolated on next frames automatically.

  3. If the object starts to change its position, you need to modify bounding boxes where it happens. It isn't necessary to change bounding boxes on each frame. It is enough to update several key frames and frames between them will be interpolated automatically. See an example below:

    • The car starts moving on frame #630. Let's mark the frame as a key frame. You can press K for that or push star button (see the screenshot below)

    • Let's jump 30 frames forward and adjust boundaries of the object.

    • After that, bounding boxes of the object between 630 and 660 frames will be changed automatically. For example, frame #645 looks like on the figure below:

  4. When the annotated object disappears or becomes too small, you need to finish the track. You have to choose Outside Property, shortcut O.

  5. If the object isn't visible on a couple of frames and then appears again, you can use Merge Tracks feature to merge several individual tracks into one.

    • Let's create a track for the bus.

      After that, you should create a track when it appears again on the sequence of frames.

    • Press Merge Tracks button and click on any bounding box of the first track and on any bounding box of the second track.

    • Press Apply Merge button to apply changes.

    • The final annotated sequence of frames in Interpolation mode can look like the clip below:

Attribute annotation mode (basics)

  • In this mode you can edit attributes with fast navigation between objects and frames using keyboard. Press Shift+Enter shortcut to enter the mode. After that, you can change attributes using a keyboard.

  • The active attribute will be red. It is gender in this case. Look at the bottom side panel to see all possible shortcuts for changing the attribute. Press 2 key on your keyboard to assign female value for the attribute.

  • Press Up Arrow/Down Arrow on your keyboard to go to next/previous attribute. In this case, after pressing Down Arrow you will be able to edit Age attribute.

  • Use Right Arrow/Left Arrow keys to move on previous/next image with annotation.

Downloading annotations

  1. To download the latest annotations, you have to save all changes first. Press Open Menu and then Save Work button. There is Ctrl+S shortcut to save annotations quickly.

  2. After that, press Open Menu and then Dump Annotation button.

  3. The annotation will be written into .xml file. To find the annotation file, you should go to the directory where your browser saves downloaded files by default. For more information visit xml format page.

Task synchronization with a repository

  1. At the end of the annotation process, a task is synchronized clicking the Git Repository Sync on the main page. Notice: this feature works only if a git repository was specified when the task was created.

  2. Clicking Sync starts synchronization of annotation with the repository, the url address of which is specified in the Repository URL field. The synchronization process may take some time.

  3. After synchronization, the task in the list is highlighted in yellow. The annotation is now in the repository, in a temporary branch.

  4. The next step is to go to the repository and manually create a pull request to the main branch.

  5. After confirming the PR, when the annotation is saved in the main branch, the color of the task changes to green.


Bounding box is an area which defines boundaries of an object. To specify it, you need to define two opposite corners.

Tight bounding box is a bounding box where margin between the object inside and boundaries of the box is absent. This type of bounding box is used in most tasks by default, but precision completely depends on an annotation task.

Bounding box Tight bounding box

Label is a type of an annotated object (e.g. person, car, face, etc.)

Attribute is a property of an annotated object (e.g. color, model, quality, etc.). There are two types of attributes:

  • Unique: immutable and can't be changed from frame to frame (e.g. age, gender, color, etc.)

  • Temporary: mutable and can be changed on any frame (e.g. quality, pose, truncated, etc.)

Track is a set of shapes on different frames which corresponds to one object. Tracks are created in Interpolation mode

Annotation is a set of shapes and tracks. There are several types of annotations:

  • Manual which is created by a person
  • Semi-automatic which is created mainly automatically, but the user provides some data (e.g. interpolation)
  • Automatic which is created automatically without a person in the loop

Workspace — Context menu

Press the Right mouse button to see the context menu.

Next options are available clicking inside bounding box:

  • Copy Object URL — copying to the buffer address of an object on the frame in the task
  • Change Color — change color of active shape
  • Remove Shape — deleting the shape
  • Switch Occluded — attribute is used if an object is occluded by another object or isn't fully visible on the frame. Use the Q shortcut to set the property quickly.
  • Switch Lock — block editing the active shape
  • Enable Dragging — (only for polygons) allows to adjust polygons position
  • Split — allows to split an interpolated track into two separate tracks. This function is the opposite of the merge function.

Clicking on the points of poly-shapes, Remove option is available.

Clicking outside any shapes, you can copy Frame URL (link to present frame) or Job URL (link from address bar)

Applying split into an interpolated track divides it into two separate tracks.


Press F2 to access settings menu.

There is Player Settings which adjusts Workspace and Other Settings.

In Player Settings you can:

  • Control step of C and V shortcuts

  • Control speed of Space/Play button

  • Show every image in full or zoomed out like previous (it is enabled by default for interpolation mode and disabled for annotation mode)

  • Enable Grid when you don't need small objects. Grid can have different opacity, color and cells' size — use F2 to configure settings.

  • Adjust Brightness/Contrast/Saturation of too exposing or too dark images using F2 — color settings (changes displaying and not the image itself).


  • Shift+B/Alt+B for brightness

  • Shift+C/Alt+C for contrast

  • Shift+S/Alt+S for saturation

  • F2 —> Reset Color Settings to default values

Other Settings contains:

  • Show All Interpolation Tracks checkbox — shows hidden object on the side panel for every interpolated object (turned off by default)
  • AAM Zoom Margin slider — defines margins for shape in attribute annotation mode
  • Enable AutoSaving checkbox — turned off by default
  • AutoSaving Interval (min) input box — 15 minutes by default
  • Rotate all images checkbox — switch the rotation of all frames / individual frame

Bottom Panel

Go to the first and latest frames.

Go to the next/previous frame with a predefined step. Shortcuts: V — step backward, C — step forward. By default the step is 10 (change at Open Menu —> Settings —> Player Step).

Go to the next/previous frame with step equals to 1. Shortcuts: D — previous, F — next.

Play the sequence of frames or the set of images. Shortcut: Space (change at Open Menu —> Settings —> Player Speed).

Go to specified frame. Press ~ to focus on the element.

Open Menu button

It is the main menu of the annotation tool. It can be used to download, upload and remove annotations.

Button assignment:

  • Open Task — open task in cvat dashboard
  • RunReID Merge — The ReID application uses deep learning model to perform an automatic merging of bounding boxes between neighbor frames. You can use "Merge" and "Split" functionality to edit automatically generated annotation read more.
  • Dump Annotation — download annotations from the task
  • Upload Annotation — uploading annotations to the task
  • Remove Annotation — remove annotations from current task
  • Settings — open the settings menu
  • Fullscreen Player — fullscreen player mode
  • Switch AAM — switch to attribute annotation mode
  • Help — open the shortkeys
  • Save Work — save annotations for the current job. The button has an indication of the saving process

It also shows statistics about the current task, for example:

  • task name
  • status of the task: annotation, validation or completed task
  • technical information about task
  • number of created bounding boxes, sorted by labels (e.g. vehicle, person) and type of annotation (polygons, boxes, etc.)

Filter input box

The way how to use filters is described in the advanced guide (below).

History / Undo-redo panel

Use Ctrl+Z for undo actions and Ctrl+Shift+Z or Ctrl+Y to redo them.

Propagation input box

Allows you to select how many frames of the selected object will be copied clicking Ctrl+B (50 by default)

Rotation of an image

Buttons are used to rotate the image clockwise / counterclockwise or use Ctrl+R/Ctrl+Shift+R

Fill Opacity slider

Change opacity of every bounding box in the annotation.

Opacity can be changed from 0% to 100% and by random colors or white. If any white option is chosen, Color By scheme won't work.

Selected Fill Opacity slider

Change the opacity of the selected object's fill.

Opacity can be changed from 0% to 100%.

Black Stroke checkbox

Change bounding box border from white/colored to black.

Color By options

Change the color scheme of annotation:

  • Instance — every bounding box has random color

  • Group — every group of boxes has its own random color, ungrouped boxes are white

  • Label — every label (e.g. vehicle, pedestrian, road marks) has its own random color

    You can change any random color pointing on needed box on a frame or on a side panel and press Enter.

Side panel


In the side panel you can see the list of available objects on the current frame. The following figure is an example of how a list might look like:

Annotation mode Interpolation mode


You can also see all labels that were used on this frame and highlight them clicking on a label you need

Objects on the side bar

A shape can be removed. Shortcut: Delete. You can delete a locked shape using the Shift+Delete shortcut.

A shape can be locked to prevent its modification or moving by an accident. Shortcut to lock an object: L.

A shape can be Occluded. Shortcut: Q. Such shapes have dashed boundaries.

You can copy and paste an object in a particular frame. The keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V work when you hover over an object

You can propagate an object in the following X frames. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + B works when you hover the mouse over an object. You can change the number of propagating frames in the bottom panel.

You can change the way an object is displayed on a frame. It could be hide, shows only box, shows box and title. H is for this object, T+H for all objects on this frame.

The type of a shape can be changed selecting Label property. For instance, it can look like on the figure below:

To change a type of a highlighted shape using keyboard, you need to press Shift+<number>.

Bottom side panel

  • Create Shape (N) — start/stop drawing new shape mode
  • Merge Shapes (M) — start/stop merging shapes mode
  • Group Shapes (G) — start/stop grouping shapes mode
  • Label Type — (e.g. face, person, vehicle)
  • Working Mode — Annotation or Interpolation modes. You can't interpolate polygons/polylines/points, but you can propagate them using Ctrl+B or merge into a track
  • Shape Type — (e.g. box, polygon, polyline, points)
  • Poly Shape Size — (optional) hard number of dots for creating polygon, polyline and points shapes

Fullscreen player mode

Go to Open Menu —> Fullscreen Player Exit with F11 or Ecs.

This is how it looks like.

Annotation mode (advanced)

Basic operations in the mode were described above.

Occluded attribute is used if an object is occluded by another object or isn't fully visible on the frame. Use Q shortcut to set the property quickly.

Example: both cars on the figure below should be labeled as occluded.

If a frame contains too many objects and it is difficult to annotate them due to many shapes that are placed mostly in the same place, it makes sense to lock them. Shapes for locked objects are transparent, and it is easy to annotate new objects. Besides, you can't change previously annotated objects by accident. Shortcut: L.

Interpolation mode (advanced)

Basic operations in the mode were described above.

Bounding boxes that were created in the mode, have extra navigation buttons.

  • These buttons help to jump to previous/next key frame.

  • The button helps to jump to initial frame for the object (first bounding box for the track).

Attribute annotation mode (advanced)

Basic operations in the mode was described above.

It is possible to handle lots of objects on the same frame in the mode.

It is more convenient to annotate objects of the same type. You can specify the appropriate filter in this case. For example, the following filter will hide all objects except pedestrians: pedestrian.

To navigate between objects (pedestrians in the case), use the following shortcuts:

  • Tab — go to the next object
  • Shift+Tab — go to the previous object.

By default, objects in the mode are zoomed. Check Open Menu —> Settings —> AAM Zoom Margin to adjust that.

Annotation with polygons

It is used for semantic / instance segmentation.

Be sure Z-Order flag in Create task dialog is enabled if you want to annotate polygons. Z-Order flag defines order of drawing. It is necessary to get right annotation mask without extra work (additional drawing of borders). Z-Order can be changed by +/- which set maximum/minimum z-order accordingly.

Before starting, you need to be sure that Polygon is selected.

Press N for entering drawing mode. There are two ways to draw a polygon — you either create points by clicking or by dragging mouse on the screen holding Shift.

Clicking points Holding Shift+Dragging

When Shift isn't pressed, you can zoom in/out (when scrolling the mouse wheel) and move (when clicking the mouse wheel and moving the mouse), you can delete the previous point clicking right mouse button. Press N again for completing the shape. You can move points or delete them by double-clicking. Double-click with pressed Shift will open a polygon editor. There you can create new points (clicking or dragging) or delete part of a polygon closing the red line on another point. Press Esc to cancel editing.

Also, you can set fixed number of points in the "poly shape size" field, then drawing will be stopped automatically. To enable dragging, you should right-click inside polygon and choose Enable Dragging.

Below you can see results with opacity and black stroke:

Also, if you need to annotate small objects, increase Image Quality to 95 in Create task dialog for annotator's convenience.

Annotation with polylines

It is used for road markup annotation etc.

Before starting, you have to be sure that Polyline is selected.

Press N for entering drawing mode. There are two ways to draw a polyline — you either create points clicking or dragging mouse on the screen, holding Shift.

When Shift isn't pressed, you can zoom in/out (when scrolling the mouse wheel) and move (when clicking the mouse wheel and moving the mouse), you can delete previous point clicking right mouse button. Press N again to complete the shape. You can delete points double-clicking them. Double-click with pressed Shift will open a polyline editor. There you can create new points (clicking or dragging) or delete part of a polygon closing the red line on another point. Press Esc to cancel editing. Also, you can set fixed number of points in the "poly shape size" field, then drawing will be stopped automatically. You can adjust the polyline after it has been drawn.

Annotation with points

It is used for face landmarks annotation etc.

Before starting, you have to be sure that Points is selected.

Press N for entering drawing mode. Now you can start annotating the necessary area. Press N again for finishing marking an area. You can delete points double-clicking them. Double-click with pressed Shift will open a points shape editor. There you can create new points into existing shape. Also, you can set fixed number of points in the "poly shape size" field, then drawing will be stopped automatically. Points are automatically grouped — all points will be considered linked between individual start and finish. You can zoom in/out (when scrolling the mouse wheel) and move (when clicking the mouse wheel and moving the mouse) while drawing. You can drag object after it has been drawn and fix a position of individual points after finishing the object. You can add/delete points after finishing.

Annotation with Auto Segmentation

Used to create a polygon semi-automatically. Before starting, you have to be sure that Auto Segmentation is selected.

Press N for entering drawing mode. Now you can start annotating the necessary area. Press N again for finishing marking an area. A shape must consist of 4 points minimum. You can set a fixed number of points in the field "poly shape size", then drawing will be stopped automatically. You can zoom in/out (when scrolling the mouse wheel) and move (when clicking the mouse wheel and moving the mouse) while drawing. At the end of Auto Segmentation, a shape is created and you can work with it as a polygon.

Shape grouping

This feature allows to group several shapes.

You may use Group Shapes button or shortcuts:

  • G — switch group mode
  • Alt+G — close group mode
  • Shift+G — reset group for selected shapes

You may select shapes clicking on them or selecting an area.

Grouped shapes will have group_id filed in dumped annotation.

Also you may switch color distribution from an instance (default) to a group. You have to switch Color By Group checkbox for that.

Shapes that don't have group_id, will be highlighted in white.


There are some reasons to use the feature:

  1. When you use a filter, objects that don't match the filter will be hidden.
  2. Fast navigation between frames that have an object of interest. Use Left Arrow / Right Arrow keys for the purpose. If the filter is empty, the arrows go to previous/next frames which contain any objects.
  3. The list contains frequently used and recent filters.

To use the functionality, it is enough to specify a value inside Filter text box and defocus the text box (for example, click on the image). After that, the filter will be applied.

In the trivial case, the correct filter must match the template: label[prop operator "value"]

label is a type of an object (e.g. person, car, face, etc.). If the type isn't important, you can use *.

prop is a property which should be filtered. The following items are available:

  • id — identifier of an object. It helps to find a specific object easily in case of huge number of objects and static/documentation/images/frames.
  • type — an annotation type. Possible values: annotation, interpolation
  • lock accepts true and false values. It can be used to hide all locked objects.
  • occluded accepts true and false values. It can be used to hide all occluded objects.
  • attr is a prefix to access attributes of an object. For example, it is possible to access race attribute. For the purpose you should specify
  • attr/race. To access all attributes, it is necessary to write attr/*.

operator can be = (equal), != (not equal), < (less), > (more), <= (less or equal), >= (more or equal).

"value" — value of an attribute or a property. It has to be specified in quotes.

Example Description
face all faces
*[id=4] object with id #4
*[type="annotation"] annotated objects only
car[occluded="true"] cars with occluded property
*[lock!="true"] all unlocked objects
car[attr/parked="true"] parked cars
*[attr/*="__undefined__"] any objects with __undefined__ value of an attribute
*[width<300 or height<300] shape less than 300 pixels wide and more than 200 pixels high

The functionality allows to create more complex conditions. Several filters can be combined by or, and, | operators. Operators or, and can be applied inside square brackets. | operator (union) can be applied outside of square brackets.

Example Description
person[attr/age>="25" and attr/age<="35"] people with age between 25 and 35.
face[attr/glass="sunglass" or attr/glass="no"] faces with sunglasses or without glasses at all.
person[attr/race="asian"] | car[attr/model="bmw" or attr/model="mazda"] asian persons or bmw or mazda cars.


If your CVAT instance is created with analytics support, you can press the "analytics" button in dashboard, a new tab with analytics and journals will be opened.

It allows you to see how much working time every user spend on each task and how much they did, over any time range.

It also has activity graph which can be modified with number of users shown and timeframe.


Many UI elements have shortcut hints. Put your pointer to a required element to see it.

Shortcut Common
F1 open help
F1 in dashboard open page with documentation
F2 open settings
L lock/unlock an active shape
L+T lock/unlock all shapes on the current frame
Q or Num/ set occluded property for an active shape
N start/stop draw mode
Esc close draw mode without create
Ctrl+<number> change type of an active shape
Shift+<number> change type of new shape by default
Alt + > switch next default shape type
Alt + < switch previous default shape type
Enter change color of active shape
H hide active shape
T+H hide all shapes
J hide labels with attributes on every frame
Delete delete an active shape
Shift+Delete delete an active shape even if it is locked
F go to next frame
D go to previous frame
V go forward with a predefined step
C go backward with a predefined step
~ focus to go to frame element
Ctrl + R clockwise image rotation
Ctrl + Shift + R counter clockwise image rotation
Ctrl+C copy an active shape
Ctrl+V insert a copied shape
Ctrl+Z undo previous action
Ctrl+Shift+Z/Ctrl+Y redo previous action
Shift+B/Alt+B increase/decrease brightness on an image
Shift+C/Alt+C increase/decrease contrast on an image
Shift+S/Alt+S increase/decrease saturation on an image
Alt + G + '+', Alt + G + '-' increase/decrease grid opacity
Alt + G + Enter change grid color
Ctrl+S save job
Ctrl+B propagate active shape
+/- change relative order of highlighted box (if Z-Order is enabled)
M enter/apply merge mode
Esc close merge mode without apply the merge
R go to the next key frame of an active shape
E go to the previous key frame of an active shape
O change attribute of an active shape to "Outside the frame"
K mark current frame as key frame on an active shape
Attribute annotation mode
Shift+Enter enter/leave Attribute Annotation mode
Up Arrow go to the next attribute (up)
Down Arrow go to the next attribute (down)
Tab go to the next annotated object
Shift+Tab go to the previous annotated object
<number> assign a corresponding value to the current attribute
G switch group mode
Esc close group mode
Shift+G reset group for selected shapes
Left Arrow go to the previous frame which corresponds to the specified filter value
Right Arrow go to the next frame which corresponds to the specified filter value


Hold Mouse Wheel to move frame (for example, while drawing)

Hold Ctrl when shape is active and fix it.

Hold Ctrl when paste shape from buffer for multiple pasting.