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Some thought about algorithm

Algorithm is important, and implementation is also very important(e.g. Partition List).

To solve a problem, I usually think it in a normal way first, then I try to optimize it, I get the expected algorithm finally, e.g. Longest Palindromic Substring; Median Of Two Sorted Arrays; Container With Most Water; Trapping Rain Water; Largest Rectangle In Histogram.

How to analyze problemom

Understand the problem

How to estimate the least complexity of algorithm for the problem

I have not figured not it yet. But you could see the article why is quicksort so quick first.

Basic methods

  • Split the problem to smaller problem

    Split it to smaller problem. But how to split is also a problem.

    e.g. Palindrome Palindrome II.

  • Recursion

    After split problem, we usually use recursion if the child problem is similar to the parent problem.

  • Backtracking

    e.g. Word Search.

  • Dynamic programming

    Its implementation is usually 'recursion' + 'record'.

    f2 = f0 + f1 is a specific case of dynamic programming!

    e.g. Climbing Stairs; Decode Ways.

  • Brute force

    It is a good method sometimes.

    e.g. Sudoku Solver.

How to make programe faster?


It is used in many programs. Briefly, we need cut down alternative answer those must not be the answer. It usually appears in the code in the form of conditional statements.

e.g. Scramble String.


Record values that need computed many times. It could change the complexity of the algorithm. If not using record, it will exceed time limit.

e.g. Palindrome Palindrome II; Distinct Subsequences; Edit Distance; Pow.

But we should implement it effecively. e.g. Interleaving String.


Hash is very very helpful. It could save much time.

e.g. Two Sum; Longest Consecutive Sequence.


maximum heap and minimum heap.

e.g. Merge K Sorted Lists.

Reduce compare times

e.g. Longest Common Prefix.

Process data first

e.g. Best Time To Buy And Sell Stock II.

How to write correct program

Please refer to the book <<Programming Pearls>> Part I Column 4(Writing Correct Programs). Then you could understand how to set/compare low and high in quick sort and binary search algorithm.


Fast and slow pointer

Currently, it has been used in rotating list and checking whether a chain list is a loop, e.g. Rotate List; Remove Nth Node From End Of List; Convert Sorted List To Binary Search Tree.

Dummy node

It is useful when you might delete the head of a node list, e.g. Reverse Linked List II; Remove Duplicates From Sorted List II; Populating Next Right Pointers In Each Node II.

Specific problems

Some problems could be tried again. e.g. Wildcard Matching; Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters; Populating Next Right Pointers In Each Node.

Palindrome Partitioning II

Write programe more effectively. It matters.


for(size_t i = 0; i < need_cut.size(); i ++){
    if(isPalindrome(s, need_cut[i], len - 1)){
        return n; 
    size_t start = need_cut[i];
    for(size_t j = start; j < len - 1; j ++){
        if(record[j + 1] != 0 && isPalindrome(s, start, j)){
            tmp.push_back(j + 1);
            record[j + 1] = 0;


for(size_t i = 0; i < need_cut.size(); i ++){
    if(isPalindrome(s, need_cut[i], len - 1)){
        return n; 

for(size_t i = 0; i < need_cut.size(); i ++){
    size_t start = need_cut[i];
    for(size_t j = start; j < len - 1; j ++){
        if(record[j + 1] != 0 && isPalindrome(s, start, j)){
            tmp.push_back(j + 1);
            record[j + 1] = 0;

Longest Consecutive Sequence

I usually use bit map to solve the problem. And I have already recognized the solution will be very inefficient when the range of the element in the array is very large, e.g. {-200000, 200000}. Today I think I could use map to solve it suddenly. Finally I solve the problem. What a big surprise!

Interleaving String

Implement record effectively. According to index1 and index2, we could get index3 because the equation (s1.size() - index1 + s2.size() - index2) == (s3.size() - index3) must be true. So we could use recored[index1][index2] instead of record[index1][index2][index3] to record.

Merge Sorted Array

Classify every situation, e.g. m == 0, n == 0.

Partition List

It is very senstive to the effective implementation of every operation, not just complexity of algorithm.

Using dummy node could simplify the implementation.

Remove Duplicates From Sorted List II

Use a dummy node and set its member 'next' point to head. It is one of questions in my interview one year ago.

Search In Rotated Sorted Array II

I have not figured out why linear search does not exceed the time limit!

Median Of Two Sorted Arrays

It is a very good practice to deduce the program step by step.

Climbing Stairs

I have never thinked that the equation f(n) = f(n - 1) + f(n - 2) could be used in my program.


Please note the following error code.

vector<int> v;
for(size_t i = v.size() - 1; i >= 0; i --){  // i whose type is 'size_t' will always be non-negative.


Write program very effectively and carefully. You could use git diff to see the difference.

Permutation Sequence

It is a useful trick using remain_num in code.

Next Permutation

Please understand what is the expected permutation first.

Implement StrStr

KMP is always a little hard to write right at one time. Glibc has another implementation in the file string/strstr.c.

Minimum Window Substring

Use deque and map. It is a little hard. If the question becomes "Given a string S and a string T, find the minimum window in S which will contain all the characters(that same characters are contained once is OK) in T in complexity O(n).", it will be more easy, using map is just OK.

Pow(x, n)

Use record. Please notice corner cases: n < 0; n = -2147483648(the smallest negative int).

Longest Palindromic Substring

To solve this problem, I think it in a normal way first, then I try to optimize it, I get the expected algorithm finally. Perfect idea!

There is another linear algorithm for it at part I and part II.

Add Two Numbers

Notice corner cases. The code remain = l1 != NULL? l1 : l2; while(remain){...} is bettern than the code while(l1){...}; while(l2){...} I wrote before.

Divide Two Integers

Corner cases: dividend and divisor might be negative; dividend and divisor might be -2147483648, then dividend = -dividend and divisor = -divisor will overflow.

Generate Parentheses

A little complex use of recurtion and record. Please see the notes of code for details.

First Missing Positive

  1. bit sets? Not constant memory. 2. Seach the array again and again? Need O(n^2) time. If you could think out that the input array aslo could be used, you will get the answer!

The problem is very special. We could put all the numbers in [0, n - 1] in right places where A[i] == i + 1. Then we visit the array from the beginning again, if A[i] != i + 1, A[i] is what we want, otherwise n + 1 is what we want.

Combination Sum

First sort and unique candicates.

Combination Sum II

Deal with duplicates smartly and carefully.

Valid Sudoku

Understand the question first. Valid means filled part is valid, we need not care the empty part.

Sudoku Solver

Brute force.

Search Insert Position

For Binary Search, the most important thing to remember: the end of while(low <= high) will always be low == high + 1, before the end is low == high, then you should choose to set low or high according to A[mid] ? target. According to the queston, you could set the middle ? easily.

Substring With Concatenation Of All Words

Think it in a normal way, then optimize it in a hard way. Divide S to element_size parts, and search S part by part not one character by one. See notes in code for details.

An important optimization is do not do the same thing more than one time.

e.g. for this problem, if you search S one character by one(suppose S is 'foobartarfoobarfoo', L is {"foo", "bar", "foo"}), then you will searh from the first character f, after "foobar" you find "tar" is not in L, so this search fails. You continue to search from the character 'o' after 'f' ... Then you finally search from the third character 'b', after "bar" you find "tar" is not in L again! In this two situations, you check "bar" twice and "tar" also twice. How to avoid this? Think it hard, you will get the answer.

Surrounded Regions

The key idea is: If the 'O' in board could not touch the boarder by surrounded 'O', it must be surrounded by 'X', otherwise it must not be.

An important thing is we should write non-recursion code if it is convinient, or it might cause stack overflow(I guess). When I tested the code using recursion version on online test system, it saied "Runtime Error". It is usually because stack overflow or memory bounds.

Populating Next Right Pointers In Each Node II

Do breadth frist visit. Because we could not use extra memory, we use the pointer 'next' in TreeLinkNode to simulate a vector.

Flatten Binary Tree To Linked List

Preorder visit.

Convert Sorted List To Binary Search Tree

Recursion. Get mid of list node using slow and fast pointer.

Recover Binary Search Tree

The easy way to solve it is that do a in-order traversal and store the nodes into a vector, then find which two nodes are in the wrong place. Think how it works clearly(it is really very important), then think how could we implement it without vector. And I get the answer.

Subsets II

The key point is dealing with duplicates. Please see code.

Decode Ways

f2 = f1 + f0 again!

Actually it is a specific case of dynamic programming!

Gray Code

G(i) = (B(i) / 2) ^ B(i).

Scramble String

The solution uses recursion. It seems Brute Force to me. But pruning(contain_same_charactoers in the code) is used as an optimization. Pruning is really very useful.

Maximal Rectangle

It is a very good expand for the problem 'Largest Rectangle In Histogram'.

Sort Colors

Write good program.

Simplify Path

So many corner cases!


Perfect formula from

Valid Number

[+-]?[0-9]+?.?[0-9]+?(e+?[0-9]+)?, but there is must a digit in it.

Jump Game

Good optimization.

Jump Game II

We use 'record[i]' to record the smallest index that could reach last index in i steps. We need to maintain a property for 'record': record[0] > record[1] > ... > record[max_steps]

e.g. if record[0 ... 3] = {8, 7, 6, 5} and max_steps = 4, then we find A[4] = 8, then we set A[0] = 4, and max_steps = 0 becuase we are searching backward, if it could reach A[5] or A[6], it must could reach A[4], there will be short steps if we choose reaching last index through A[4], so the steps after A[4] is not useful.

Then we could use binary search to search record. For every A[i], we just need to search A[i] + i in the record, the index in record + 1 is the steps for A[i].

How do I get the above solution? It is just "Think it in a normal way, then try to optimise it".

N-Queens II

See optimization in the comments.

Roman To Integer

For the definition of roman numeral, see for details.


I do not know how I figure it out, I just try and try. Hash is perfect!

Trapping Rain Water

There is a more concise version, the article is I Failed a Twitter Interview.