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Eugene Lazutkin edited this page May 23, 2016 · 5 revisions


The protocol is very simple. A bundler is attached to an endpoint /bundle by default. It receives an array of options by PUT method as JSON. options can be objects described in heya-io's documentation, URLs as strings, or a mix of both.

It verifies a bundle (all URLs should be whitelisted, empty payload, and big payloads are rejected, and so on). If everything is alright, it issues I/O requests (usually in parallel), collects responses and sends back a JSON object of the following format:

  "bundle": "bundle",
  "results": [
    // a list of result items

Every result item has a following structure:

  "options": {"url": "/abc"}, // options object
  "response": {
    "status":       200,      // an HTTP status code
    "statusText":   "OK",     // an HTTP status text corresponding to status code
    "responseType": "",       // taken from options.responseType, or an empty string
    "responseText": "{a:1}",  // a payload as a string
    "headers": "Content-Type: application/json" // raw headers

Optional: timing

In order to profile an I/O implementation, bundler may include optional time property, which is a number in milliseconds that takes to process a request.

This property can be added on an item level to measure how much time did it take to do an individual I/O request:

  "options": {"url": "/abc"}, // options object
  "time": 200, // in ms
  "response": {
    // a response object described above

It can be added on a bundle level to measure the whole bundle:

  "bundle": "bundle",
  "time": 300, // in ms
  "results": [
    // a list of result items

Reference implementation

This reference implementation implements fully the main protocol and its optional time extension.

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