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MAGDiff: Data Set Shift Detection on Deep Learning Models.

Readme on how to run the experiments.

You may find the python requirements in the file requirements.txt.

Please follow these instructions to run the experiments:

The pre-trained model-weights MNIST, FMNIST, CIFAR10 and SVHN are provided in the directory models. The pre-trained model weights for Imagenette are directly loaded from the torchvision package. In order to run experiments for the Imagenette dataset you will first need to download the dataset from and save if in the directory /data/imagenette.

Proceed with the following steps:

  1. Run the python script with an input parameter combination from the following parameter grid:
	-wgt : [dense3, dense2_1, dense2, fc]
	-sd  : [1.0, 0.5, 0.25]
	-sfn : [gaussian_noise, gaussian_blur, image_shift]
	-sfi : [I, II, III, IV, V, VI]
  • The -wgt parameter controls which layer of the model is considered. For SVHN and CIFAR10, only fc can be used. For MNIST and FMNIST: dense3 corresponds to l_-1, dense2_1 to l_-2 and dense2 to l_-3 in the notation of the paper.
  • The -sd parameter controls the delta.
  • The -sfn parameter corresponds to the shift function name.
  • The -sfi parameter controls the shift intensity. (If you want to generate plots later on you must run each parameter combination for all shift intensities.)

Please first run this script for all parameters that you are interested in, for example: python -idn MNIST -wgt dense3 -sd 1.0 -sfn gaussian_noise -sfi VI

This will save the resulting MAGDiff features in the directory /results/MAGDiff_features.

  1. Next, run the script with parameters from the following parameter grid (only the ones for which you've already completed the previous step):
   -idn : [MNIST, FMNIST, CIFAR10, SVHN]
   -wgt : [dense3, dense2_1, dense2, fc]
   -sd  : [1.0, 0.5, 0.25]
   -sfn : [gaussian_noise, gaussian_blur, image_shift, ko-shift]

This will execute the statistical tests and save the results in the directory /results/tables.

  1. Once this is done, run the script This will collect all previously generated results in single files which will be saved in /results/tables/collected_results/.

  2. Finally, run the script This will create the plots, as in the paper, of all the previously generated results. the plots will be saved in the directory results/figures.

Note: In the tables, the PV-BL entries corresponds to the results for the baseline, called CV in the paper, and MN corresponds to the MAGDiff matrix norm.


Code to run experiments related to MAGDiff






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