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Version 1.17

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@hfp hfp released this 03 Dec 09:00

This release is porting master/main's build-system back to v1.16. The necessary code changes have been minimized. However, since some non-trivial code changes are required, the release is labeled v1.17. The release became necessary due to the aging 1.16-line of code and new compilers emerged since then. For example, issues like #562 are among similar issues when using, e.g., GNU GCC 10.x or 11.x.

Note: version v1.17 leverages the same code base as version v1.16x. All new features, fixes, and development progress remain unreleased. As per LIBXSMM's policy to keep the master/main branch stable, one can take the latter to leverage new features, fixes, and development progress.


  • Validated with compilers released after the original v1.16 (GNU GCC 10.x, 11.x, and several Clang releases).


  • Improved default for static code-paths using certain ISA extensions (no need to adjust INTRINSICS setting).

The build systems controls several options, and generally the set of options evolved since v1.16, which is the main reason for code changes. A positive impact of more changes is thorough (re-)validation. This release adjusted to LIBXSMM's evolved test environment (1.16.x cannot be revalidated). Code validation of v1.17 again reaches the level of the original v1.16 and further includes new compiler available since then.