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dataExtremes(data, prop)

Finds the smallest and biggest numeric values of a given property prop in all objects in data and returns it as an object with the properties min and max.


If you have data like this:

let superheroes = [
  {Name: "Steppenwolf", Alignment: "bad", Gender: "Male", Height: 183, Weight: 91},
  {Name: "Storm", Alignment: "good", Gender: "Female", Height: 180, Weight: 57},
  {Name: "Sunspot", Alignment: "good", Gender: "Male", Height: 173, Weight: 77},
  {Name: "Superboy", Alignment: "good", Gender: "Male", Height: 170, Weight: 68},
  {Name: "Superboy-Prime", Alignment: "bad", Gender: "Male", Height: 180, Weight: 77},
  {Name: "Supergirl", Alignment: "good", Gender: "Female", Height: 165, Weight: 54},
  {Name: "Superman", Alignment: "good", Gender: "Male", Height: 191, Weight: 101}

This will find and return the extreme values for Height of all objects in superheroes:

let extremes = gmynd.dataExtremes(superheroes, "Height");

This is the result:

  min: 165, max: 191

See also: dataMin(data, prop) -> number, dataMax(data, prop) -> number