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Advanced features

In this final chapter we are offering a smörgåsbord of tips and tricks which might become useful as you dive deeper and deeper into Hibernate Search.

Accessing the SearchFactory

The SearchFactory object keeps track of the underlying Lucene resources for Hibernate Search. It is a convenient way to access Lucene natively. The SearchFactory can be accessed from a FullTextSession:

Example 1. Accessing the SearchFactory
FullTextSession fullTextSession = Search.getFullTextSession(regularSession);
SearchFactory searchFactory = fullTextSession.getSearchFactory();

Accessing the SearchIntegrator

The interface SearchIntegrator gives access to advanced functionality and internals of Hibernate Search; these are typically only useful to integrate Hibernate Search with other libraries. These are called SPI - Service Provide Interface - to better differentiate them from normal APIs. You can recognize them by noticing an spi element in the package name, such as in

You can access the SearchIntegrator SPI using the SearchFactory (Accessing the SearchFactory), or by extracting the instance from the Hibernate native SessionFactory or the JPA EntityManagerFactory as in the following examples:

Example 2. Accessing the SearchIntegrator from a SearchFactory
SearchIntegrator si = searchFactory.unwrap(SearchIntegrator.class);
Example 3. Accessing the SearchIntegrator from a SessionFactory
SearchIntegrator si = sf );
Example 4. Accessing the SearchIntegrator from an EntityManagerFactory
SearchIntegrator si = emf );

Using an IndexReader

Queries in Lucene are executed on an IndexReader. Hibernate Search caches index readers to maximize performance and implements other strategies to retrieve updated IndexReaders in order to minimize IO operations. Your code can access these cached resources, but you have to follow some "good citizen" rules.

Example 5. Accessing an IndexReader
IndexReader reader = searchFactory.getIndexReaderAccessor().open(Order.class);
try {
   //perform read-only operations on the reader
finally {

In this example the SearchFactory figures out which indexes are needed to query this entity. Using the configured ReaderProvider (described in [search-architecture-readerstrategy]) on each index, it returns a compound IndexReader on top of all involved indexes. Because this IndexReader is shared amongst several clients, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Never call indexReader.close(), but always call readerProvider.closeReader(reader), using a finally block.

  • Don’t use this IndexReader for modification operations: it’s a read-only instance, you would get an exception.

Aside from those rules, you can use the IndexReader freely, especially to do native Lucene queries. Using this shared IndexReaders will be more efficient than by opening one directly from - for example - the filesystem.

As an alternative to the method open(Class…​ types) you can use open(String…​ indexNames) in this case you pass in one or more index names; using this strategy you can also select a subset of the indexes for any indexed type if sharding is used.

Example 6. Accessing an IndexReader by index names
IndexReader reader = searchFactory
      .open("Products.1", "Products.3");

Accessing a Lucene Directory

A Directory is the most common abstraction used by Lucene to represent the index storage; Hibernate Search doesn’t interact directly with a Lucene Directory but abstracts these interactions via an IndexManager: an index does not necessarily need to be implemented by a Directory.

If you are certain that your index is represented as a Directory and need to access it, you can get a reference to the Directory via the IndexManager. You will have to cast the IndexManager instance to a DirectoryBasedIndexManager and then use getDirectoryProvider().getDirectory() to get a reference to the underlying Directory. This is not recommended, if you need low level access to the index using Lucene APIs we suggest to see Using an IndexReader instead.

Sharding indexes

In some cases it can be useful to split (shard) the data into several Lucene indexes. There are two main use use cases:

  • A single index is so big that index update times are slowing the application down. In this case static sharding can be used to split the data into a pre-defined number of shards.

  • Data is naturally segmented by customer, region, language or other application parameter and the index should be split according to these segments. This is a use case for dynamic sharding.


By default sharding is not enabled.

Static sharding

To enable static sharding set the<indexName>.sharding_strategy.nbr_of_shards property as seen in Enabling index sharding.

Example 7. Enabling index sharding[default|<indexName>].sharding_strategy.nbr_of_shards = 5

The default sharding strategy which gets enabled by setting this property, splits the data according to the hash value of the document id (generated by the FieldBridge). This ensures a fairly balanced sharding. You can replace the default strategy by implementing a custom IndexShardingStrategy. To use your custom strategy you have to set the[default|<indexName>].sharding_strategy property to the fully qualified class name of your custom IndexShardingStrategy.

Example 8. Registering a custom IndexShardingStrategy[default|<indexName>].sharding_strategy = my.custom.RandomShardingStrategy

Dynamic sharding

Dynamic sharding allows you to manage the shards yourself and even create new shards on the fly. To do so you need to implement the interface ShardIdentifierProvider and set the[default|<indexName>].sharding_strategy property to the fully qualified name of this class. Note that instead of implementing the interface directly, you should rather derive your implementation from which provides a basic implementation. Let’s look at Custom ShardIdentifierProvider for an example.

Example 9. Custom ShardIdentifierProvider
public static class AnimalShardIdentifierProvider extends ShardIdentifierProviderTemplate {

 public String getShardIdentifier(Class<?> entityType, Serializable id,
         String idAsString, Document document) {
    if (entityType.equals(Animal.class)) {
       String typeValue = document.getField("type").stringValue();
       return typeValue;
    throw new RuntimeException("Animal expected but found " + entityType);

 protected Set<String> loadInitialShardNames(Properties properties, BuildContext buildContext) {
    ServiceManager serviceManager = buildContext.getServiceManager();
    SessionFactory sessionFactory = serviceManager.requestService(
    Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
    try {
       Criteria initialShardsCriteria = session.createCriteria(Animal.class);
       List<String> initialTypes = initialShardsCriteria.list();
       return new HashSet<String>(initialTypes);
    finally {

The are several things happening in AnimalShardIdentifierProvider. First off its purpose is to create one shard per animal type (e.g. mammal, insect, etc.). It does so by inspecting the class type and the Lucene document passed to the getShardIdentifier() method. It extracts the type field from the document and uses it as shard name. getShardIdentifier() is called for every addition to the index and a new shard will be created with every new animal type encountered. The base class ShardIdentifierProviderTemplate maintains a set with all known shards to which any identifier must be added by calling addShard().

It is important to understand that Hibernate Search cannot know which shards already exist when the application starts. When using ShardIdentifierProviderTemplate as base class of a ShardIdentifierProvider implementation, the initial set of shard identifiers must be returned by the loadInitialShardNames() method. How this is done will depend on the use case. However, a common case in combination with Hibernate ORM is that the initial shard set is defined by the distinct values of a given database column. Custom ShardIdentifierProvider shows how to handle such a case. AnimalShardIdentifierProvider makes in its loadInitialShardNames() implementation use of a service called HibernateSessionFactoryService (see also Using external services) which is available within an ORM environment. It allows to request a Hibernate SessionFactory instance which can be used to run a Criteria query in order to determine the initial set of shard identifiers.

Last but not least, the ShardIdentifierProvider also allows for optimizing searches by selecting which shard to run a query against. By activating a filter (see [query-filter-shard]), a sharding strategy can select a subset of the shards used to answer a query (getShardIdentifiersForQuery(), not shown in the example) and thus speed up the query execution.


This ShardIdentifierProvider is considered experimental. We might need to apply some changes to the defined method signatures to accommodate for unforeseen use cases. Please provide feedback if you have ideas, or just to let us know how you’re using this API.

Sharing indexes

It is technically possible to store the information of more than one entity into a single Lucene index. There are two ways to accomplish this:


Support for indexing multiple entity types in the same index is deprecated and is going to be removed in Hibernate Search 6.

  • Configuring the underlying directory providers to point to the same physical index directory. In practice, you set the property[fully qualified entity name].indexName to the same value. As an example, let’s use the same index (directory) for the Furniture and Animal entities. We just set indexName for both entities to "Animal". Both entities will then be stored in the Animal directory: = Animal = Animal
  • Setting the @Indexed annotation’s index attribute of the entities you want to merge to the same value. If we again wanted all Furniture instances to be indexed in the Animal index along with all instances of Animal we would specify @Indexed(index="Animal") on both Animal and Furniture classes.


This is only presented here so that you know the option is available. There is really not much benefit in sharing indexes.

Using external services

A Service in Hibernate Search is a class implementing the interface and providing a default no-arg constructor. Theoretically that’s all that is needed to request a given service type from the Hibernate Search ServiceManager. In practice you want probably want to add some service life cycle methods (implement Startable and Stoppable) as well as actual methods providing some functionality.

Hibernate Search uses the service approach to decouple different components of the system. Let’s have a closer look at services and how they are used.

Using a Service

Many of of the pluggable contracts of Hibernate Search can use services. Services are accessible via the BuildContext interface as in the following example.

Example 10. Example of a custom DirectoryProvider using a ClassLoaderService
public CustomDirectoryProvider implements DirectoryProvider<RAMDirectory> {
    private ServiceManager serviceManager;
    private ClassLoaderService classLoaderService;

    public void initialize(
        String directoryProviderName,
        Properties properties,
        BuildContext context) {
        //get a reference to the ServiceManager
        this.serviceManager = context.getServiceManager();

    public void start() {
        //get the current ClassLoaderService
        classLoaderService = serviceManager.requestService(ClassLoaderService.class);

    public RAMDirectory getDirectory() {
        //use the ClassLoaderService

    public stop() {
        //make sure to release all services

When you request a service, an instance of the requested service type is returned to you. Make sure release the service via ServiceManager.releaseService once you don’t need it anymore. Note that the service can be released in the DirectoryProvider.stop method if the DirectoryProvider uses the service during its lifetime or could be released right away if the service is only needed during initialization time.

Implementing a Service

To implement a service, you need to create an interface which identifies it and extends You can then add additional methods to your service interface as needed.

Naturally you will also need to provide an implementation of your service interface. This implementation must have a public no-arg constructor. Optionally your service can also implement the life cycle methods and/or These methods will be called by the ServiceManager when the service is created respectively the last reference to a requested service is released.

Services are retrieved from the ServiceManager.requestService using the Class object of the interface you define as a key.

Managed services

To transparently discover services Hibernate Search uses the Java ServiceLoader mechanism. This means you need to add a service file to your jar under /META-INF/services/ named after the fully qualified classname of your service interface. The content of the file contains the fully qualified classname of your service implementation.

Example 11. Service file for the Infinispan CacheManagerService service
Example 12. Content of META-INF/services/

Hibernate Search only supports a single service implementation of a given service. There is no mechanism to select between multiple versions of a service. It is an error to have multiple jars defining each a different implementation for the same service. If you want to override the implementation of a already existing service at runtime you will need to look at Provided services.

Provided services

Provided services are usually used by frameworks integrating with Hibernate Search and not by library users themselves.

As an alternative to manages services, a service can be provided by the environment bootstrapping Hibernate Search. For example, Infinispan which uses Hibernate Search as its internal search engine, passes the CacheContainer to Hibernate Search. In this case, the CacheContainer instance is not managed by Hibernate Search and the start/stop methods defined by optional Stoppable and Startable interfaces will be ignored.

A Service implementation which is only used as a Provided Service doesn’t need to have a public constructor taking no arguments.


Provided services have priority over managed services. If a provided service is registered with the same ServiceManager instance as a managed service, the provided service will be used.

The provided services are passed to Hibernate Search via the SearchConfiguration interface: as implementor of method getProvidedServices you can return a Map of all services you need to provide.


When implementing a custom we recommend you extend the base class that will improve compatibility by not breaking your code when we need to add new methods to this interface.

Customizing Lucene’s scoring formula

Lucene allows the user to customize its scoring formula by extending The abstract methods defined in this class match the factors of the following formula calculating the score of query q for document d:

score(q,d) = coord(q,d) · queryNorm(q) · ∑ ~t in q~ ( tf(t in d) · idf(t) 2 · t.getBoost() · norm(t,d) )

Factor Description

tf(t ind)

Term frequency factor for the term (t) in the document (d).


Inverse document frequency of the term.


Score factor based on how many of the query terms are found in the specified document.


Normalizing factor used to make scores between queries comparable.


Field boost.


Encapsulates a few (indexing time) boost and length factors.

It is beyond the scope of this manual to explain this formula in more detail. Please refer to Similarity’s Javadocs for more information.

Hibernate Search provides two ways to modify Lucene’s similarity calculation.

First you can set the default similarity by specifying the fully specified classname of your Similarity implementation using the property The default value is

Secondly, you can override the similarity used for a specific index by setting the similarity property for this index (see [search-configuration-directory] for more information about index configuration):[default|<indexname>].similarity = my.custom.Similarity

As an example, let’s assume it is not important how often a term appears in a document. Documents with a single occurrence of the term should be scored the same as documents with multiple occurrences. In this case your custom implementation of the method tf(float freq) should return 1.0.


When two entities share the same index they must declare the same Similarity implementation.


What is multi-tenancy?

The term multi-tenancy in general is applied to software development to indicate an architecture in which a single running instance of an application simultaneously serves multiple clients (tenants). Isolating information (data, customizations, etc) pertaining to the various tenants is a particular challenge in these systems. This includes the data owned by each tenant stored in the database. You will find more details on how to enable multi-tenancy with Hibernate in the Hibernate ORM developer’s guide.

Using a tenant-aware FullTextSession

Hibernate Search supports multi-tenancy on top of Hibernate ORM, it stores the tenant identifier in the document and automatically filters the query results.

The FullTextSession will be bound to the specific tenant ("client-A" in the example) and the mass indexer will only index the entities associated to that tenant identifier.

Example 13. Bind the session to a tenant
Session session = getSessionFactory()
                          .tenantIdentifier( "client-A" )

FullTextSession session = Search.getFullTextSession( session );

The use of a tenant identifier will have the following effects:

  1. Every document saved or updated in the index will have an additional field __HSearch_TenantId containing the tenant identifier.

  2. Every search will be filtered using the tenant identifier.

  3. The MassIndexer (see [search-batchindex-massindexer]) will only affect the currently selected tenant.

Note that not using a tenant will return all the matching results for all the tenants in the index.