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We now switch gears, and begin describing the language from the bottom up. The very bottom of a programming language is its syntax for literal values.


The most important literal value in this language is null. It’s assignable to any other type.

Boolean literals

The boolean literal values are the (case-insensitive) keywords true and false.

String literals

String literals are enclosed in single quotes.

select 'hello world'

To escape a single quote within a string literal, use a doubled single quote: ''.

from Book where title like 'Ender''s'

Alternatively, Java-style double-quoted strings are also allowed, with the usual Java character escape syntax.

select "hello\tworld"

This option is not much used.

Numeric literals

Numeric literals come in several different forms:

Kind Type Example

Integer literals

Long, Integer, BigInteger

1, 3_000_000L, 2BI

Decimal literals

Double, Float, BigDecimal

1.0, 123.456F, 3.14159265BD

Hexadecimal literals

Long, Integer

0X1A2B, 0x1a2b

Scientific notation

Double, Float, BigDecimal

1e-6, 6.674E-11F

For example:

from Book where price < 100.0
select author, count(book)
from Author as author
    join author.books as book
group by author
having count(book) > 10

The type of a numeric literal may be specified using a Java-style postfix:

Postfix Type Java type

L or l

long integer


D or d

double precision


F or f

single precision


BI or bi

large integer


BD or bd

exact decimal


It’s not usually necessary to specify the precision explicitly.


In a literal with an exponent, the E is case-insensitive. Similarly, the Java-style postfix is case-insensitive.

Date and time literals

According to the JPQL specification, date and time literals may be specified using the JDBC escape syntax. Since this syntax is rather unpleasant to look at, HQL provides not one, but two alternatives.

Date/time type Recommended Java type JDBC escape syntax 💀 Braced literal syntax Explicitly typed literal syntax



{d 'yyyy-mm-dd'}


date yyyy-mm-dd



{t 'hh:mm'}


time hh:mm

Time with seconds


{t 'hh:mm:ss'}


time hh:mm:ss



{ts 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss'}

{yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss}

datetime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Datetime with milliseconds


{ts 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.millis'}

{yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.millis}

datetime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.millis

Datetime with an offset


{ts 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+hh:mm'}

{yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss +hh:mm}

datetime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss +hh:mm

Datetime with a time zone


{ts 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss GMT'}

{yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss GMT}

datetime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss GMT

Literals referring to the current date and time are also provided. Again there is some flexibility.

Date/time type Java type Underscored syntax Spaced syntax




local date




local time




local datetime

Offset datetime



offset datetime






java.sql.Date 💀


current date


java.sql.Time 💀


current time


java.sql.Timestamp 💀


current timestamp

Of these, only local date, local time, local datetime, current_date, current_time, and current_timestamp are defined by the JPQL specification.


The use of date and time types from the java.sql package is strongly discouraged! Always use java.time types in new code.

Duration literals

There are two sorts of duration in HQL:

  • year-day durations, that is, the length of an interval between two dates, and

  • week-nanosecond durations, that is, the length of an interval between two datetimes.

For conceptual reasons, the two kinds of duration cannot be cleanly composed.

Literal duration expressions are of form n unit, for example 1 day or 10 year or 100 nanosecond.

The unit may be: day, month, quarter, year, second, minute, hour, or nanosecond.


A HQL duration is considered to map to a Java java.time.Duration, but semantically they’re perhaps more similar to an ANSI SQL INTERVAL type.

Binary string literals

HQL also provides a choice of formats for binary strings:

  • the braced syntax {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF}, a list of Java-style hexadecimal byte literals, or

  • the quoted syntax X’DEADBEEF' or x’deadbeef', similar to SQL.

Enum literals

Literal values of a Java enumerated type may be written without needing to specify the enum class name:

from Book where status <> OUT_OF_PRINT

Here, the enum class is inferred from the type of the expression on the left of the comparison operator.

Java constants

HQL allows any Java static constant to be used in HQL, but it must be referenced by its fully-qualified name:

select java.lang.Math.PI

Literal entity names

Entity names may also occur as a literal value. They do not need to be qualified.

from Payment as payment
where type(payment) = CreditCardPayment

Identification variables and path expressions

A path expression is either:

  • a reference to an identification variable, or

  • a compound path, beginning with a reference to an identification variable, and followed by a period-separated list of references to entity attributes.

As an extension to the JPA spec, HQL, just like SQL, allows a compound path expression where the identification variable at the beginning of the path is missing. That is, instead of, it’s legal to write just But this is only allowed when the identification variable may be unambiguously inferred from the first element, foo of the compound path. The query must have exactly one identification variable var for which the path refers to an entity attribute. Note that we will continue to call these paths "compound", even if they only have one element.


This streamlines the query rather nicely when there’s just one root entity and no joins. But when the query has multiple identification variables it makes the query much harder to understand.

If an element of a compound path refers to an association, the path expression produces an implicit join.

select from Book book

An element of a compound path referring to a many-to-one or on-to-one association may have the treat function applied to it.

select treat(order.payment as CreditCardPayment).creditCardNumber from Order order

If an element of a compound path refers to a collection or many-valued association, it must have one of these special functions applied to it.

select element(book.authors).name from Book book

No other function may be applied to a non-terminal element of a path expression.

Alternatively, if the element of the compound path refers to a list or map, it may have the indexing operator applied to it:

select book.editions[0].date from Book book

No other operator may be applied to a non-terminal element of a path expression.

Operator expressions

HQL has operators for working with strings, numeric values, and date/time types.

The operator precedence is given by this table, from highest to lowest precedence:

Precedence class Type Operators

Grouping and tuple instantiation

( …​ ) and (x, y, z)

Case lists

case …​ end

Member reference

Binary infix


Function application






Unary numeric

Unary prefix

+, -

Duration conversions

Unary postfix

by day and friends

Binary multiplicative

Binary infix

*, /, %

Binary additive

Binary infix

+, -


Binary infix



Unary postfix

is null, is empty


Binary infix

in, not in


Ternary infix

between, not between

Pattern matching

Binary infix

like, ilike, not like, not ilike

Comparison operators

Binary infix

=, <>, <, >, <=, >=

Nullsafe comparison

Binary infix

is distinct from, is not distinct from


Unary prefix



Binary infix

member of, not member of

Logical negation

Unary prefix


Logical conjunction

Binary infix


Logical disjunction

Binary infix


String concatenation

HQL defines two ways to concatenate strings:

  • the SQL-style concatenation operator, ||, and

  • the JPQL-standard concat() function.

See below for details of the concat() function.

select book.title || ' by ' || listagg(, ' & ')
from Book as book
    join book.authors as author
group by book

Many more operations on strings are defined below, in Functions.

Numeric arithmetic

The basic SQL arithmetic operators, +,-,*, and / are joined by the remainder operator %.

select (1.0 + :taxRate) * sum( * item.quantity)
from Order as ord
    join ord.items as item
where = :oid

When both operands of a binary numeric operator have the same type, the result type of the whole expression is the same as the operands.


Thus, 3/2 performs integer division and evaluates to 1.

When the operands are of different type, one of the operands is implicitly converted to wider type, with wideness given, in decreasing order, by the list below:

  • Double (widest)

  • Float

  • BigDecimal

  • BigInteger

  • Long

  • Integer

  • Short

  • Byte

Many more numeric operations are defined below, in Functions.

Datetime arithmetic

Arithmetic involving dates, datetimes, and durations is quite subtle. Among the issues to consider are:

  • There’s two kinds of duration: year-day, and week-nanosecond durations. The first is a difference between dates; the second is a difference between datetimes.

  • We can subtract dates and datetimes, but we can’t add them.

  • A Java-style duration has much too much precision, and so in order to use it for anything useful, we must somehow truncate it to something coarser-grained.

Here we list the basic operations.

Operator Expression type Example Resulting type


Difference between two dates

your.birthday - local date

year-day duration


Difference between two datetimes

local datetime - record.lastUpdated

week-nanosecond duration


Sum of a date and a year-day duration

local date + 1 week



Sum of a datetime and a week-nanosecond duration

record.lastUpdated + 1 second



Product of an integer and a duration

billing.cycles * 30 day


by unit

Convert a duration to an integer

(1 year) by day


The by unit operator converts a duration to an integer, for example: (local date - your.birthday) by day evaluates to the number of days you still have to wait.

The function extract(unit from …​) extracts a field from a date, time, or datetime type, for example, extract(year from your.birthday) produces the year in which you were born, and throws away important information about your birthday.


Please carefully note the difference between these two operations: by and extract() both evaluate to an integer, but they have very different uses.

Additional datetime operations, including the useful format() function, are defined below, in Functions.

Case expressions

Just like in standard SQL, there are two forms of case expression:

  • the simple case expression, and

  • the so-called searched case expression.


Case expressions are verbose. It’s often simpler to use the coalesce(), nullif(), or ifnull() functions, as described below in Functions for working with null values.

Simple case expressions

The syntax of the simple form is defined by:


For example:

    case author.nomDePlume
        when '' then
        else author.nomDePlume end
from Author as author
    join author.person as person
Searched case expressions

The searched form has the following syntax:


For example:

        when author.nomDePlume is null then
        else author.nomDePlume end
from Author as author
    join author.person as person

A case expression may contain complex expression, including operator expressions.


Both HQL and JPQL define some standard functions and make them portable between databases.


A program that wishes to remain portable between Jakarta Persistence providers should in principle limit itself to the use of the functions which are blessed by the specification. Unfortunately, there’s not so many of them.

In some cases, the syntax of these functions looks a bit funny at first, for example, cast(number as String), or extract(year from date), or even trim(leading '.' from string). This syntax is inspired by standard ANSI SQL, and we promise you’ll get used to it.


HQL abstracts away from the actual database-native SQL functions, letting you write queries which are portable between databases.

For some functions, and always depending on the database, a HQL function invocation translates to a quite complicated SQL expression!

In addition, there are several ways to use a database function that’s not known to Hibernate.

Types and typecasts

The following special functions make it possible to discover or narrow expression types:

Special function Purpose Signature JPA standard


The (concrete) entity name



Narrow an entity type

treat(e as Entity)


Narrow a basic type

cast(x as Type)


Cast to a string


Let’s see what these functions do.

Evaluating an entity type

The function type(), applied to an identification variable, evaluates to the entity name of the referenced entity. This is mainly useful when dealing with entity inheritance hierarchies.

select payment
from Payment as payment
where type(payment) = CreditCardPayment
Narrowing an entity type

The function treat() may be used to narrow the type of an identification variable. This is useful when dealing with entity inheritance hierarchies.

select payment
from Payment as payment
where length(treat(payment as CreditCardPayment).cardNumber)
        between 16 and 20

The type of the expression treat(p as CreditCardPayment) is the narrowed type, CreditCardPayment, instead of the declared type Payment of p. This allows the attribute cardNumber declared by the subtype CreditCardPayment to be referenced.

  • The first argument is usually an identification variable.

  • The second argument is the target type given as an unqualified entity name.

The treat() function may even occur in a join.

General typecasts

The function cast() has a similar syntax, but is used to narrow basic types.

  • Its first argument is usually an attribute of an entity, or a more complex expression involving entity attributes.

  • Its second argument is the target type given as an unqualified Java class name: String, Long, Integer, Double, Float, Character, Byte, BigInteger, BigDecimal, LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, etc.

select cast(id as String) from Order
Casting to string

The function str(x) is a synonym for cast(x as String).

select str(id) from Order

Functions for working with null values

The following functions make it easy to deal with null values:

Function Purpose Signature JPA standard


First non-null argument

coalesce(x, y, z)


Second argument if first is null



null if arguments are equal


Handling null values

The coalesce() function is a sort of abbreviated case expression that returns the first non-null operand.

select coalesce(author.nomDePlume,
from Author as author
    join author.person as person
Handling null values

HQL allows ifnull() as a synonym for coalesce() in the case of exactly two arguments.

select ifnull(author.nomDePlume,
from Author as author
    join author.person as person
Producing null values

On the other hand, nullif() evaluates to null if its operands are equal, or to its first argument otherwise.

select ifnull(nullif(author.nomDePlume,, 'Real name')
from Author as author
    join author.person as person

Functions for working with dates and times

There are some very important functions for working with dates and times.

Special function Purpose Signature JPA standard


Extract a datetime field

extract(field from x)


Format a datetime as a string

format(datetime as pattern)

trunc() or truncate()

Datetime truncation

truncate(datetime, field)

Extracting date and time fields

The special function extract() obtains a single field of a date, time, or datetime.

  • Its first argument is an expression that evaluates to a date, time, or datetime.

  • Its second argument is a date/time field type.

Field types include: day, month, year, second, minute, hour, day of week, day of month, week of year, date, time, epoch and more. For a full list of field types, see the Javadoc for TemporalUnit.

from Order where extract(date from created) = local date
select extract(year from created), extract(month from created) from Order

The following functions are abbreviations for extract():

Function Long form using extract() JPA standard


extract(year from x)


extract(month from x)


extract(day from x)


extract(year from x)


extract(year from x)


extract(year from x)

These abbreviations aren’t part of the JPQL standard, but on the other hand they’re a lot less verbose.
select year(created), month(created) from Order
Formatting dates and times

The format() function formats a date, time, or datetime according to a pattern.

  • Its first argument is an expression that evaluates to a date, time, or datetime.

  • Its second argument is a formatting pattern, given as a string.

The pattern must be written in a subset of the pattern language defined by Java’s java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.

For a full list of format() pattern elements, see the Javadoc for Dialect.appendDatetimeFormat.

Truncating a date or time type

The truncate() function truncates the precision of a date, time, or datetime to the temporal unit specified by field type.

  • Its first argument is an expression that evaluates to a date, time, or datetime.

  • Its second argument is a date/time field type, specifying the precision of the truncated value.

Supported temporal units are: year, month, day, hour, minute or second.

Truncating a date, time or datetime value means obtaining a value of the same type in which all temporal units smaller than field have been pruned. For hours, minutes and second this means setting them to 00. For months and days, this means setting them to 01.

Functions for working with strings

Naturally, there are a good number of functions for working with strings.

Function Purpose Syntax JPA standard / ANSI SQL Standard


The string, with lowercase characters converted to uppercase


✔ / ✔


The string, with uppercase characters converted to lowercase


✔ / ✔


The length of the string


✔ / ✖


Concatenate strings

concat(x, y, z)

✔ / ✖


Location of string within a string

locate(patt, str),
locate(patt, str, start)

✔ / ✖


Similar to locate()

position(patt in str)

✖ / ✔


Substring of a string (JPQL-style)

substring(str, start),
substring(str, start, len)

✔ / ✖


Substring of a string (ANSI SQL-style)

substring(str from start),
substring(str from start for len)

✖ / ✔


Trim characters from string

See below

✔ / ✔


For replacing a substring

overlay(str placing rep from start),
overlay(str placing rep from start for len)

✖ / ✔


Pads a string with whitespace, or with a specified character

pad(str with len),
pad(str with len leading),
pad(str with len trailing), or
pad(str with len leading char)

✖ / ✖


The leftmost characters of a string

left(str, len)

✖ / ✖


The rightmost characters of a string

right(str, len)

✖ / ✖


Replace every occurrence of a pattern in a string

replace(str, patt, rep)

✖ / ✖


Concatenate a string with itself multiple times

replace(str, times)

✖ / ✖


Select a collation

collate( as collation)

✖ / ✖

Let’s take a closer look at just some of these.


Contrary to Java, positions of characters within strings are indexed from 1 instead of 0!

Concatenating strings

The JPQL-standard and ANSI SQL-standard concat() function accepts a variable number of arguments, and produces a string by concatenating them.

select concat(book.title, ' by ', listagg(, ' & '))
from Book as book
    join book.authors as author
group by book
Finding substrings

The JPQL function locate() determines the position of a substring within another string.

  • The first argument is the pattern to search for within the second string.

  • The second argument is the string to search in.

  • The optional third argument is used to specify a position at which to start the search.

select locate('Hibernate', title) from Book

The position() function has a similar purpose, but follows the ANSI SQL syntax.

select position('Hibernate' in title) from Book
Slicing strings

Unsurprisingly, substring() returns a substring of the given string.

  • The second argument specifies the position of the first character of the substring.

  • The optional third argument specifies the maximum length of the substring.

select substring(title, 0, position(' for Dummies')) from Book
Trimming strings

The trim() function follows the syntax and semantics of ANSI SQL. It may be used to trim leading characters, trailing characters, or both.

select trim(title) from Book
select trim(trailing ' ' from text) from Book

Its BNF is funky:

    : "TRIM" "(" trimSpecification? trimCharacter? "FROM"? expression ")" ;
    : "LEADING" | "TRAILING" | "BOTH" ;

Selects a collation to be used for its string-valued argument. Collations are useful for binary comparisons with < or >, and in the order by clause.

For example, collate( as ucs_basic) specifies the SQL standard collation ucs_basic.

Collations aren’t very portable between databases.

Numeric functions

Of course, we also have a number of functions for working with numeric values.

Function Purpose Signature JPA standard


The magnitude of a number



The sign of a number



Remainder of integer division



Square root of a number



Exponential function






Natural logarithm



Numeric rounding

round(number, places)

trunc() or truncate()

Numeric truncation

truncate(number, places)


Floor function



Ceiling function



Base-10 logarithm



Arbitrary-base logarithm





sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan()

Basic trigonometric functions

sin(theta), cos(theta)


Two-argument arctangent (range (-π,π])

atan2(y, x)

sinh(), cosh(), tanh()

Hyperbolic functions

sinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x)


Convert radians to degrees



Convert degrees to radians



Return the smallest of the given arguments

least(x, y, z)


Return the largest of the given arguments

greatest(x, y, z)

We haven’t included aggregate functions, ordered set aggregate functions, or window functions in this list, because their purpose is more specialized, and because they come with extra special syntax.

Functions for dealing with collections

The functions described in this section are especially useful when dealing with @ElementCollection mappings, or with collection mappings involving an @OrderColumn or @MapKeyColumn.

The following functions accept either:

  1. an identification variable that refers to a joined collection or many-valued association, or

  2. a compound path that refers to a collection or many-valued association of an entity.

In case 2, application of the function produces an implicit join.

Function Applies to Purpose JPA standard


Any collection

The size of a collection


Any collection

The element of a set or list



The index of a list element



The key of a map entry



The value of a map entry

entry() 💀


The whole entry in a map

The next group of functions always accept a compound path referring to a collection or many-valued association of an entity. They’re interpreted as referring to the collection as a whole.

Application of one of these function produces implicit subquery.

Function Applies to Purpose JPA standard


Any collection

The elements of a set or list, collectively



The indexes of a list, collectively



The keys of a map, collectively



The values of a map, collectively

This query has an implicit join:

select title, element(tags) from Book

This query has an implicit subquery:

select title from Book where 'hibernate' in elements(tags)
Collection sizes

The size() function returns the number of elements of a collection or to-many association.

select name, size(books) from Author
Set or list elements

The element() function returns a reference to an element of a joined set or list. For an identification variable (case 1 above), this function is optional. For a compound path (case 2), it’s required.

List indexes

The index() function returns a reference to the index of a joined list.

In this example, element() is optional, but index() is required:

select id(book), index(ed), element(ed)
from Book book as book
    join book.editions as ed
Map keys and values

The key() function returns a reference to a key of a joined map. The value() function returns a reference to its value.

select key(entry), value(entry)
from Thing as thing
    join thing.entries as entry
Quantification over collections

The functions elements(), indices(), keys(), and values() are used to quantify over collections. We may use them with:

Shortcut Equivalent subquery

exists elements(book.editions)

exists (select ed from book.editions as ed)

2 in indices(book.editions)

2 in (select index(ed) from book.editions as ed)

10 > all(elements(book.printings))

10 > all(select pr from book.printings as pr)


(select max(pr) from book.printings as pr)

For example:

select title from Book where 'hibernate' in elements(tags)

Don’t confuse the elements() function with element(), the indices() function with index(), the keys() function with key(), or the values() function with value(). The functions named in singular deal with elements of "flattened" collections. If not already joined, they add an implicit join to the query. The functions with plural naming do not flatten a collection by joining it.


The following queries are different:

select title, max(index(revisions)) from Book  /* implicit join */
select title, max(indices(revisions)) from Book  /* implicit subquery */

The first query produces a single row, with max() taken over all books. The second query produces a row per book, with max() taken over the collection elements belonging to the given book.

Functions for working with ids and versions

Finally, the following functions evaluate the id, version, or natural id of an entity, or the foreign key of a to-one association:

Function Purpose JPA standard


The value of the entity @Id attribute.


The value of the entity @Version attribute.


The value of the entity @NaturalId attribute.


The value of the foreign key column mapped by a @ManyToOne (or logical @OneToOne) association. Useful with associations annotated @NotFound.

Native and user-defined functions

The functions we’ve described above are the functions abstracted by HQL and made portable across databases. But, of course, HQL can’t abstract every function in your database.

There are several ways to call native or user-defined SQL functions.

  • A native or user-defined function may be called using JPQL’s function syntax, for example, function('sinh', phi). (This is the easiest way, but not the best way.)

  • A user-written FunctionContributor may register user-defined functions.

  • A custom Dialect may register additional native functions by overriding initializeFunctionRegistry().


Registering a function isn’t hard, but is beyond the scope of this guide.

(It’s even possible to use the APIs Hibernate provides to make your own portable functions!)

Fortunately, every built-in Dialect already registers many native functions for the database it supports.


Try setting the log category org.hibernate.HQL_FUNCTIONS to debug. Then at startup Hibernate will log a list of type signatures of all registered functions.

Embedding native SQL in HQL

The special function sql() allows the use of native SQL fragments inside an HQL query.

The signature of this function is sql(pattern[, argN]*), where pattern must be a string literal but the remaining arguments may be of any type. The pattern literal is unquoted and embedded in the generated SQL. Occurrences of ? in the pattern are replaced with the remaining arguments of the function.

We may use this, for example, to perform a native PostgreSQL typecast:

from Computer c where c.ipAddress = sql('?::inet', '')

This results in SQL logically equivalent to:

select * from Computer c where c.ipAddress = ''::inet

Or we can use a native SQL operator:

from Human h order by sql('(? <-> ?)', h.workLocation, h.homeLocation)

And this time the SQL is logically equivalent to:

select * from Human h where (h.workLocation <-> h.homeLocation)


A predicate is an operator which, when applied to some argument, evaluates to true or false. In the world of SQL-style ternary logic, we must expand this definition to encompass the possibility that the predicate evaluates to null. Typically, a predicate evaluates to null when one of its arguments is null.

Predicates occur in the where clause, the having clause and in searched case expressions.

Comparison operators

The binary comparison operators are borrowed from SQL: =, >, >=, <, <=, <>.

If you prefer, HQL treats != as a synonym for <>.

The operands should be of the same type.

from Book where price < 1.0
from Author as author where author.nomDePlume <>
select id, total
from (
    select as id, sum( * item.quantity) as total
    from Order as ord
        join Item as item
    group by ord
where total > 100.0

The between predicate

The ternary between operator, and its negation, not between, determine if a value falls within a range.

Of course, all three operands must be of compatible type.

from Book where price between 1.0 and 100.0

Operators for dealing with null

The following operators make it easier to deal with null values.

Operator Negation Type Semantics

is null

is not null

Unary postfix

true if the value to the left is null

is distinct from

is not distinct from


true if the value on the left is equal to the value on the right, or if both are null

from Author where nomDePlume is not null

Collection predicates

The following operators apply to collection-valued attributes and to-many associations.

Operator Negation Type Semantics

is empty

is not empty

Unary postfix

true if the collection or association on the left has no elements

member of

not member of


true if the value on the left is a member of the collection or association on the right

from Author where books is empty
select author, book
from Author as author, Book as book
where author member of book.authors

String pattern matching

The like operator performs pattern matching on strings. Its friend ilike performs case-insensitive matching.

Their syntax is defined by:


The expression on the right is a pattern, where:

  • _ matches any single character,

  • % matches any number of characters, and

  • if an escape character is specified, it may be used to escape either of these wildcards.

from Book where title not like '% for Dummies'

The optional escape character allows a pattern to include a literal _ or % character.

As you can guess, not like and not ilike are the enemies of like and ilike, and evaluate to the exact opposite boolean values.

The in predicate

The in predicates evaluates to true if the value to its left is in …​ well, whatever it finds to its right.

Its syntax is unexpectedly complicated:


This less-than-lovely fragment of the HQL ANTLR grammar tells us that the thing to the right might be:

  • a list of values enclosed in parentheses,

  • a subquery,

  • one of the collection-handling functions defined above, or

  • a query parameter,

The type of the expression on the left, and the types of all the values on the right must be compatible.


JPQL limits the legal types to string, numeric, date/time, and enum types, and in JPQL the left expression must be either:

  • a state field, which means a basic attribute, excluding associations and embedded attributes, or

  • an entity type expression.

HQL is far more permissive. HQL itself does not restrict the type in any way, though the database itself might. Even embedded attributes are allowed, although that feature depends on the level of support for tuple or "row value" constructors in the underlying database.

from Payment as payment
where type(payment) in (CreditCardPayment, WireTransferPayment)
from Author as author
where in (select name from OldAuthorData)
from Book as book
where :edition in elements(book.editions)

The next example doesn’t work on every database:

from Author as author
where (, author.person.birthdate)
    in (select name, birthdate from OldAuthorData)

Here we used a "row value" constructor, a seemingly pretty basic feature which is surprisingly-poorly supported.


Here’s a very useful idiom:

List<Book> books =
        session.createSelectionQuery("from Book where isbn in :isbns", Book.class)
            .setParameterList("isbns", listOfIsbns)

Comparison operators and subqueries

The binary comparisons we met above may involve a quantifier, either:

  • a quantified subquery, or

  • a quantifier applied to one of the functions defined above.

The quantifiers are unary prefix operators: all, every, any, and some.

Subquery operator Synonym Semantics



Evaluates to true of the comparison is true for every value in the result set of the subquery



Evaluates to true of the comparison is true for at least one value in the result set of the subquery

from Publisher pub where 100.0 < all(select price from pub.books)
from Publisher pub where :title = some(select title from pub.books)

The exists predicate

The unary prefix exists operator evaluates to true if the thing to its right is nonempty.

The thing to its right might be:

  • a subquery, or

  • one of the functions defined above.

As you can surely guess, not exists evaluates to true if the thing to the right is empty.

from Author where exists element(books)
from Author as author
where exists (
    from Order join items
    where book in elements(author.books)

Logical operators

The logical operators are binary infix and and or, and unary prefix not.

Just like SQL, logical expressions are based on ternary logic. A logical operator evaluates to null if it has a null operand.