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File metadata and controls

289 lines (202 loc) · 10.3 KB

Serving static files


Visit armeria-examples to find a fully working example.

Use HttpFileService to serve static files under a certain directory. HttpFileService supports GET and HEAD HTTP methods and will auto-fill Date, Last-Modified, ETag and auto-detected Content-Type headers for you. It is also capable of sending a 304 Not Modified response based on If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since header values.

import com.linecorp.armeria.server.ServerBuilder;
import com.linecorp.armeria.server.file.HttpFileService;

ServerBuilder sb = new ServerBuilder();

// You can also serve the resources in the class path.

Auto-generating directory listings

You can configure HttpFileService to generate the directory listing of the directories without an index.html file using the autoIndex(boolean) method in HttpFileServiceBuilder.

import com.linecorp.armeria.server.file.HttpFileServiceBuilder;

HttpFileServiceBuilder fsb =

// Enable auto-index.

HttpFileService fs =;


Be careful when you enable this feature in production environment; consider its security implications.

Specifying additional response headers

You can specify additional response headers such as cache-control and other custom headers.

import com.linecorp.armeria.common.ServerCacheControl;
import com.linecorp.armeria.common.ServerCacheControlBuilder;

HttpFileServiceBuilder fsb =

// Specify cache control directives.
ServerCacheControl cc = new ServerCacheControlBuilder()
fsb.cacheControl(cc /* "max-age=86400, public" */);

// Specify a custom header.
fsb.setHeader("foo", "bar");

HttpFileService fs =;

Adjusting static file cache

By default, HttpFileService caches up to 1024 files whose length is less than or equal to 65,536 bytes. You can customize this behavior using HttpFileServiceBuilder.

HttpFileServiceBuilder fsb =

// Cache up to 4096 files.
// Cache files whose length is less than or equal to 1 MiB.

HttpFileService fs =;

The cache can also be disabled by specifying off for entryCacheSpec(). Or, you can override the default value of maximumSize=1024 using the JVM system property -Dcom.linecorp.armeria.httpFileServiceCache=<spec>.

Serving pre-compressed files

HttpFileService can be configured to serve a pre-compressed file based on the value of the Accept-Encoding header. For example, if a client sent the following HTTP request:

GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept-Encoding: gzip, identity

HttpFileService could look for /index.html.gz first and send the following response with the Content-Encoding: gzip header if it exists:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: text/html

<compressed content>

If /index.html.gz does not exist but /index.html does, it would fall back on serving the uncompressed content:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html

<uncompressed content>

This behavior is enabled by calling serveCompressedFiles(true) for HttpFileServiceBuilder. .gz (gzip) and .br (Brotli) files are supported currently.

HttpFileServiceBuilder fsb =

// Enable serving pre-compressed files.

HttpFileService fs =;

Serving an individual file

You can also serve an individual file using HttpFile. Like HttpFileService does, HttpFile supports GET and HEAD HTTP methods and will auto-fill Date, Last-Modified, ETag and auto-detected Content-Type headers for you. It is also capable of sending a 304 Not Modified response based on If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since header values.

import com.linecorp.armeria.server.file.HttpFile;

HttpFile favicon = HttpFile.of(new File("/var/lib/www/favicon.ico"));

ServerBuilder sb = new ServerBuilder();
// Serve the favicon.ico file by converting an HttpFile into a service.
sb.service("/favicon.ico", favicon.asService());

For instance, it is possible to serve the same file (e.g. index.html) for all requests under a certain path, which is useful when serving a frontend application with client-side routing.

HttpFile index = HttpFile.of(new File("/var/lib/www/index.html"));

ServerBuilder sb = new ServerBuilder();
// Register the file service for assets.
// Register the fallback file service.
sb.serviceUnder("/", index.asService());

You can also achieve the same behavior using server-annotated-service:

// Register the fallback file service.
sb.annotatedService(new Object() {
    final HttpFile index = HttpFile.of(new File("/var/lib/www/index.html"));
    public HttpResponse getIndex(ServiceRequestContext ctx, HttpRequest req) {
        return index.asService().serve(ctx, req);

Configuring HttpFile

An HttpFile can be configured to send different headers than the auto-filled ones using HttpFileBuilder. For example, you can:

  • Disable auto-generation of Date, Last-Modified, Content-Type and ETag header.
  • Customize how ETag is calculated from metadata.
  • Add or set additional custom HTTP headers.
import com.linecorp.armeria.server.file.HttpFileBuilder;

HttpFileBuilder fb = HttpFileBuilder.of(new File("/var/lib/www/index.html"));
// Disable the 'Date' header.;
// Disable the 'Last-Modified' header.
// Disable the 'ETag' header.
// Disable the 'Content-Type' header.
// Set the 'Content-Type' header manually.
fb.contentType("text/html; charset=EUC-KR");
// Set the 'Cache-Control' header.
fb.cacheControl(ServerCacheControl.REVALIDATED /* "no-cache" */);
// Set a custom header.
fb.setHeader("x-powered-by", "Armeria");
HttpFile f =;

Caching HttpFile

Unlike HttpFileService, HttpFile does not cache the file content. Use HttpFile.ofCached() to enable content caching for an existing HttpFile:

HttpFile uncachedFile = HttpFile.of(new File("/var/lib/www/index.html"));
HttpFile cachedFile = HttpFile.ofCached(uncachedFile, 65536);

Note that you need to specify the maximum allowed length of the cached content. In the above example, the file will not be cached if the length of the file exceeds 65,536 bytes.

Aggregating HttpFile

An HttpFile usually does not store its content in memory but reads its content on demand, allowing you to stream a potentially very large file. If you want to ensure the content of the file is kept in memory so that file I/O does not occur on each retrieval, you can use the aggregate() method:

// You need to prepare an Executor which will be used for reading the file,
// because file I/O is often a blocking operation.
Executor ioExecutor = ...;

HttpFile file = HttpFile.of(new File("/var/lib/www/img/logo.png");
CompletableFuture<AggregatedHttpFile> future = file.aggregate(ioExecutor);
AggregatedHttpFile aggregated = future.join();

// Note that AggregatedHttpFile is a subtype of HttpFile.
assert aggregated instanceof HttpFile;

// The content of the file can now be retrieved from memory.
HttpData content = aggregated.content();

Note that an aggregated HttpFile is not linked in any way from the HttpFile it was aggregated from, which means the content and attributes of the aggregated HttpFile does not change when the original HttpFile changes. Use HttpFile.ofCached() instead if such behavior is necessary.

Building AggregatedHttpFile from HttpData

The content you need to serve is not always from an external resource but sometimes from memory, such as byte[] or String. Use HttpFile.of(HttpData) or HttpFileBuilder.of(HttpData) to build an AggregatedHttpFile from an in-memory resource:

// Build from a byte array.
AggregatedHttpFile f1 = HttpFile.of(HttpData.of(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }));

// Build from a String.
AggregatedHttpFile f2 = HttpFile.of(HttpData.ofUtf8("Hello, world!"));

// Build using a builder with downcast.
// Note: returns an AggregatedHttpFile
//       if HttpFileBuilder was created from an HttpData.
AggregatedHttpFile f3 =
    (AggregatedHttpFile) HttpFileBuilder.of(HttpData.ofAscii("Armeria"))