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Single stage optimization

In this tutorial it is shown how to optimize the boundary shape of a VMEC configuration to achieve quasisymmetry at the same time that the shape of coils are optimized to reproduce the VMEC field. The approach employed here follows the work in the paper arXiv:2302.10622 and includes both a vacuum and a finite beta implementation. This generalizes the "stage 1" and "stage 2" approaches in previous tutorials to a "single stage" approach. In this case, instead of optimizing the :obj:`simsopt.mhd.QuasisymmetryRatioResidual` or the coil optimization residual :obj:`simsopt.geo.SquaredFlux` individually, they are both summed together to optimize a single objective function (cost function) given by

J = \text{Quasisymmetry} + \text{coils_objective_weight}*\frac{1}{2} \int |\vec{B} \cdot \vec{n}|^2 ds
    \\+ \text{coil regularization terms}.

where the coil regularization terms are a sum of :obj:`simsopt.geo.CurveLength` for the length of the coils, :obj:`simsopt.geo.CurveCurveDistance` for the distance between coils, :obj:`simsopt.geo.LpCurveCurvature` for the coil curvature, :obj:`simsopt.geo.MeanSquaredCurvature` for the coil mean squared curvature and :obj:`simsopt.geo.ArclengthVariation` for the arclength variation of the coils.

In order to minimize the number of single stage iterations, in this script, an initial stage 2 optimization is performed. The finite beta optimization script requires the Virtual Casing module from the hiddenSymmetries repository.

Vacuum optimization

This example is available as in the examples/3_Advanced directory. As usual, a driver script begins with imports of the classes and functions we will need

import os
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
from pathlib import Path
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from simsopt.util import MpiPartition
from simsopt._core.derivative import Derivative
from simsopt.mhd import Vmec, QuasisymmetryRatioResidual
from simsopt._core.finite_difference import MPIFiniteDifference
from simsopt.field import BiotSavart, Current, coils_via_symmetries
from simsopt.objectives import SquaredFlux, QuadraticPenalty, LeastSquaresProblem
from simsopt.geo import (CurveLength, CurveCurveDistance, MeanSquaredCurvature,
                        LpCurveCurvature, ArclengthVariation, curves_to_vtk, create_equally_spaced_curves)

For a description of each class and function imported, please see the stage 1 script in the examples/2_Intermediate directory and the stage 2 script in the examples/1_Simple directory. For convenience, a print function is defined that only prints once even when the code is ran in parallel:

def pprint(*args, **kwargs):
    if comm.rank == 0:
        print(*args, **kwargs)

The input parameters are given by

  1. MAXITER_stage_2 = 10, which selects the maximum number of iterations for the initial stage 2 optimization.
  2. MAXITER_single_stage = 10, which selects the maximum number of iterations for the single stage optimization.
  3. max_mode = 1, which selects the maximum poloidal and toroidal modes on the surface being optimized with VMEC.
  4. vmec_input_filename = os.path.join(parent_path, 'inputs', 'input.nfp4_QH_warm_start'), which represents the initial VMEC input file.
  5. ncoils = 3: the number of coils per field period.
  6. aspect_ratio_target = 7.0: target aspect ratio for the VMEC surface.
  7. coils_objective_weight = 1e+3: the weight given to the coils objective function with respect to the stage 1 optimization.

The remaining input parameters follow the convention of the stage 2 optimization script.

Then, the results directory are created to hold the VMEC configurations and the coils

directory = 'optimization_QH'
vmec_verbose = False
# Create output directories
this_path = os.path.join(parent_path, directory)
os.makedirs(this_path, exist_ok=True)
vmec_results_path = os.path.join(this_path, "vmec")
coils_results_path = os.path.join(this_path, "coils")
if comm.rank == 0:
    os.makedirs(vmec_results_path, exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(coils_results_path, exist_ok=True)

The function fun_coils returns the objective function and gradients used in the initial stage 2 optimization, while the fun function returns the objective function and gradients used in the single stage optimization. In this function, the derivatives with respect to the coils and to the surface are computed separately. The derivatives with respect to the coils are analytical, while the derivatives with respect to the surface are a mix of analytical (defined as mixed_dJ) and finite-diference derivatives

def fun(dofs, prob_jacobian=None, info={'Nfeval': 0}):
    info['Nfeval'] += 1
    JF.x = dofs[:-number_vmec_dofs]
    prob.x = dofs[-number_vmec_dofs:]
    bs.set_points(surf.gamma().reshape((-1, 3)))
    J_stage_1 = prob.objective()
    J_stage_2 = coils_objective_weight * JF.J()
    J = J_stage_1 + J_stage_2
    if J > JACOBIAN_THRESHOLD or np.isnan(J):
        pprint(f"Exception caught during function evaluation with J={J}."
               f" Returning J={JACOBIAN_THRESHOLD}")
        grad_with_respect_to_surface = [0] * number_vmec_dofs
        grad_with_respect_to_coils = [0] * len(JF.x)
        pprint(f"fun#{info['Nfeval']}: Objective function = {J:.4f}")
        prob_dJ = prob_jacobian.jac(prob.x)
        ## Finite differences for the second-stage objective function
        coils_dJ = JF.dJ()
        ## Mixed term - derivative of squared flux with respect to the surface shape
        n = surf.normal()
        absn = np.linalg.norm(n, axis=2)
        B = bs.B().reshape((nphi_VMEC, ntheta_VMEC, 3))
        dB_by_dX = bs.dB_by_dX().reshape((nphi_VMEC, ntheta_VMEC, 3, 3))
        Bcoil = bs.B().reshape(n.shape)
        unitn = n * (1./absn)[:, :, None]
        Bcoil_n = np.sum(Bcoil*unitn, axis=2)
        mod_Bcoil = np.linalg.norm(Bcoil, axis=2)
        B_n = Bcoil_n
        B_diff = Bcoil
        B_N = np.sum(Bcoil * n, axis=2)
        assert Jf.definition == "local"
        dJdx = (B_n/mod_Bcoil**2)[:, :, None] * (np.sum(dB_by_dX*(n-B*(B_N/mod_Bcoil**2)[:, :, None])[:, :, None, :], axis=3))
        dJdN = (B_n/mod_Bcoil**2)[:, :, None] * B_diff - 0.5 * (B_N**2/absn**3/mod_Bcoil**2)[:, :, None] * n
        deriv = surf.dnormal_by_dcoeff_vjp(dJdN/(nphi_VMEC*ntheta_VMEC)) + surf.dgamma_by_dcoeff_vjp(dJdx/(nphi_VMEC*ntheta_VMEC))
        mixed_dJ = Derivative({surf: deriv})(surf)
        ## Put both gradients together
        grad_with_respect_to_coils = coils_objective_weight * coils_dJ
        grad_with_respect_to_surface = np.ravel(prob_dJ) + coils_objective_weight * mixed_dJ
    grad = np.concatenate((grad_with_respect_to_coils, grad_with_respect_to_surface))
    return J, grad

The initial stage 2 optimization is then performed at the line

res = minimize(fun_coils, dofs[:-number_vmec_dofs], jac=True,
               args=({'Nfeval': 0}), method='L-BFGS-B',
               options={'maxiter': MAXITER_stage_2, 'maxcor': 300},

while the single stage optimization is performed at

with MPIFiniteDifference(prob.objective, mpi,
                         rel_step=finite_difference_rel_step) as prob_jacobian:
    if mpi.proc0_world:
        res = minimize(fun, dofs,
                       args=(prob_jacobian, {'Nfeval': 0}),
                       jac=True, method='BFGS',
                       options={'maxiter': MAXITER_single_stage},

The results are then printed and stored in files.

Finite beta optimization

The finite beta generalization example is available as in the examples/3_Advanced directory. In addition to the parameters in the previous example, the finite beta script uses the Virtual Casing principle to decouple the plasma magnetic field from the coil magnetic field. The VirtualCasing module is imported in

from simsopt.mhd import Vmec, QuasisymmetryRatioResidual, VirtualCasing

and its resolution is set in vc_src_nphi = ntheta_VMEC.

The initialization of the VirtualCasing is performed at the line

vc = VirtualCasing.from_vmec(
    vmec, src_nphi=vc_src_nphi, trgt_nphi=nphi_VMEC,
total_current_vmec = vmec.external_current() / (2 * surf.nfp)

Now the gradients of the objective function are computed using finite differences instead of a mix of analytical and finite difference derivatives. The objective function is then wrapped in the fun_J function

def fun_J(prob, coils_prob):
    global previous_surf_dofs
    J_stage_1 = prob.objective()
    if np.any(previous_surf_dofs != prob.x):  # Only run virtual casing if surface dofs have changed
        previous_surf_dofs = prob.x
            vc = VirtualCasing.from_vmec(
                vmec, src_nphi=vc_src_nphi, trgt_nphi=nphi_VMEC,
   = vc.B_external_normal
        except ObjectiveFailure as e:

    bs.set_points(surf.gamma().reshape((-1, 3)))
    J_stage_2 = coils_objective_weight * JF.J()
    J = J_stage_1 + J_stage_2
    return J

And the resulting objective function and gradients are computed using the fun function

def fun(dofss, prob_jacobian, info={'Nfeval': 0}):
    info['Nfeval'] += 1
    prob.x = dofss[-number_vmec_dofs:]
    coil_dofs = dofss[:-number_vmec_dofs]
    # Un-fix the desired coil dofs so they can be updated:
    JF.x = coil_dofs
    J = fun_J(prob, JF)
    if J > JACOBIAN_THRESHOLD or isnan(J):
        pprint(f"fun#{info['Nfeval']}: Exception caught during function evaluation with J={J}. Returning J={JACOBIAN_THRESHOLD}")
        grad_with_respect_to_surface = [0] * number_vmec_dofs
        grad_with_respect_to_coils = [0] * len(coil_dofs)
        pprint(f"fun#{info['Nfeval']}: Objective function = {J:.4f}")
        coils_dJ = JF.dJ()
        grad_with_respect_to_coils = coils_objective_weight * coils_dJ
        JF.fix_all()  # Must re-fix the coil dofs before beginning the finite differencing.
        grad_with_respect_to_surface = prob_jacobian.jac(prob.x)[0]

    grad = np.concatenate((grad_with_respect_to_coils,

    return J, grad

The initial stage 2 optimization and single stage optimization follow the previous vacuum case, with the exception of the lines

dofs[:-number_vmec_dofs] = res.x
JF.x = dofs[:-number_vmec_dofs]
mpi.comm_world.Bcast(dofs, root=0)
opt = make_optimizable(fun_J, prob, JF)
free_coil_dofs = JF.dofs_free_status

where the coils and surface degrees of freedom are defined and MPI broadcasted and

JF.full_unfix(free_coil_dofs)  # Needed to evaluate JF.dJ

where the coils degrees of freedom are unfixed to evaluate their Jacobian.