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C++ backend

SIMSOPT uses C++ for performance critical functions such as the Biot Savart law, many of the geometric classes, and particle tracing. This section is aimed at advanced developers of SIMSOPT to give an overview over the interface between C++ and Python and to help avoid common pitfalls. For most users of SIMSOPT this is not relevant.

The C++ code can be found in the folder src/simsoptpp.


To expose the C++ code to python, we use the pybind11 library. The interfacing happens in the python.cpp and python_*.cpp files.

Trampoline classes: In many cases we define some parent class in C++ that has virtual functions and then we want to inherit from this class on the python side and overload these functions. A good example for this is the :mod:`simsoptpp.MagneticField` class. This is the base class for magnetic fields and it takes care of things like caching, or coordinate systems for evaluating magnetic fields. When you create a new magnetic field, you overload functions such as B_impl, in order to compute the magnetic field at given locations. In order for this overload to work on the python side, pybind requires so called trampoline classes. In the case of magnetic fields, this can be found in src/simsoptpp/pymagneticfield.h.

Lifetime of objects: memory management in hybrid Python/C++ codes can be difficult. To guarantee that objects managed by C++ are not deleted even though they are still used on the Python side, we make sure that we hold a reference to them in the Python code. A good example for this is the :mod:`simsopt.field.biotsavart.BiotSavart` class that keeps a reference to the underlying coils. See this pull request for a discussion of this issue and further references.

xtensor and xtensor-python

We use numpy array heavily on the python side; in order to use these (without copying them) in the C++ code, we employ the xtensor library and its xtensor-python interface to python.

xarray vs pyarray:

One pitfall to be aware of here is the following: there are different types for arrays that are managed from the python side, vs those managed on the C++ side. This means that for code that is purely C++, one should use xarray from xtensor, but for code that is used from python, one uses pyarray from xtensor-python. While most of simsoptpp is only ever used from the python side, it can be useful for profiling purposes (or for future usecases of the library by other C++ codes) to allow for the use of xarray. For this reason, many functions and classes are templated on the data type, so that either is possible.


Some of the code is parallelized using OpenMP. OpenMP can be turned of by setting export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 before running a SIMSOPT script. This is recommended when debugging bugs that are assumed to be in the C++ code. We have found that creating new xtensor arrays or tensors in OpenMP threads leads to memory issues, so we always create those in the serial part of the code and then simply fill them in parallel.


For simple computations that are compute bound, we use SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) instructions to make use of the AVX/AVX2/AVX512 instruction sets on modern CPUs. To simplify the use of these instructions, we use the xsimd library.


When editing the C++ code, it may be useful to use CMake and make directly to only recompile those parts of the code that changed. This can be achieved as below

git clone --recursive
cd simsopt
pip3 install -e .
mkdir cmake-build
cd cmake-build
cmake ..
make -j
cd ../src
ln -s ../cmake-build/ .

You may have to adjust the last two lines to match your local system. From then on, you can always just call make -j inside the cmake-build directory to recompile the C++ part of the code.