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Cordova plugin that provides TV Specific functionalities.

About this project

This plugin defines a global toast object, which provides an API for TV specific functionalities that is based on Cordova project.

Although the object provides the global scoped toast object, it is not available until after the deviceready event which is provided by Cordova.

document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {

Project Structure

     |-cordova-test-runner/ ... TestRunner/TestSuite Cordova application
     |-docs/ .................. Documents which is including API Specification.
     |-src/ ................... Platform dependent modules for the plugin TOAST
     |  |-browser/ ............ Plugin implementation for the platform `browser`
     |  |-sectv-orsay/ ........ Plugin implementation for the platform `sectv-orsay`
     |  '-sectv-tizen/ ........ Plugin implementation for the platform `sectv-tizen`
     |-tasks/ ................. custom grunt tasks to build the toast.js
     |-www/ ................... Platform independent modules for the plugin TOAST
     |-Gruntfile.js ........... Gruntfile to build the toast.js
     '-plugin.xml ............. Cordova Plugin configuration for TOAST

Associated Projects

  • cordova-sectv-orsay is an application library that allows for Cordova-based projects to be built for the Legacy Samsung Smart TV (A.K.A Orsay) Platform.
  • cordova-sectv-tizen is an application library that allows for Cordova-based projects to be built for the 2015's Samsung Tizen TV Platform.
  • grunt-cordova-sectv is a Grunt task to build and create package from a cordova project for sectv-orsay and sectv-tizen platforms.

How to Build

  • platform browser

    For the browser platform, you don't need to build TOAST and just add this plugin by using cordova plugin add command. Please see How to use section for details.

  • platform sectv-orsay and sectv-tizen

    Make sure you have all of the node dependencies installed by running the following command from the repository root

    $ npm install

    All of the build tasks can be run via the grunt node module. Install it globally first by running:

    $ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

    Then from the repository root run:

    $ grunt compile

    It will creates the toast.js for each platforms in the platform_www/<platform> directories of the repository root.

How to use

Platform "browser"

You can develop your cordova TV application by using chrome browser with simulated Toast API.

$ cordova platform add browser
$ cordova plugin add {{Local or git path to this project}}
$ cordova build browser
$ cordova emulate browser

Platform "sectv-tizen": Samsung Tizen TV

For the 2015's TV:

  1. Copy the platform_www/sectv-tizen/toast.js to your cordova www directory root.

  2. Include the toast.js right after the including cordova.js in your application's index.html.

    <script src="cordova.js"></script>  <!-- existing -->
    <script src="toast.js"></script>
  3. Package your www directory using Samsung Tizen TV SDK

Platform "sectv-orsay": Legacy Samsung Smart TV (A.K.A Orsay)

For the 2014's TV:

  1. Copy the platform_www/sectv-orsay/toast.js to your cordova www directory root.

  2. Include the toast.js right after the including cordova.js in your application's index.html.

    <script src="cordova.js"></script>  <!-- existing -->
    <script src="toast.js"></script>
  3. Zip your www directory to create package.

How to Test with TestRunner

  • You can test on each platforms with Test Runner cordova application which is located at 'cordova-test-runner' directory of this project.

  • Please refer to below for running the tests: (Assuming that the grunt-cordova-sectv project is cloned at the same level with this project)

    $ cordova create TestRunner --src=cordova-plugin-toast/cordova-test-runner
    $ cd TestRunner
    $ npm install grunt-cordova-sectv
    $ cp -rf ../grunt-cordova-sectv/sample/* ./
    $ npm install
    $ cordova platform add browser
    $ cordova plugin add ../cordova-plugin-toast
    # Test on browser platform
    $ cordova build browser
    $ cordova emulate browser
    # Test on sectv-orsay platform
    $ grunt sectv-build:sectv-orsay sectv-package:sectv-orsay
    # Run the application on target by using SDK
    # Test on sectv-tizen platform
    $ grunt sectv-build:sectv-tizen sectv-package:sectv-tizen
    # Run the application on target by using SDK

Known Issues

Not yet