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SQLite Hexade

Under design

Considerations here are about how abstract to make the code. Here the insert struct inherits from the bus project. This has been reverted to previous code while the best design is being tested and evaluated.

SQLite Repository The Hexades architecture uses a local bus with events which contain (a) a channel to send data back to the caller (errors and data) and (b) a higher order function to execute. The function is executed receving the repository and the data. This function is customizable to a client's specific requirements and would be the equivalent, perhaps, of an adapter in pure imperative hexagonal architecture which doesn't use messaging.

type Insert struct {
    value      any
    insertFunc InsertFunction

This is the extent of the repository logic! It receives the event on a channel, verifies it is an SQLite event, and then simply calls execute on the event passing itself in. The Execute method in turn calls the InsertFunc and executes the logic.

func (r *repository) OnRepositoryEvent(repositoryChannel <-chan bus.RepositoryEvent) {

    for repoEvent := range repositoryChannel {
        switch evt := repoEvent.(type) {
        case SQLiteEvent:

The basic insert function is where things can get interesting in the future. The event, the repository and all the plumbing stay the same but if I want some different handling of the insert, I simply inject a different function. An update is even a better example, perhaps, as I may need to look up some values first before updating. In any case, this is the highly customizable part. Just inject a different function into the event and you change the behavior.

var BasicInsertFunc = func(event *Insert, repo *repository) {
    value := event.value
    tx := repo.db.Create(value)
    event.Send(bus.NewResponse(value, tx.Error))

The final step in the function is to call Send on the event. That actually puts the response on a channel in the event and the receiver can listen for it and block while all the other processing happens concurrently or in parallel.