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🥦, a web content crawling and sorting platform

Problem Statement

  • I want to
    • Crawl content, such as images and texts, from "feeds" on the Internet, such as RSS, Twitter, some random webpage
    • Archive those content into a centralized repository
    • Process the content and attach extra attributes, such as extracting hash, width, height of an image, or translating a piece of text
    • Manage the content repository using a dashboard, such as viewing images and duplicates, or viewing texts and changing their translation
    • Expose the content repository to the world with certain attributes, such as "moderation is true"
  • While I do not want to
    • Re-implement crawling resiliency and failure observability for different use cases
    • Specify different programming language object models for content in different use cases
    • Re-implement common elements in a management dashboard for different use cases


This is a monolith web application that generalizes the crawling, processing, sorting and publishing of Internet content, while offer pluggability so that you customize it to fulfill individual use cases



Getting Started


  • Python 3.7
  • pipenv
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
    • Have an unauthenticated MongoDB running at localhost:27017
      • macOS
      brew install mongodb
      brew services start mongodb
    • To verify, run the mongo in your terminal and you should be dropped to a MongoDB interactive shell
  • Come up with a name for the instance. From now on we assume that name is my_first_broccoli

Configure MongoDB

./scripts/ my_first_broccoli

This script will create a database named my_first_broccoli with a user named my_first_broccoli with the password my_first_broccoli who has readWrites role to the database

Run the service

Required environment

ADMIN_USERNAME  # admin username used to authenticate API calls
ADMIN_PASSWORD  # admin password used to authenticate API calls
JWT_SECRET_KEY  # JWT secret key
MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING  # MongoDB connection string
MONGODB_DB  # MongoDB database name
DEFAULT_API_HANDLER_MODULE  # module of the default API handler
DEFAULT_API_HANDLER_CLASSNAME  # class name of the default API handler

If you are running locally, you can copy .env.sample as .env and then edit .env in server

Optional environment for workers

You should also set additional environment variables for workers if the workers require

If you are running locally, you can copy .workers.env.sample as .workers.env and then edit .workers.env in server

Install dependencies

cd server
pipenv install

Install service plugin

  • Configure your shell environment to include BPI_DEP_LINK This is an environment variable that is needed in to find a local version of broccoli-plugin-interface, a Python package needed to develop broccoli plugins In your .zshrc or .bashrc, add this line export BPB_DEP_LINK=git+file:///ABS_PATH_TO_BPB#egg=broccoli_plugin_interface-0.1 Replace ABS_PATH_TO_BPB with the absolute path to the broccoli-plugin-interface directory in the broccoli-platform codebase For example, on my development environment with zsh, the line looks like this in .zshrc
export BPI_DEP_LINK=git+file:///Users/username/Projects/broccoli-platform/broccoli-plugin-interface#egg=broccoli_plugin_interface-0.1
  • Install the plugin Assume the PyPI module name or Python module URL is $PLUGIN
cd server
pipenv run pip install pip==18.1
pipenv run pip install -e $PLUGIN --process-dependency-links

$PLUGIN might look something like /Users/username/Projects/some-project/some-plugin

  • Uninstall the plugin
pipenv run pip freeze | grep -e
# figure about the Python module name of the plugin
pipenv run pip uninstall $THE_MODULE_NAME


FLASK_ENV=development pipenv run python

Run unit tests

pipenv run python -m unittest discover tests -v

Run the web frontend

Optional environment

If you are running locally, you can create and edit .env.development.local in web

Install dependencies

cd web
npm install


npm start

Reset MongoDB

./scripts/ my_first_broccoli


A web content crawling and sorting platform






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