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HHH-14315 Add optional support for toolchains to the Gradle build
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Signed-off-by: Yoann Rodière <>
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yrodiere authored and Sanne committed Aug 20, 2021
1 parent 2da1b79 commit 75ba67b
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Showing 9 changed files with 207 additions and 50 deletions.
10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions build.gradle
Expand Up @@ -89,10 +89,14 @@ task release {
"the fact that subprojects will appropriately define a release task " +
"themselves if they have any release-related activities to perform"

// Force to release with JDK 8. It used to not work on JDK11 because of the hibernate-orm-modules module.
doFirst {
if ( !JavaVersion.current().isJava8() || !gradle.ext.testedJavaVersionAsEnum.isJava8() ) {
throw new IllegalStateException( "Please use JDK 8 to perform the release." )
def javaVersionsInUse = [gradle.ext.javaVersions.main.compiler, gradle.ext.javaVersions.main.release,
gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.compiler, gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.release,
// Force to release with JDK 8. It used to not work on JDK11 because of the hibernate-orm-modules module,
// but this limitation might be resolved now that this module has been deleted?
if ( javaVersionsInUse != [JavaLanguageVersion.of( 8 )].toSet() ) {
throw new IllegalStateException( "Please use JDK 8 to perform the release. Currently using: ${javaVersionsInUse}" )
Expand Down
13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions documentation/documentation.gradle
Expand Up @@ -129,19 +129,26 @@ task aggregateJavadocs(type: Javadoc) {

if ( JavaVersion.current().isJava11Compatible() ) {
if ( gradle.ext.javaVersions.main.compiler.asInt() >= 11 ) {
//The need to set `--source 1.8` applies to all JVMs after 11, and also to 11
// but after excluding the first two builds; see also specific comments on
// For now, let's be compatible with JDK 11.0.3+. We can improve on it if people
// complain they cannot build with JDK 11.0.0, 11.0.1 and 11.0.2.
System.out.println("Forcing Javadoc in Java 8 compatible mode");
options.source = project.baselineJavaVersion
logger.lifecycle "Forcing Javadoc in Java 8 compatible mode"
options.source = gradle.ext.baselineJavaVersion

options.addStringOption( 'Xdoclint:none', '-quiet' )

if ( gradle.ext.javaToolchainEnabled ) {
// Display version of Java tools
doFirst {
logger.lifecycle "Aggregating javadoc with '${javadocTool.get().metadata.installationPath}'"

// process each project, building up:
// 1) appropriate sources
// 2) classpath
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,2 +1,13 @@
# Keep system properties in sync with test system properties (java-module.gradle)!
org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2g -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Duser.language=en -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8

# JDK auto-detection is not quite ready yet in Gradle 6.7.
# On Fedora in particular, if you have the package java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless- installed,
# Gradle will look for the Java binaries in /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
# but it won't find it and will fail.
# It's just a JRE, so it's perfectly normal that the JDK is not present;
# the JRE is under /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
# We can't rely on Gradle's auto-download of JDKs as it doesn't support EA releases.
# See
88 changes: 73 additions & 15 deletions gradle/java-module.gradle
Expand Up @@ -112,17 +112,64 @@ dependencies {

tasks.withType( JavaCompile ) {
options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
sourceCompatibility = project.baselineJavaVersion
targetCompatibility = project.baselineJavaVersion

if ( project.baselineJavaVersion != gradle.ext.testedJavaVersion ) { "Forcing the target bytecode version for test classes to '$gradle.ext.testedJavaVersion'" )
if ( !gradle.ext.javaToolchainEnabled ) {
tasks.compileJava.configure {
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.toVersion( gradle.ext.javaVersions.main.release )
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.toVersion( gradle.ext.javaVersions.main.release )
tasks.compileTestJava.configure {
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.toVersion( gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.release )
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.toVersion( gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.release )
else {
// Configure generated bytecode
// "sourceCompatibility" is not supported with toolchains. We have to work around that limitation.
tasks.compileJava.configure {
if ( gradle.ext.javaVersions.main.compiler.asInt() < 9 ) {
options.compilerArgs << '-source'
options.compilerArgs << gradle.ext.javaVersions.main.release.toString()
options.compilerArgs << '-target'
options.compilerArgs << gradle.ext.javaVersions.main.release.toString()
} else {
options.release = gradle.ext.javaVersions.main.release.asInt()
tasks.compileTestJava.configure {
if ( gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.compiler.asInt() < 9 ) {
options.compilerArgs << '-source'
options.compilerArgs << gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.release.toString()
options.compilerArgs << '-target'
options.compilerArgs << gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.release.toString()
} else {
options.release = gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.release.asInt()

// Configure version of Java tools
java {
toolchain {
languageVersion = gradle.ext.javaVersions.main.compiler
tasks.compileTestJava {
// For *tests only*, generate bytecode matching the Java version currently in use.
// This allows testing bytecode enhancement on the latest Java versions (13, 14, ...).
targetCompatibility = gradle.ext.testedJavaVersion
javaCompiler = javaToolchains.compilerFor {
languageVersion = gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.compiler

// Display version of Java tools
tasks.withType( JavaCompile ).configureEach {
doFirst {
logger.lifecycle "Compiling with '${javaCompiler.get().metadata.installationPath}'"
tasks.withType( Javadoc ).configureEach {
doFirst {
logger.lifecycle "Generating javadoc with '${javadocTool.get().metadata.installationPath}'"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,8 +213,21 @@ if ( ext.toolsJar.exists() ) {
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Testing

if ( gradle.ext.javaToolchainEnabled ) {
tasks.test {
// Configure version of Java tools
javaLauncher = javaToolchains.launcherFor {
languageVersion = gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.launcher
// Display version of Java tools
doFirst {
logger.lifecycle "Testing with '${javaLauncher.get().metadata.installationPath}'"

tasks.withType( Test.class ).all { task ->
if ( JavaVersion.current().isJava9Compatible() ) {
if ( gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.launcher.asInt() >= 9 ) {
// Byteman needs this property to be set,
task.jvmArgs += ["-Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf=true"]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,12 +277,10 @@ test {

// Enable the experimental features of ByteBuddy with JDK 15+
test {
if ( JavaVersion.current().isJava11Compatible() ) {
int majorJVMVersionInt = Integer.valueOf( JavaVersion.current().toString() );
//Set the -Dnet.bytebuddy.experimental=true property only when we need it:
if ( majorJVMVersionInt >= 12 ) {
systemProperty 'net.bytebuddy.experimental', true
if ( gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.release.asInt() >= 15 ) {
logger.warn( "The version of Java bytecode that will be tested is not supported by Bytebuddy by default. " +
" Setting 'net.bytebuddy.experimental=true'." )
systemProperty 'net.bytebuddy.experimental', true

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -350,7 +408,7 @@ task forbiddenApisUnsafe(type: CheckForbiddenApis, dependsOn: compileJava) {
classesDirs = project.sourceSets.main.output.classesDirs
classpath = project.sourceSets.main.compileClasspath + project.sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
targetCompatibility = project.forbiddenAPITargetJDKCompatibility
bundledSignatures += "jdk-unsafe-${baselineJavaVersion}".toString()
bundledSignatures += "jdk-unsafe-${gradle.ext.baselineJavaVersion}".toString()

// unfortunately we currently have many uses of default Locale implicitly (~370) which need to be fixed
// before we can fully enabled this check
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions gradle/published-java-module.gradle
Expand Up @@ -120,14 +120,14 @@ javadoc {

if ( JavaVersion.current().isJava11Compatible() ) {
if ( gradle.ext.javaVersions.main.compiler.asInt() >= 11 ) {
//The need to set `--source 1.8` applies to all JVMs after 11, and also to 11
// but after excluding the first two builds; see also specific comments on
// For now, let's be compatible with JDK 11.0.3+. We can improve on it if people
// complain they cannot build with JDK 11.0.0, 11.0.1 and 11.0.2.
System.out.println("Forcing Javadoc in Java 8 compatible mode");
options.source = project.baselineJavaVersion
logger.lifecycle "Forcing Javadoc in Java 8 compatible mode"
options.source = gradle.ext.baselineJavaVersion

options.addStringOption( 'Xdoclint:none', '-quiet' )
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions hibernate-core/hibernate-core.gradle
Expand Up @@ -273,6 +273,18 @@ task testJavassist(type: Test) {
//If you want to ensure that integration tests are run every time when you invoke
//this task, uncomment the following line.
//outputs.upToDateWhen { false }

if ( gradle.ext.javaToolchainEnabled ) {
// Configure version of Java tools
javaLauncher = javaToolchains.launcherFor {
languageVersion = gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.launcher

// Display version of Java tools
doFirst {
logger.lifecycle "Testing javassist with '${javaLauncher.get().metadata.installationPath}'"

check.dependsOn testJavassist
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion hibernate-osgi/hibernate-osgi.gradle
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ ext {
* > A bit ironic since the problems we were trying to solve initially only affected JDK11.0.3,
* > not JDK11.0.0.
if ( JavaVersion.current().isJava11Compatible() ) {
if ( gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.launcher.asInt() >= 11 ) {
logger.warn( '[WARN] Skipping all tests for hibernate-osgi due to Karaf/Pax-Exam issues with latest JDK 11' )
test.enabled = false
Expand Down
102 changes: 79 additions & 23 deletions settings.gradle
Expand Up @@ -13,35 +13,79 @@ if ( !JavaVersion.current().java8Compatible ) {
throw new GradleException( "Gradle must be run with Java 8 or later" )

// Consume the property 'testedJavaVersion' here and
// set it on gradle.ext so that we can inspect the result in build.gradle.
// We wouldn't be able to do that if we consumed
// the property in base-information.gradle and set it on project.ext.

if ( hasProperty( 'testedJavaVersion' ) ) {
logger.warn( "[WARN] Targeting Java version '$testedJavaVersion' in tests." )
gradle.ext.testedJavaVersion = testedJavaVersion
gradle.ext.testedJavaVersionAsEnum = JavaVersion.toVersion( testedJavaVersion )
else {
// We will simply use Gradle's JDK for compilation, tests and javadoc generation.
def major
if ( JavaVersion.current() == JavaVersion.VERSION_HIGHER) {
logger.warn( "Gradle does not support this JDK, because it is too recent; build is likely to fail." +
" To avoid failures, you should specify an older Java version in the 'testedJavaVersion' parameter." +
" Just append the following to your gradle command:" +
" '-PtestedJavaVersion=<major version of your newer JDK, e.g. 14>'" )
// Use a hack to retrieve the major as a string.
// This only works for Java 9+ (we're at least on Java 18 here).
gradle.ext.testedJavaVersion = System.getProperty( 'java.specification.version' )
gradle.ext.baselineJavaVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of( 8 )

// Gradle does bytecode transformation on tests.
// You can't use bytecode higher than what Gradle supports, even with toolchains.

// If either 'main.jdk.version' or 'test.jdk.version' is set, enable the toolchain and use the selected jdk.
// If only one property is set, the other defaults to the baseline Java version (8).
// Note that when toolchain is enabled, you also need to specify
// the location of the selected jdks
// (auto-download and auto-detect are disabled in
// Example (with SDKMAN):
// ./gradlew build -Ptest.jdk.version=15 \
if ( hasProperty( 'main.jdk.version' ) || hasProperty( 'test.jdk.version' ) ) {
// Testing a particular JDK version
// Gradle doesn't support all JDK versions unless we use toolchains
gradle.ext.javaToolchainEnabled = true
gradle.ext.javaVersions = [
main: [
compiler: JavaLanguageVersion.of( hasProperty( 'main.jdk.version' )
? getProperty( 'main.jdk.version' ) : gradle.ext.baselineJavaVersion.asInt() ),
release: gradle.ext.baselineJavaVersion
test: [
compiler: JavaLanguageVersion.of( hasProperty( 'test.jdk.version' )
? getProperty( 'test.jdk.version' ) : gradle.ext.baselineJavaVersion.asInt() )
def testCompilerVersion = gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.compiler
if ( testCompilerVersion.asInt() > GRADLE_MAX_SUPPORTED_BYTECODE_VERSION ) {
logger.warn( "[WARN] Gradle does not support bytecode version '${testCompilerVersion}'." +
" Forcing test bytecode to version ${GRADLE_MAX_SUPPORTED_BYTECODE_VERSION}." )
gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.release = JavaLanguageVersion.of( GRADLE_MAX_SUPPORTED_BYTECODE_VERSION )
else {
gradle.ext.testedJavaVersion = JavaVersion.current().getMajorVersion()
gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.release = testCompilerVersion
gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.launcher = testCompilerVersion
else {
// Not testing a particular JDK version: we will use the same JDK used to run Gradle.
// We disable toolchains for convenience, so that anyone can just run the build with their own JDK
// without any additional options and without downloading the whole JDK.
gradle.ext.javaToolchainEnabled = false
def gradleJdkVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of( JavaVersion.current().getMajorVersion() )
if ( gradleJdkVersion.asInt() > GRADLE_MAX_SUPPORTED_BYTECODE_VERSION ) {
logger.warn( "[WARN] Gradle does not support this JDK, because it is too recent; build is likely to fail." +
" To avoid failures, you should use an older Java version when running Gradle, and rely on toolchains." +
" To that end, specify the version of Java you want to run tests with using property 'test.jdk.version'," +
" and specify the path to JDK8 *and* a JDK of the test version using property ''." +
" Example:" +
"./gradlew build -Ptest.jdk.version=15\$SDKMAN_CANDIDATES_DIR/java/15.0.1-open,\$SDKMAN_CANDIDATES_DIR/java/8" )

gradle.ext.testedJavaVersionAsEnum = JavaVersion.current()
gradle.ext.javaVersions = [
main: [
compiler: gradleJdkVersion,
release: gradle.ext.baselineJavaVersion
test: [
compiler: gradleJdkVersion,
release: JavaLanguageVersion.of(
Math.min( GRADLE_MAX_SUPPORTED_BYTECODE_VERSION, gradleJdkVersion.asInt() ) ),
launcher: gradleJdkVersion

logger.lifecycle "Java versions for main code: " + gradle.ext.javaVersions.main
logger.lifecycle "Java versions for tests: " + gradle.ext.javaVersions.test

include 'hibernate-core'
include 'hibernate-entitymanager'
include 'hibernate-testing'
Expand All @@ -65,6 +109,18 @@ include 'hibernate-jipijapa'

include 'hibernate-orm-modules'

// The plugin used to generate Java modules was compiled using JDK11.
// This means even with toolchains, Gradle needs to be run with Java 11+ in order to run Java modules ITs.
// We might be able to get rid of that limitation by relying on Gradle's built-in support for Java modules,
// but I (Yoann) tried and failed to make it work.
// See
if ( JavaVersion.current().isJava11Compatible() && gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.release.asInt() >= 9 ) {
include 'hibernate-integrationtest-java-modules'
else {
logger.warn( '[WARN] Skipping Java module path integration tests because the JDK does not support it' )

include 'documentation'
include 'release'

Expand Down
13 changes: 11 additions & 2 deletions tooling/hibernate-gradle-plugin/hibernate-gradle-plugin.gradle
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,15 @@ dependencies {

tasks.withType( GroovyCompile ) {
options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
sourceCompatibility = project.baselineJavaVersion
targetCompatibility = project.baselineJavaVersion

if ( !gradle.ext.javaToolchainEnabled ) {
tasks.withType( GroovyCompile ) {
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.toVersion( gradle.ext.baselineJavaVersion )
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.toVersion( gradle.ext.baselineJavaVersion )
else {
logger.warn( "[WARN] Toolchains are not yet supported for Groovy compilation." +
" Using the JDK that runs Gradle for Groovy compilation." )

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