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TM Executive Dashboard weaver for Loom. This front-end is packaged for deployment by loom-tm. For more information on Loom look at its github repo.


If you intend to build other Javascript projects on the same machine, e.g. loom, you will need access to other versions of node. Installing and using nvm (Node Version Manager) will make life a lot easier.

  1. Ensure you have at least Node v6.8.1 & NPM v3 installed
  2. Clone the repo, then: npm install

Run in using Webpack Dev Server

Run with Development settings: npm start.

Run with Production settings: npm run start:prod.

N.B If you need to provide a custom backend Authority you can use the LOOM_SERVER variable passed to webpack. See npm start:dev in package.json:

webpack-dev-server --host --define LOOM_SERVER='' --progress --colors --display-chunks --display-error-details --hot --config webpack.config.js

Building using npm

npm run build, then check the contents of the ./dist directory in the project.

Building using maven

Maven is used to package and release artifacts for inclusion in other products.

Install Java 1.8 - note: OpenJDK has been tested but not used in production

Install maven v3.3.9

To build:

$ mvn clean install

Note that to ensure that the latest SNAPSHOT dependencies are being used the -U option should be used:

$ mvn -U clean install


Loading screen

This should follow the loading screen designs and feature a dedicated path/page that is aware of the Get Thread requests/responses and is able to determine if the dashboard is ready to be displayed. The designs shows 5 or 6 stages of loading (each with a separate message), it is anticipated that this process will be linear and be displayed over a time frame of ~20s to allow time for the Loom API to collate the required data from it's own backends (DMA, Monitoring Service, Librarian, etc). This task may well involve a reasonable amount of change in the structure of components/containers/controllers so that the API responses can be passed to the loading page & the dashboard pages.

Warn the user if the instance should be prepared for boot

Cross browser issues


  • Header: fullscreen icon
  • Usage charts (too small)
  • Declarative Mgmt icons
  • Declarative Mgmt legend
  • SVG Loader animation (Animated GIF?)


  • Modernizr svg/smil detection not working. Loader doesn't spin.
  • Universal Memory: Enclosure labels incorrectly positioned.
  • Universal Memory: Node label incorrectly positioned
  • Declarative Mgmt: Deviation chart label (left most) incorrectly positioned


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