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263 lines (185 loc) · 6.65 KB


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263 lines (185 loc) · 6.65 KB
.. automodule:: mw_plot.mw_plot_matplotlib

Single Plot

Classes API

.. autoclass:: mw_plot.MWPlot

.. autoclass:: mw_plot.MWSkyMap

MilkyWay Bird's Eye

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from mw_plot import MWPlot

# setup a mw-plot instance of bird's eye view of the disc
mw1 = MWPlot(
    radius=20 * u.kpc,
    figsize=(10, 8),

# set up plot title
mw1.title = "Bird's Eyes View"

mw1.scatter(8 * u.kpc, 0 * u.kpc, c="r", s=200)
.. plot::

    import pylab as plt
    import numpy as np
    from astropy import units as u
    from mw_plot import MWPlot

    # setup a mw-plot instance of bird's eye view of the disc
    mw1 = MWPlot(
        radius=20 * u.kpc,
        figsize=(10, 8),

    # set up plot title
    mw1.title = "Bird's Eyes View"

    mw1.scatter(8 * u.kpc, 0 * u.kpc, c="r", s=200)


import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from mw_plot import MWPlot

mw1 = MWPlot(radius=20 * u.kpc, unit=u.kpc, coord="galactocentric", annotation=True, figsize=(10, 8),)

# set up plot title
mw1.title = "Annotation"

mw1.scatter_annotate(["Earth", "Galactic \n Center"], [[8.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]] * u.kpc)
.. plot::

    import pylab as plt
    import numpy as np
    from astropy import units as u
    from mw_plot import MWPlot

    mw1 = MWPlot(radius=20 * u.kpc, unit=u.kpc, coord="galactocentric", annotation=True, figsize=(10, 8),)

    # set up plot title
    mw1.title = "Annotation"

    mw1.scatter_annotate(["Earth", "Galactic \n Center"], [[8.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]] * u.kpc)

MilkyWay Sky Map

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from mw_plot import MWSkyMap

# setup a MWSkyMap instance with projection, other projection can be 'hammer', 'mollweide' etc
# grayscale: whether to turn the background image to grayscale
mw1 = MWSkyMap(projection="aitoff", grayscale=False)

# set up plot title
mw1.title = "LMC and SMC in red dots"

# LMC and SMC coordinates
lsmc_ra = [78.77, 16.26] *
lsmc_dec = [-69.01, -72.42] *

mw1.scatter(lsmc_ra, lsmc_dec, c="r", s=200)
.. plot::

    import pylab as plt
    import numpy as np
    from astropy import units as u
    from mw_plot import MWSkyMap

    # setup a MWSkyMap instance with projection, other projection can be 'hammer', 'mollweide' etc
    # grayscale: whether to turn the background image to grayscale
    mw1 = MWSkyMap(projection="aitoff", grayscale=False)

    # set up plot title
    mw1.title = "LMC and SMC in red dots"

    # LMC and SMC coordinates
    lsmc_ra = [78.77, 16.26] *
    lsmc_dec = [-69.01, -72.42] *

    mw1.scatter(lsmc_ra, lsmc_dec, c="r", s=200)

You can also plot with grid

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from mw_plot import MWSkyMap

# setup a MWSkyMap instance with projection, other projection can be 'hammer', 'mollweide' etc
# grid: whether to show the Galactic grid
mw1 = MWSkyMap(projection="aitoff", grid=True)

# set up plot title
mw1.title = "LMC and SMC in red dots with Galactic Grid"

# LMC and SMC coordinates
lsmc_ra = [78.77, 16.26] *
lsmc_dec = [-69.01, -72.42] *

mw1.scatter(lsmc_ra, lsmc_dec, c="r", s=200)
.. plot::

    import pylab as plt
    import numpy as np
    from astropy import units as u
    from mw_plot import MWSkyMap

    # setup a MWSkyMap instance with projection, other projection can be 'hammer', 'mollweide' etc
    # grid: whether to show the Galactic grid
    mw1 = MWSkyMap(projection="aitoff", grid=True)

    # set up plot title
    mw1.title = "LMC and SMC in red dots with Galactic Grid"

    # LMC and SMC coordinates
    lsmc_ra = [78.77, 16.26] *
    lsmc_dec = [-69.01, -72.42] *

    mw1.scatter(lsmc_ra, lsmc_dec, c="r", s=200)

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from mw_plot import MWSkyMap

# setup a MWSkyMap instance with projection, other projection can be 'hammer', 'mollweide' etc
# radecgrid: whether to show the RA/DEC grid
mw1 = MWSkyMap(projection="aitoff", radecgrid=True)

# set up plot title
mw1.title = "LMC and SMC in red dots with RA/DEC Grid"

# LMC and SMC coordinates
lsmc_ra = [78.77, 16.26] *
lsmc_dec = [-69.01, -72.42] *

mw1.scatter(lsmc_ra, lsmc_dec, c="r", s=200)
.. plot::

    import pylab as plt
    import numpy as np
    from astropy import units as u
    from mw_plot import MWSkyMap

    # setup a MWSkyMap instance with projection, other projection can be 'hammer', 'mollweide' etc
    # radecgrid: whether to show the RA/DEC grid
    mw1 = MWSkyMap(projection="aitoff", radecgrid=True)

    # set up plot title
    mw1.title = "LMC and SMC in red dots with RA/DEC Grid"

    # LMC and SMC coordinates
    lsmc_ra = [78.77, 16.26] *
    lsmc_dec = [-69.01, -72.42] *

    mw1.scatter(lsmc_ra, lsmc_dec, c="r", s=200)

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from mw_plot import MWSkyMap

# setup a MWSkyMap instance with projection, other projection can be 'hammer', 'mollweide' etc
# radecgrid: whether to show the RA/DEC grid
mw1 = MWSkyMap(projection="aitoff", eclgrid=True)

# set up plot title
mw1.title = "LMC and SMC in red dots with Ecliptic Grid"

# LMC and SMC coordinates
lsmc_ra = [78.77, 16.26] *
lsmc_dec = [-69.01, -72.42] *

mw1.scatter(lsmc_ra, lsmc_dec, c="r", s=200)
.. plot::

    import pylab as plt
    import numpy as np
    from astropy import units as u
    from mw_plot import MWSkyMap

    # setup a MWSkyMap instance with projection, other projection can be 'hammer', 'mollweide' etc
    # radecgrid: whether to show the RA/DEC grid
    mw1 = MWSkyMap(projection="aitoff", eclgrid=True)

    # set up plot title
    mw1.title = "LMC and SMC in red dots with Ecliptic Grid"

    # LMC and SMC coordinates
    lsmc_ra = [78.77, 16.26] *
    lsmc_dec = [-69.01, -72.42] *

    mw1.scatter(lsmc_ra, lsmc_dec, c="r", s=200)