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executable file
203 lines (142 loc) · 6.49 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
203 lines (142 loc) · 6.49 KB


Added support for the debug line (added by henopied) Code changes:

  • on.debugLine(line_x, line_y) added, the server sometimes sends a line for the client to render from your ball to the point though don't expect to see it.


Example examples/multiple.js added demonstrating 5 clients connecting to a party server from one script


Protocol changes:

  • Initial key (pakect ID 255) changed key from 154669603 (0x9381223) to 2200049715 (0x83221833)


Protocol changes:

  • Premium skins/colors added
  • Previously reserved byte in packet ID 16 part 2 is now used for some variable of ball and indicator of premium skin/color

New variables/skins info will be added to agario-client later


Code changes:

  • example.js moved to ./examples/

Thanks to henopied who showed me how to add SOCKS/Proxy support now we have:

  • AgarioClient.agent added
  • AgarioClient.servers opt.agent added
  • AgarioClient.servers opt.resolve added
  • AgarioClient.servers opt.ip added
  • ./examples/socks.js added showing how to use SOCKS

Test it using node ./node_modules/agario-client/examples/socks.js


Code changes:

  • Client.spectateModeToggle() added (by jashman)


Client changes:

  • Facebook key is now stored in JSON.parse(localStorage.loginCache3).authToken


Code changes:

Protection from coding incidents added. Next functions now can be called before connection established:

  • client.spawn()
  • client.spectate()
  • client.moveTo()
  • client.split()
  • client.eject()

They will return false if packet was not sent and true on success.


Code changes:

  • AgarioClient.Ball added
  • Added stability to spawn(). By default client will try to spawn 25 times before disconnect
  • on.connected event is now emited without 2sec delay
  • First spawn() after connect is now much faster
  • Config variable client.spawn_attempts added
  • Config variable client.spawn_interval added
  • example.js updated with custom events/variables example


Code changes:

  • ball.mass added


Protocol changes:

  • Move packet id 16 coordinates changed from DoubleLE to Int32LE


Code changes: Deprecated on 04.06.2015 functions removed:

  • function removed
  • function Client.offAll removed
  • function Client.emitEvent removed


Code changes:

var AgarioClient = require('agario-client');

  • AgarioClient.servers.getFFAServer added
  • AgarioClient.servers.getTeamsServer added
  • AgarioClient.servers.getExperimentalServer added
  • AgarioClient.servers.getPartyServer added
  • AgarioClient.servers.createParty added
  • example.js is now using AgarioClient.servers.getFFAServer


Protocol changes:

  • Initial packet id 254 sends 05 instead 04 which forces server to use new protocol
  • Tick packet id 16 part 2 now uses SInt32LE for coordinates


Code changes:

  • Client.facebook_key added to login with facebook key
  • Client.on.experienceUpdate(level, current_exp, need_exp) experience information update (if logined)


Protocol changes:

  • Initial packet id 255 changed from 0xFF33189283 to 0xFF23123809
  • Server will disconnect you if you send old packet


Protocol changes:

  • Initial packet id 255 changed from 0xFF29282828 to 0xFF33189283
  • Server will disconnect you if you send old packet


Today is a bad day Protocol changes:

  • Now website sends server and server's key without which you will not be accepted by server
  • New packet id 80 that used for sending server's key to server

Code changes:

  • Client.connect(server) changed to Client.connect(server, key)
  • Initial packet id 255 changed to simulate original code
  • Initial packets 254 and 80 added
  • connected event is now calling with 2000ms delay otherwise server will ignore spawn packet


Code changes:

  • Client.spectate() added (by RouxRC)
  • Client.on.spectateFieldUpdate(cord_x, cord_y, zoom_level) added


Protocol changes:

  • New packet id 240 that moves offset (why, agar? what for?)

Code changes:


agario-client added to NPM


Code changes:


Code changes:

  • Ball.color is now working (fixed by GeoffreyFrogeye)
  • New events methods (improved by GeoffreyFrogeye)
  • Deprecated property Ball.is_virus completely removed
  • Deprecated property Ball.is_mine completely removed
  • .off() marked as deprecated and replaced with .removeListener()
  • .offAll() marked as deprecated and replaced with .removeAllListeners()
  • .emitEvent() marked as deprecated and replaced with .emit()
  • Client.server added


Protocol changes:

  • ball coordinates changed from 32bit float to 16bit signed integer
  • ball size changed from 32bit float to 16bit signed integer
  • packet ID 16 part 3 changed from list of visible balls to list of destroyed balls
  • two bits between 2 and 3 part of packet 16 is not sent anymore


Now example.js will automatically request server and connect to it.


Protocol changes:

  • ball coordinates changed from 64bit float to 32bit float
  • ball size changed from 64bit float to 32bit float
  • color is now generating on server and sent to client
  • new packet 72 that not used in original code
  • new packet 50 used for teams scores in teams mode

Code changes:

  • color is now stored in Ball.color
  • added empty processor for packet ID 72 (packet not used in original code)
  • added Client.teams_scores property for teams mode
  • added Client.on.teamsScoresUpdate(old_scores, new_scores) event for teams mode