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Combine Azure AD and Azure AD B2C in AspNetCore 2.x.

Build status license NuGet

Hexiron.AspNetCore.Authentication.AzureAdMixed contains extensions on the current Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication library that enables you to use both AzureAD and Azure AD B2C in the same host.
With this extension you can accept JWT tokens issued by either an Azure AD or Azure B2C tenant.

You can also define your own authorize attributes with the name of the scopes in Azure B2C and/or Application permissions in Azure AD. This enables you to do fine grained authorization on API method level!


  • Accept an Azure AD JWT token and validate if it contains a correct scope claim (= the policy you added in the authorization attribute of the action method).
services.AddAzureAdJwtBearerAuthentication(azureAdSettings, typeof(Startup).Assembly);
  • Accept an Azure AD B2C JWT token and validate if it contains a correct scope claim (= the policy you added in the authorization attribute of the action method)
services.AddAzureB2CJwtBearerAuthentication(azureAdB2CSettings, typeof(Startup).Assembly);
  • Accept both Azure AD and Azure AD B2C JWT tokens and validate if it contains a correct scope claim (= the policy you added in the authorization attribute of the action method)
services.AddAzureAdAndB2CJwtBearerAuthentication(azureAdSettings, azureAdB2CSettings, typeof(Startup).Assembly);
  • Enable an application to use Azure AD B2C Cookie login authentication and activate authorization grant flow to get an access token for an Azure AD B2C API. (See example: "Hexiron.AspNetCore.Authentication.HostSample")
services.AddAzureB2CCookieAuthentication(azureAdB2CSettings, "/account/reset", true);

This library can also load the Azure AD groups where the user is a member of. It will add these groups as role claims to the user identity object, so you can use "HttpContext.User.IsInRole(...)"

services.AddAzureB2CCookieAuthentication(azureAdB2CSettings, "/account/reset", true, true);

However, if you want to use this feature, don't forget to register the IGraphApiConnector as this is used behind the scenes to get the groups from Azure.

  • Scan the assembly controllers for Authorization attributes and get back a list of custom defined policies
assembly.FindAuthorizationPolicies(policyIdentifier: "mypolicyPrefix_")

How to use

See the Wiki for HowTo's

1. Create a new ASP.NET Core project

In Visual Studio 2017.

2. Add dependency in csproj manually or using NuGet

Install the latest package of Hexiron.AspNetCore.Authentication.AzureAdMixed: in csproj add:

<PackageReference Include="Hexiron.AspNetCore.Authentication.AzureAdMixed" Version="x.x.x" />

3. Make sure you register the settings in the startup class.

You have multiple possibilities to load the settings in the startup class so they can be used by the IOptions pattern in the connectors.

  • Add the settings in you appsettings.json file (and corresponding environment files)
  • Add the settings in the application settings online in your Azure Web app. The latter is recomended for the secrets so you don't need to expose them in source code.

See example below if you store them in appsettingsfile:

  "Authentication": {
    "AzureAd": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Tenant": "",
      "ClientId": "aaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaa",
      "ClientSecret": "avoid this and get if from azure vault or imediately from appsettings in azure webapp"
    "AzureAdB2C": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "ClientId": "id of the azure ad b2c application",
      "Tenant": "azureadb2c AD name",
      "DefaultPolicy": "policy name",
      "ResetPasswordPolicyId":  "", 
      "RedirectUri": "https://localhost:port/signin-oidc",
      "ClientSecret": "only needed if you want to get an accesstoken for an API",
      "Scopes": [

Make sure you register the configuration settings in the startup class as the extensions in the library are using the IOptions pattern to get them via dependency injection.

private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
	_configuration = configuration;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
	// ...
	// register Azure AD Settings to be able to use the IOptions pattern via DI
	var azureAdSettings = _configuration.Get<AzureAd>();

	// register Azure B2C Settings to be able to use the IOptions pattern via DI
	var azureB2CSettings = _configuration.Get<AzureAdB2C>();

4. In case you just want to enable Azure AD B2C cookie authentication

Follow the steps described at How to Authenticate with Azure AD B2C in AspNetCore

5. In case of an API host, register the middleware service to enable JWT validation

See de Hexiron.AspNetCore.Authentication.AzureAdMixed.ApiSample and Hexiron.AspNetCore.Authentication.AzureAdMixed.HostToApiSample in the samples folder
In the startup.cs class, register the middleware. You have multiple possibilities:

  • You only register Azure AD JWT validation
  • You only register Azure B2C JWT validation
  • You register both Azure AD and Azure B2C JWT validation
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)  
	// You can only register for Azure AD
	// services.AddAzureAdJwtBearerAuthentication(azureAd, typeof(Startup).Assembly);
	// You can also only register for Azure B2C
	//services.AddAzureB2CJwtBearerAuthentication(azureB2CSettings, typeof(Startup).Assembly);

	// Register for Azure AD and B2C
	services.AddAzureAdAndB2CJwtBearerAuthentication(azureAdSettings, azureB2CSettings, typeof(Startup).Assembly);

6. Create your Azure B2C tenant and register you API app

Follow the steps described at How to Authenticate with Azure AD B2C in AspNetCore

  • Go to "Published scopes" and create the scopes you need to access your APIs (you will add the same scope name as an Authorization policy attribute on your API methods)
    Example: "read:methods"
  • Add an Authorization attribute and register this scope as a policy on your API method
public IActionResult Methods()
	return Ok();

6. Register your Azure AD application and if you need host to API communication (client credentials flow or machine to machine communication

  • Within the same B2C Active directory tenant in Azure, go to all services -> Azure Active directory
  • Go to App registrations and create your API app. For simplicity, take the same name as the name you've chosen in Azure B2C but remove the B2C suffix
  • Copy the ApplicationId (=ClientId) to the settingsfiles under the AzureAdSettings part
  • Open the manifest and add the scopes as AppRoles:
    Make sure you create unique identifiers as Id
"appRoles": [
      "allowedMemberTypes": [
      "displayName": "Read methods",
      "id": "aaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaa",
      "isEnabled": true,
      "description": "Can read methods",
      "value": "read:methods"
      "allowedMemberTypes": [
      "displayName": ".....",
      "id": "aaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaa",
      "isEnabled": true,
      "description": ".......",
      "value": "...:..."

7. Register your client apps and give them the permissions to the scopes

In Azure AD B2C

  1. Create a new app for your client
  2. Go to API Access
  3. Add
  4. Select your API app
  5. Select the scopes you want to give access to

In Azure Acitive Directory

  1. Create a new app for your client in App registrations
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Required Permissions
  4. Add
  5. Select API
  6. Fill in the name of your api app without
  7. Select the Azure AD app (without the B2C suffix)
  8. Select the permissions you want to give access to
  9. Don't forget to click on "Grant Permissions"

The scopes will now be added to the JWT token of the client and validated at API side.

Testing instructions

If you want to test your application using the WebApplicationFactory, make sure you register the "allowanonymousfilter" and register the policies using the extensionmethod "FindAuthorizationPolicies". If not, you will get an exception saying the policy has not been registered.

In your TestStartup.cs class:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
	var authorizationPolicies = typeof(Startup).Assembly.FindAuthorizationPolicies("");
    services.AddAuthorization(o =>
    	authorizationPolicies.ForEach(customDefinedPolicy => o.AddPolicy(customDefinedPolicy, policyBuilder => policyBuilder.RequireClaim("Fake")));