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Permanent magnet optimization

In this tutorial it is shown how to perform stage-2 stellarator optimization using a set of permanent magnets. The approach employed here follows the work in the paper Greedy permanent magnet optimization.

Here we work through several examples of "stage 2" permanent magnet optimization for different stellarators and variants of the optimization algorithm. In this approach, a target plasma shape (i.e. boundary flux surface shape) has already been found in a "stage 1" optimization, and the present task is to optimize a large set of permanent magnets (at predefined locations on a 3D grid) to produce this target field. For this stage-2 problem, no MHD codes are used (example, VMEC or SPEC), so there is no need to have them installed.

We first describe the basic principles of "stage 2" permanent magnet optimization and how they are used in SIMSOPT, namely, how to set up the optimization problem in the minimal example examples/1_Simple/ Several advanced features for permanent magnet optimization can be found in the following scripts:

  • Using a pre-defined FAMUS grid of permanent magnets to optimize the MUSE stellarator, and using greedy backtracking to optimize the magnets in examples/2_Intermediate/
  • Solving the continuous relaxation of the optimization using the relax and split algorithm and the Landreman/Paul QA stellarator in examples/2_Intermediate/
  • Using arbitrarily oriented dipoles with the greedy algorithms for the best flexibility and performance in permanent magnet optimization in examples/2_Intermediate/

Minimal permanent magnets example

A minimal objective function (cost function) for permanent magnet optimization is

J = \frac{1}{2} \int |(\vec{B}_{magnets} - \vec{B}_{ext}) \cdot \vec{n}|^2 ds = \frac{1}{2} \|Am - b\|^2_2

Here \vec{B}_{magnets} is the magnetic field generate purely from the permanent magnets, \vec{B}_{ext} are any external magnetic fields, and m is the flattened optimization variables representing all of the dipole vectors for every permanent magnet in the grid. The objective represents the "quadratic flux", the area integral over the target plasma surface of the square of the magnetic field normal to the surface. If the magnets exactly produce a flux surface of the target shape, this term will vanish.

Notice that, unlike in normal stage-2 coil optimization, B_{ext} must be nonzero. This is because permanent magnets cannot produce a net toroidal flux, i.e. permanent magnets cannot provide a free current through the torus hole, so that application of Ampere's law along a toroidal curve gives zero. In other words, in addition to the permanent magnets, we need a set of coils to provide the net toroidal flux in the stellarator.

Moreover, we don't want any solution of magnets that minimizes this objective. Actually, we want to solve it such that magnets are at maximum-strength (so we use as few magnets as possible, and each magnet is best utilized) and grid-aligned (so the resulting permanent magnet grid can be reasonably engineered in the real world). This really complicates the optimization problem but we can ignore this here and simply adopt a greedy approach described more below.

In this first section we consider vacuum fields only, so the magnetic field due to current in the plasma does not need to be subtracted in the quadratic flux term. The configuration considered is the C09R00 NCSX configuration, which is three-field-period and stellarator symmetric, and is scaled to 0.5 Tesla on-axis.

The stage-2 optimization problem is automatically parallelized in simsopt using OpenMP and vectorization, but MPI is not used, so the mpi4py python package is not needed. This example can be run in a few minutes on a laptop.

To solve this optimization problem in simsopt, we first import the necessary classes:

from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from simsopt.field import DipoleField, ToroidalField
from simsopt.geo import PermanentMagnetGrid, SurfaceRZFourier
from simsopt.solve import GPMO
from simsopt.util.permanent_magnet_helper_functions import *

The target plasma surface is given in the wout input file tests/test_files/ We load the surface with low-resolution using:

nphi = 16
ntheta = 16
filename = "tests/test_files/"
s = SurfaceRZFourier.from_wout(filename, range="half period", nphi=nphi, ntheta=ntheta)

You can adjust the directory in "filename" as appropriate for your system. As surface objects carry a grid of "quadrature points" at which the position vector is evaluated we may want these points to cover different ranges of the toroidal angle. For this problem with stellarator symmetry and field-period symmetry, we need only consider half of a field period in order to evaluate integrals over the entire surface. For this reason, the range parameter of the surface is set to "half period" here. Possible options in general are "full torus", "field period" and "half period", but "half period" is significantly more efficient than the other options for this problem. The nphi and ntheta parameters should be ~ 64 or so for a high-resolution and fully converged permanent magnet optimization run.

We next set the initial condition for the coils. Usually, we would initialize some coil class objects, but for this example we have simplified by imagining we have a set of equally spaced toroidal field coils that produces a purely toroidal field through Ampere's law for a purely toroidal field: 2 \pi R B_0 = \mu_0 I. To evaluate the magnetic field on the target surface, we create a :obj:`simsopt.field.ToroidalField` object based on the coils, and instruct it to evaluate the field on the surface:

net_poloidal_current_Amperes = 3.7713e+6
mu0 = 4 * np.pi * 1e-7
RB = mu0 * net_poloidal_current_Amperes / (2 * np.pi)
bs = ToroidalField(R0=1, B0=RB)
bs.set_points(s.gamma().reshape((-1, 3)))
Bnormal = np.sum(bs.B().reshape((nphi, ntheta, 3)) * s.unitnormal(), axis=2)

The surface position vector gamma() returns an array of size (nphi, ntheta, 3), which we reshaped here to (nphi*ntheta, 3) as required for the :obj:`~simsopt.field.ToroidalField` object.

We are now ready to initialize a :obj:`~simsopt.geo.PermanentMagnetGrid` object. We first define some keyword arguments to use -- here we set a cylindrical coordinate system for the permanent magnet grid, so that the magnets are represented as cylindrical bricks. Lastly, we need to indicate where the pre-defined grid (from FAMUS) can be found, in famus_filename:

kwargs = {"coordinate_flag": "cylindrical"}
famus_filename = 'init_orient_pm_nonorm_5E4_q4_dp.focus'
pm_opt = PermanentMagnetGrid.geo_setup_from_famus(
    s, Bnormal, famus_filename, **kwargs

We are now ready to initialize some keyword arguments for the optimization. GPMO stands for greedy permanent magnet optimization, and it is so named because the optimizer simply places magnets one-by-one into the grid in such a way to minimize the \|Am-b\|_2^2 errors at each step. We then specify K = 40000 to place 40000 permanent magnets and nhistory = 100, to record the optimization progress 100 times (every 400 iterations):

kwargs = initialize_default_kwargs('GPMO')
kwargs['K'] = 40000
kwargs['nhistory'] = 100

# Optimize the permanent magnets greedily
R2_history, Bn_history, m_history = GPMO(pm_opt, **kwargs)

The GPMO algorithm returns a history of the \|Am - b\|_2^2 errors (R2_history), a history of the |Am - b| errors (Bn_history), and the optimized dipole vectors at each point in the algorithm progress (m_history).

Now we can visualize the solutions by creating a :obj:`~simsopt.field.DipoleField` object from the optimized PermanentMagnetGrid:

b_dipole = DipoleField(
b_dipole.set_points(s.gamma().reshape((-1, 3)))
Bnormal_dipoles = np.sum(b_dipole.B().reshape((nphi, ntheta, 3)) * s.unitnormal(), axis=-1)
Bnormal_total = Bnormal + Bnormal_dipoles

# Now save vtk files of Bnormal, Bnormal_dipoles, and Bnormal_total for Paraview viewing
pointData = {"B_N": Bnormal[:, :, None]}
s.to_vtk("CoilsBn", extra_data=pointData)
pointData = {"B_N": Bnormal_dipoles[:, :, None]}
s.to_vtk("MagnetsBn", extra_data=pointData)
pointData = {"B_N": Bnormal_total[:, :, None]}
s.to_vtk("TotalBn", extra_data=pointData)

which produces the following in Paraview (from left to right: CoilsBn, MagnetsBn, TotalBn):




Notice that the Bnormal from the magnets is trying to cancel out the Bnormal from the coils, so that the total Bnormal is close to zero. At the end of the optimization, the results can be saved as follows:


This saves the PermanentMagnetClass solution and geometry into a FAMUS-style text file. It can be loaded again for post-processing or additional optimization with:

pm_opt = PermanentMagnetGrid.geo_setup_from_famus("SIMSOPT_dipole_solution.focus")

Further options for improved optimization

By default, GPMO places magnets with their full strength magnitudes and with their dipole vectors aligned with one of the three coordinate directions, i.e. in the previous example, in the R, \phi, or Z directions. The advantage of this technique is that only maximum-strength, grid-aligned magnet solutions are produced. One way to specify a single direction for all magnets, as in the MUSE grid where all the dipoles must be in the \pm R orientation, is to call GPMO with the following keyword argument:

kwargs['single_direction'] = 0  # 0, 1, 2 correspond to (R, phi, Z)
algorithm = 'baseline'  # unnecessary here, as this is the default
R2_history, Bn_history, m_history = GPMO(pm_opt, algorithm, **kwargs)

Another possible improvement is to place multiple permanent magnets at time, instead of one-by-one, it places sections of N (identically aligned!) magnets at each step. This has the advantage of better avoiding magnets that are equal and opposite and spatially close -- such magnets tend to be suboptimal in the final solution because their fields are mostly cancelling. For this GPMOm algorithm, the following keyword can be used:

kwargs['Nadjacent'] = 10  # place 10 magnets each iteration

# pass the full permanent magnet grid geometry in C++ compatible way
# This is needed in order to figure out which magnets are adjacent to each other
kwargs['dipole_grid_xyz'] = np.ascontiguousarray(pm_opt.dipole_grid_xyz)
algorithm = 'multi'
R2_history, Bn_history, m_history = GPMO(pm_opt, algorithm, **kwargs)

Probably the most useful improvement to the GPMO algorithm is to incorporate backtracking. Basically, every backtracking iterations, the algorithm will pause placing new magnets, and look around for suboptimal magnets (a magnet with an oppositely oriented magnet very close to it). If it finds such a pair of magnets, it removes them from the grid and continues on, until all such pairs are removed. Then it re-continues placing magnets:

kwargs['backtracking'] = 1000  # Backtrack every 1000 algorithm iterations
kwargs['max_nMagnets'] = 20000  # Stop when 20000 magnets have been placed
kwargs['Nadjacent'] = 10  # Look only at 10 closest neighbors for purposes of backtracking
kwargs['dipole_grid_xyz'] = np.ascontiguousarray(pm_opt.dipole_grid_xyz)
algorithm = 'backtracking'
R2_history, Bn_history, m_history = GPMO(pm_opt, algorithm, **kwargs)

Notice that with backtracking, the algorithm may run 40000 iterations and only place 19000 magnets in the final solution, because of pair removals. For this reason, there is an additional keyword argument max_nMagnets that can be used to specify the maximum number of magnets to place before the algorithm quits. The Nadjacent parameter is also used a bit differently here. It is telling the backtracking that only oppositely-oriented magnet pairs that are within each-other's 10 nearest neighbors should be removed. Playing with this hyperparameter can improve performance for most stellarators.

Next, it is possible to define arbitrary coordinate systems for each of the permanent magnets. The result is that each of the permanent magnets is given a set of orientation vectors that determine the discrete set of allowable dipole vector directions for that magnet. An advanced usage, using the Subset 5 orientations from the paper Design of an arrangement of cubic magnets for a quasi-axisymmetric stellarator experiment is as follows:

# Obtain data on the magnet arrangement
fname_argmt = TEST_DIR / 'magpie_trial104b_PM4Stell.focus'
fname_corn = TEST_DIR / 'magpie_trial104b_corners_PM4Stell.csv'
mag_data = FocusData(fname_argmt, downsample=downsample)  # load a MAGPIE grid file
nMagnets_tot = mag_data.nMagnets
pol_axes = np.zeros((0, 3))
pol_type = np.zeros(0, dtype=int)

# Get face-oriented orientation vectors for each magnet and reject the negatives
pol_axes_f, pol_type_f = polarization_axes(['face'])
ntype_f = int(len(pol_type_f)/2)
pol_axes_f = pol_axes_f[:ntype_f, :]
pol_type_f = pol_type_f[:ntype_f]
pol_axes = np.concatenate((pol_axes, pol_axes_f), axis=0)
pol_type = np.concatenate((pol_type, pol_type_f))

# Get face-edge orientation vectors for each magnet and reject the negatives
pol_axes_fe_ftri, pol_type_fe_ftri = polarization_axes(['fe_ftri'])
ntype_fe_ftri = int(len(pol_type_fe_ftri)/2)
pol_axes_fe_ftri = pol_axes_fe_ftri[:ntype_fe_ftri, :]
pol_type_fe_ftri = pol_type_fe_ftri[:ntype_fe_ftri] + 1
pol_axes = np.concatenate((pol_axes, pol_axes_fe_ftri), axis=0)
pol_type = np.concatenate((pol_type, pol_type_fe_ftri))

# Get face-corner orientation vectors for each magnet and reject the negatives
pol_axes_fc_ftri, pol_type_fc_ftri = polarization_axes(['fc_ftri'])
ntype_fc_ftri = int(len(pol_type_fc_ftri)/2)
pol_axes_fc_ftri = pol_axes_fc_ftri[:ntype_fc_ftri, :]
pol_type_fc_ftri = pol_type_fc_ftri[:ntype_fc_ftri] + 2
pol_axes = np.concatenate((pol_axes, pol_axes_fc_ftri), axis=0)
pol_type = np.concatenate((pol_type, pol_type_fc_ftri))

# Read in the phi coordinates and set the pol_vectors
ophi = orientation_phi(fname_corn)[:nMagnets_tot]
discretize_polarizations(mag_data, ophi, pol_axes, pol_type)
pol_vectors = np.zeros((nMagnets_tot, len(pol_type), 3))
pol_vectors[:, :, 0] = mag_data.pol_x
pol_vectors[:, :, 1] = mag_data.pol_y
pol_vectors[:, :, 2] = mag_data.pol_z

# Set pol_vectors during initialization of NCSX PermanentMagnetGrid object
kwargs = {"coordinate_flag": "cylindrical", "pol_vectors": pol_vectors}
famus_filename = 'init_orient_pm_nonorm_5E4_q4_dp.focus'
pm_opt = PermanentMagnetGrid.geo_setup_from_famus(
    s, Bnormal, famus_filename, **kwargs

If the PermanentMagnetGrid is initialized with pol_vectors, the optimization should be performed with the ArbVec (or, described in a moment, the ArbVec_backtracking) algorithm variant:

algorithm = 'ArbVec'
R2_history, Bn_history, m_history = GPMO(pm_opt, algorithm, **kwargs)

For best performance, GPMO should be used with backtracking AND orientations for each magnet. Even better, the backtracking can be improved by specifying thresh_angle, which determines the minimum angle between two nearby magnets to consider removing them during backtracking (the default backtracking algorithm assumes that thresh_angle = \pi, i.e. fully oppositely oriented, but when there are many orientations available to the magnets, often the magnets are not fully opposite). Putting this altogether, the most effective use of the GPMO algorithm and its variants looks something like:

algorithm = 'ArbVec_backtracking'
kwargs = initialize_default_kwargs('GPMO')
kwargs['K'] = 20000
kwargs['dipole_grid_xyz'] = np.ascontiguousarray(pm_opt.dipole_grid_xyz)
if algorithm == 'backtracking' or algorithm == 'ArbVec_backtracking':
    kwargs['backtracking'] = 200
    kwargs['Nadjacent'] = 10
    kwargs['dipole_grid_xyz'] = np.ascontiguousarray(pm_opt.dipole_grid_xyz)  # make sure C++ compatible
    if algorithm == 'ArbVec_backtracking':
        kwargs['thresh_angle'] = np.pi * 120 / 180
        kwargs['max_nMagnets'] = 10000
R2_history, Bn_history, m_history = GPMO(pm_opt, algorithm, **kwargs)

This performs GPMO with backtracking and the orientations allowed in pol_vectors. The backtracking is performed only every 200 iterations, and, if a given magnet and one of its 10 nearest neighbors are oriented > 120 degrees with respect to each other, this pair is removed.

The ArbVec_backtracking algorithm also supports user-input initial guesses for solutions. In the previous examples, the GPMO algorithms were all initialized to empty grids. To initialize to an arbitrary solution, use the m_init keyword argument. m_init is a 2D array with one row for each grid position and three columns, with each column corresponding to a Cartesian x, y, or z component of the dipole moment for each grid position.

The optimizer will ensure that the initial guess solution complies with the allowable polarizations specified by the pol_vectors field of the pm_grid class instance. Thus, if any rows of the m_init keyword argument contain dipole moments that are not permitted for the respective grid position, the optimizer will instead use the closest allowable dipole moment (possibly zero).

As an example, suppose a set of magnets contained within pm_opt from the previous examples has already been optimized, and you would like to refine the optimization with different GPMO parameters. The initialization and re-optimization can be performed as follows:

kwargs['m_init'] = pm_opt.m.reshape([-1, 3])
# Modify other kwargs as desired to adjust optimization parameters
R2_history2, Bn_history2, m_history2 = GPMO(pm_opt, algorithm, **kwargs)

Note that initializations via the m_init keyword argument are currently only supported for the ArbVec_backtracking algorithm.