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Overview of the Workflow

An overview of the workflow that can be downloaded as a Python package. For organizational purposes, documentation is divided into three components. These are: 1) Data Harvesting, 2) Data Workflow (main), and 3) Data Storage and they're written in detailed in separate files. The workflow is designed to be downstream, starting from data harvesting and ending at data storage.

Data Harvesting

Collects GTFS-RT every nth (e.g., 30) seconds for x (e.g., 14) hours per day, parses it, and appends to csv file. The csv file is named after the date of collection (e.g., GTFSRT_2022-01-15.csv). Use to input parameters. The general workflow of this component are in the following steps:

  1. Request feed from the hyperlink containing GTFS-RT .pb file.
  2. Extract entities from the feed.
  3. Convert the extracted entities into a Pandas DataFrame.
  4. Append dataframe to csv.
  5. Iterate steps 1-4 until defined iteration (i.e., # of hours) is complete.

Extensive documentation including backend code can be viewed in the gtfs_harvester folder.

Note: If you are using two different machines (e.g., VMs), you will need to schedule harvesting time and data processing time separately. For example, if you start automatically an Azure VM for data harvesting time at 6:00 AM (local time) for 14 hours, you will need to spin up an automated start up time at 10:00 PM for the other Azure VM to do data processing. This package does not include of how to transfer collected near real-time GTFS data between VMs. One approach is to use the subprocess package in Python, set it up in the harvester VM with recognized credentials (i.e., SSH & PPK files) to transfer the file to the processor VM. The processor VM needs to be started prior to transfer time (recommended 5 minute window). To instantiate data harvesting and processing, both Linux VMs (or one) will require crontab with a custom shell script to run automatically.

Data Processing

The main operation of the workflow that processes collected raw GTFS-RT data and outputs transit metrics. Approximately 95% of this component runs in parallel. Extensive documentation including backend code can be viewed in the gtfs_process folder.

Note: The python scripts in the data_engineering and util folders are not necessarily connected to each other, but rather signify which sub-folder they belong to.

Data Storage

Sends the output transit metrics to MongoDB for storage. This component has not reached maturity and unfortunately is not included in the package.