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Client API: Thrift

"TBF" is a link:[Thrift protocol] defined by UBF contract xref:the-hibari-ubf-protocol-contract[]. This section attempts to describe the Hibari Thrift API which allows users to access Hibari with Thrift clients in any Thrift supported programming languages, and how to extend the API for application uses.

The Hibari Thrift API

The Hibari Thrift API is defined as Hibari Service in link:./misc-codes/hibari.thrift[hibari.thrift]. At the time this API was developed, only Thrift 0.4.0 is available to us. This version is our first attempt to adopt Thrift. Some of the functions and options are not yet supported.


The Hibari Thrift API only supports Thrift 0.4.0 or above.

service Hibari {

    * Check connection availability / keepalive
   oneway void keepalive()

    * Hibari Server Info
   string info()

    * Hibari Description
   string description()

    * Hibari Contract
   string contract()

    * Add
   HibariResponse Add(1: Add request)
       throws (1:HibariException ouch)

    * Replace
   HibariResponse Replace(1: Replace request)
       throws (1:HibariException ouch)

    * Set
   HibariResponse Set(1: Set request)
       throws (1:HibariException ouch)

    * Rename
   HibariResponse Rename(1: Rename request)
       throws (1:HibariException ouch)

    * Delete
   HibariResponse Delete(1: Delete request)
       throws (1:HibariException ouch)

    * Get
   HibariResponse Get(1: Get request)
       throws (1:HibariException ouch)

For each primitive utility function, it has exactly one input parameter. The parameter is an object that has a name matching its function. The object carries all mandatory and optional parameters to Hibari. This object could also be used to implement micro-transactions in the future.

Mapping UBF Contract Types to Thrift Types

You can find more details of the UBF / Thrift type conversion in (link:[UBF-Thrift]).

Mapping UBF Contract to Thrift Service

Mapping UBF types to thrift primitives is different from mapping UBF contracts to service. Thrift mainly uses 2 different types to compose a request (struct and field).

If you are using Thrift to generate client code, you probably don't need to worry about how the request being constructed. Visit link:[Thrift Wiki] for the instruction to install Thrift and to generate client code. You will also need link:./misc-codes/hibari.thrift[hibari.thrift] to get started.

If you are interested in the UBF contract, the Hibari NTBF contract can be found in the file of ntbf_gdss_plugin.con.

Examples of using a Thrift client

Once you get the generated code, connecting to Hibari is easy. For example, adding the key 'fookey' to table tab1 with a value of 'Hello, world!' in the following 3 languages.


In Erlang:


% init
{ok, Client} = thrift_client:start_link("", 7600, hibari_thrift),

% create the input parameter object
Request = #add{table=<<"tab1">>, key=<<"fookey">>, value=<<"Hello, world!">},

% send request
  HibariResponse = thrift_client:call(Client, 'Add', [Request]),
  HibariException ->

ok = thrift_client:close(Client).


In Java:

import com.hibari.rpc.*;

// init
TTransport transport = new TSocket("", 7600);
TProtocol proto = new TBinaryProtocol(transport);
Hibari.Client client = new Hibari.Client(proto);;

// create the input parameter object
Add request = new Add("tab1", ByteBuffer.wrap("fookey".getBytes()),
  ByteBuffer.wrap("Hello, world!".getBytes())))

// send request
try {
  HibariResponse response = client.Add(request);
} catch (HibariException e) {
  // ...



In python:

from hibari import Hibari

# init
transport = TSocket.TSocket('localhost', 7600)
transport = TTransport.TBufferedTransport(transport)
protocol = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol(transport)
client = Hibari.Client(protocol)

# create the input parameter object
request = Add()
request.table = "tab1"
request.key = b"fookey"
request.value = b"Hello, world!"

# send request
response = client.Add(request)


Mapping TBF Contract Responses From Thrift Client

TBF only responses one of two generic types to all functions in Hibari Thrift API, HibariResponse or HibariException. One could expect a HibariResponse in an any successful cases. Otherwise a HibariException should be thrown.