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Geometric objects

Simsopt contains implementations of two types of geometric objects that are important for stellarators: curves and surfaces. Each are available in a variety of parameterizations, and several derivatives are provided. The curve and surface objects can all be found in the :obj:`simsopt.geo` module.


Curves are useful for representing electromagnetic coils and the magnetic axis. Curves are represented in simsopt with subclasses of the base class :obj:`simsopt.geo.Curve`. A simsopt curve is modelled as a function \Gamma:[0, 1] \to \mathbb{R}^3. Note that the curve parameter goes up to 1, not to 2\pi. Curves in simsopt are assumed to be periodic in the parameter. A curve object stores a list of n_\theta "quadrature points" \{\theta_1, \ldots, \theta_{n_\theta}\} \subset [0, 1]. A variety of class methods return information about the curve at these quadrature points. Some of the available methods are the following:

  • Curve.gamma(): returns a (n_theta, 3) array containing \Gamma(\theta_i) for i\in\{1, \ldots, n_\theta\}, i.e. returns a list of XYZ coordinates along the curve.
  • Curve.gammadash(): returns a (n_theta, 3) array containing \Gamma'(\theta_i) for i\in\{1, \ldots, n_\theta\}, i.e. returns the (non-unit-length) tangent vector along the curve.
  • Curve.kappa(): returns a (n_theta, 1) array containing the curvature \kappa of the curve at the quadrature points.
  • Curve.torsion(): returns a (n_theta, 1) array containing the torsion \tau of the curve at the quadrature points.
  • Curve.frenet_frame(): returns a 3-element tuple. The leading element is a (n_theta, 3) array containing the Cartesian components of the unit tangent vector at the quadrature points. Similarly, the remaining two entries of the tuple give the unit normal and binormal vectors.

The different curve classes, such as :obj:`simsopt.geo.CurveRZFourier` and :obj:`simsopt.geo.CurveXYZFourier` differ in the way curves are discretized. Each of these take an array of "dofs" (parameters, e.g. Fourier coefficients) and turn these into a function \Gamma:[0, 1] \to \mathbb{R}^3. These dofs can be queried and set via the .x or .full_x properties; the former gives just the non-fixed dofs, whereas the latter gives all dofs including those that are fixed. You can also set an individual dof using its string name. For example, for a :obj:`simsopt.geo.CurveXYZFourier` object c, the zero-frequency Fourier mode of the y Cartesian component can be set to 5.0 using c.set("yc(0)", 5.0). Changing the dofs will change the shape of the curve. Simsopt is able to compute derivatives of all relevant quantities with respect to the discretization parameters. For example, to compute the derivative of the coordinates of the curve at quadrature points, one calls Curve.dgamma_by_dcoeff(). One obtains a numpy array of shape (n_theta, 3, n_dofs), containing the derivative of the position at every quadrature point with respect to every degree of freedom of the curve. In the same way one can compute the derivative of quantities such as curvature (via Curve.dkappa_by_dcoeff()) or torsion (via Curve.dtorsion_by_dcoeff()).

A number of objective functions are available in :obj:`simsopt.geo` and are computed on a :obj:`simsopt.geo.Curve`:

The value of the quantity and its derivative with respect to the curve dofs can be obtained by calling e.g., CurveLength.J() and CurveLength.dJ().


Surfaces are used to represent flux surfaces, particularly for the boundary of MHD equilibria, and for the target surface in stage-2 coil optimization. Surfaces are represented in simsopt using subclasses of the base class :obj:`simsopt.geo.Surface`. A surface is modelled in simsopt as a function \Gamma:[0, 1] \times [0, 1] \to \mathbb{R}^3 and is evaluated at quadrature points \{\phi_1, \ldots, \phi_{n_\phi}\}\times\{\theta_1, \ldots, \theta_{n_\theta}\}. Here, \phi is the toroidal angle and \theta is the poloidal angle. Note that \phi and \theta go up to 1, not up to 2 \pi! Surfaces in simsopt are assumed to be periodic in both angles.

In practice, you almost never use the base :obj:`~simsopt.geo.Surface` class. Rather, you typically use one of the subclasses corresponding to a specific parameterization. Presently, the available subclasses are :obj:`~simsopt.geo.SurfaceRZFourier`, :obj:`~simsopt.geo.SurfaceGarabedian`, :obj:`~simsopt.geo.SurfaceHenneberg`, :obj:`~simsopt.geo.SurfaceXYZFourier`, and :obj:`~simsopt.geo.SurfaceXYZTensorFourier`. In many cases you can convert a surface from one type to another by going through :obj:`~simsopt.geo.SurfaceRZFourier`, as most surface types have to_RZFourier() and from_RZFourier() methods. Note that :obj:`~simsopt.geo.SurfaceRZFourier` corresponds to the surface parameterization used internally in the VMEC and SPEC codes. However when using these codes in simsopt, any of the available surface subclasses can be used to represent the surfaces, and simsopt will automatically handle the conversion to :obj:`~simsopt.geo.SurfaceRZFourier` when running the code.

The points \phi_j and \theta_j are used for evaluating the position vector and its derivatives, for computing integrals, and for plotting, and there are several available methods to specify these points. For \theta_j, you can specify a list or array of points to the quadpoints_theta keyword argument when instantiating surface classes. Similarly, you can pass a list or array to the quadpoints_phi keyword argument of the constructor for any Surface subclass to specify the \phi_j points directly.

Often, it is desirable to specify the number of grid points instead of supplying quadpoints_phi and quadpoints_theta to the Surface classes. In this case, use the class method :meth:`~simsopt.geo.surface.Surface.from_nphi_ntheta`. Replace Surface with the desired subclass when calling the from_nphi_ntheta class method. For \theta_j, you specify a keyword argument ntheta to the class method when instantiating a surface class. This results in a grid of ntheta uniformly spaced points between 0 and 1, with no endpoint at 1. For the \phi coordinate, you sometimes want points up to 1 (the full torus), sometimes up to 1/n_{fp} (one field period), and sometimes up to 1/(2 n_{fp}) (half a field period). These three cases can be selected by setting the range keyword argument of the class method to "full torus", "field period", or "half period". Equivalently, you can set range to the constants S.RANGE_FULL_TORUS, S.RANGE_FIELD_PERIOD, or S.RANGE_HALF_PERIOD, where S can be :obj:`simsopt.geo.Surface` or any of its subclasses. Note that the \phi grid points begin at 0 for "full torus" and "field period", whereas for "half period" the \phi grid is shifted by half of the grid spacing to preserve spectral accuracy of integration. For all three cases, the nphi keyword argument can be set to the desired number of \phi grid points. For more information about these arguments, see the :obj:`~simsopt.geo.SurfaceRZFourier` API documentation.

The methods available to each surface class are similar to those of the :obj:`~simsopt.geo.Curve` class:

  • Surface.gamma(): returns a (n_phi, n_theta, 3) array containing \Gamma(\phi_i, \theta_j) for i\in\{1, \ldots, n_\phi\}, j\in\{1, \ldots, n_\theta\}, i.e. returns a list of XYZ coordinates on the surface.
  • Surface.gammadash1(): returns a (n_phi, n_theta, 3) array containing \partial_\phi \Gamma(\phi_i, \theta_j) for i\in\{1, \ldots, n_\phi\}, j\in\{1, \ldots, n_\theta\}.
  • Surface.gammadash2(): returns a (n_phi, n_theta, 3) array containing \partial_\theta \Gamma(\phi_i, \theta_j) for i\in\{1, \ldots, n_\phi\}, j\in\{1, \ldots, n_\theta\}.
  • Surface.normal(): returns a (n_phi, n_theta, 3) array containing \partial_\phi \Gamma(\phi_i, \theta_j)\times \partial_\theta \Gamma(\phi_i, \theta_j) for i\in\{1, \ldots, n_\phi\}, j\in\{1, \ldots, n_\theta\}.
  • Surface.area(): returns the surface area.
  • Surface.volume(): returns the volume enclosed by the surface.
  • Surface.gammadash1dash1(): returns a (n_phi, n_theta, 3) array containing \partial^2_{\phi,\phi} \Gamma(\phi_i, \theta_j) for i\in\{1, \ldots, n_\phi\}, j\in\{1, \ldots, n_\theta\}.
  • Surface.gammadash2dash2(): returns a (n_phi, n_theta, 3) array containing \partial^2_{\theta,\theta} \Gamma(\phi_i, \theta_j) for i\in\{1, \ldots, n_\phi\}, j\in\{1, \ldots, n_\theta\}.
  • Surface.gammadash1dash2(): returns a (n_phi, n_theta, 3) array containing \partial^2_{\theta,\phi} \Gamma(\phi_i, \theta_j) for i\in\{1, \ldots, n_\phi\}, j\in\{1, \ldots, n_\theta\}.
  • Surface.first_fund_form(): returns a (n_phi, n_theta, 3) array containing [\partial_{\phi} \Gamma(\phi_i, \theta_j) \cdot \partial_{\phi} \Gamma(\phi_i, \theta_j), \partial_{\phi} \Gamma(\phi_i, \theta_j) \cdot \partial_{\theta} \Gamma(\phi_i, \theta_j), \partial_{\theta} \Gamma(\phi_i, \theta_j) \cdot \partial_{\theta} \Gamma(\phi_i, \theta_j)] for i\in\{1, \ldots, n_\phi\}, j\in\{1, \ldots, n_\theta\}.
  • Surface.second_fund_form(): returns a (n_phi, n_theta, 3) array containing [\hat{\textbf{n}}(\phi_i, \theta_j) \cdot \partial^2_{\phi,\phi} \Gamma(\phi_i, \theta_j), \hat{\textbf{n}}(\phi_i, \theta_j) \cdot \partial^2_{\phi,\theta} \Gamma(\phi_i, \theta_j), \hat{\textbf{n}}(\phi_i, \theta_j) \cdot \partial^2_{\theta,\theta} \Gamma(\phi_i, \theta_j)] for i\in\{1, \ldots, n_\phi\}, j\in\{1, \ldots, n_\theta\} where \hat{\textbf{n}} is the unit normal.
  • Surface.surface_curvatures(): returns a (n_phi, n_theta, 4) array containing [H(\phi_i, \theta_j),K(\phi_i, \theta_j),\kappa_1(\phi_i, \theta_j),\kappa_2(\phi_i, \theta_j)] for i\in\{1, \ldots, n_\phi\}, j\in\{1, \ldots, n_\theta\} where H is the mean curvature, K is the Gaussian curvature, and \kappa_{1,2} are the principal curvatures with \kappa_1>\kappa_2.

A number of objective functions related to surfaces are available in :obj:`simsopt.geo`:

The value of the quantity and its derivative with respect to the surface dofs can be obtained by calling e.g., ToroidalFlux.J() and ToroidalFlux.dJ_dsurfacecoefficients().


The quantities that Simsopt can compute for curves and surfaces often depend on each other. For example, the curvature or torsion of a curve both rely on Curve.gammadash(); to avoid repeated calculation, geometric objects contain a cache that is automatically managed. If a quantity for the curve is requested, the cache is checked to see whether it was already computed. This cache can be cleared manually by calling Curve.invalidate_cache(). This function is called every time values are assigned to Curve.x (meaning the shape of the curve changes).


Some basic graphics functions are provided for curve and surface objects. To plot a single curve or surface, you can call the .plot() function of the object. Presently, three graphics engines are supported: matplotlib, mayavi, and plotly. You can select the plotting engine by passing the engine keyword argument, e.g. if c is a Curve object you can call c.plot(engine="mayavi"). You can use the close argument to control whether segments are drawn between the last quadrature point and the first. For these and other options, see the API documentation for :func:`simsopt.geo.Curve.plot()` and :func:`simsopt.geo.Surface.plot()`.

If you have multiple curve and/or surface objects, a convenient way to plot them together on the same axes is the function :func:`simsopt.geo.plot()`, which accepts a list of objects as its argument. Any keywords passed to this function are passed to the .plot() methods of the individual objects, so you may wish to pass keywords such as engine or close. Alternatively, you can also use the ax and show arguments of the .plot() methods for individual curve and surface objects to put them on shared axes.

It is also possible to export curve and surface objects in VTK format, so they can be viewed in Paraview. This functionality requires the python package pyevtk, which can be installed via pip install pyevtk. A list of curve objects can be exported using the function :func:`simsopt.geo.curves_to_vtk()`. To export a VTK file for a surface, call the .to_vtk(filename) function of the object. See :func:`simsopt.geo.Surface.to_vtk()` for more details.