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Welcome to the Navigation Store Documentation

NavigationStore functions


used to declare and set the navigators in the app and their relation to other navigators and should they persist the navigation state debug param is boolean that indicates if to show console.log about states and actions etc. both navigators and settings are objects as followed:

const navigators = {
        type: 'tab', //default value : 'stack'
        initRoute:'Home' //required
        nested: { NestedNavigatorTabs: 'OtherTabs' }, //default value : null , here the key is the name of the route, and the value is the name of the nested navigator
        parent: 'MainNavigator', //default value : null
        shouldPersist: true, //default value : true
        routes:['Home','Screen2','NestedNavigatorTabs'] //default value : null , only required for tab navigators
    /*more navigators*/

const settings = {
    order:['MainNavigator','navigatorName','otherTabs'] // the order of nesting depedencies the first is the main and the last is the most nested navigator name
    initNavigatorName:'MainNavigator'//initial navigator on first run or after using the logout function

NavigationStore.setNavigators(navigators,settings,false) //this should happen in the .then of the hydrate function, as seen in the main


used to go back on screen, even between nested navigators , also helps keep the correctness of the navigation state params:

  • needAction - default: false , description: should the goBack actually go back or just update the state, true is to dispatch the goBack action , required: no
//instead of using the this.props.navigation.goBack()
NavigationStore.goBack(true) // if you injected NavigationStore use this.props.NavigationStore instead of NavigationStore


used to navigate between screens params:

  • route - default: none , description: the info of the screen we want to navigate to (based on the navigate of react-navigation) , required: yes
    • routeName - default: none , description: the name of the screen to navigate to , required: yes
    • params - default: none , description: the params for the screen , required: no
    • action - default: none , description: the action to be triggered when getting to the screen , required: no
//instead of using the this.props.navigation.navigate(route)
NavigationStore.navigate(route) // if you injected NavigationStore use this.props.NavigationStore instead of NavigationStore

reset(actions:array, index:number)

used to reset navigation stack , index must be inside the bounds of actions array params:

  • actions - default: none , description: array of NavigationActions to reset stack with , required: yes
  • index - default: none , description: the index of the wanted screen after the stack reset , required: yes
//instead of using the this.props.navigation.reset(actions)
NavigationStore.reset(actions,index) // if you injected NavigationStore use this.props.NavigationStore instead of NavigationStore


used to set the params for current route params:

  • params - default: {}, description: object of params for the current route , required: no, if no params are given the default is used and the params will be cleared


used to reset all of the navigators in the app to empty stack and initial routes

NavigationStore.logout() // if you injected NavigationStore use this.props.NavigationStore instead of NavigationStore

doneHydrating(ready:boolean, delay:number, reset:object) & StartedStoreHydration()

used to hydrate the store and restore the navigation state params of doneHydrating:

  • ready - default: true , description: if this is false the stacks will not be restored just the current route will be set to initial route , required: no
  • delay - default: 1500 , description: the delay wanted after restoring all of the stacks before storeHydrated field is set to true , required: no note that the ready param is not ready for use and should be implemented correctly so it could differ between navigators, right now should use only if the predicate used regards the resoration of all navigators
  • reset - defualt: {}, keys are Navigators names & values are booleans that indicates whether or not this navigator should reset to main route on rehydretion. (note: only add to this object relevant Navigators names). StartedStoreHydration is used to change the value of startedStoreHydration in case you want to render the navigator before starting the restoration stage, as seen in the example app
componentDidMount() {
    hydrate('navigation', NavigationStore).then(() => {
            MainDrawer: {
                type: 'drawer', //default value : 'stack'
                initRoute:'Home' //required
                nested: { NestedNavigatorTabs: 'MainTabs' }, //default value : null
                parent: null, //default value : null
                shouldPersist: true, //default value : true
                routes:null //default value : null
            /*more navigators*/
                initialNavigatorName: 'MainDrawer',//the initial navigator name, required
                order:['MainDrawer', 'MainTabs', 'Main', 'NavOne', 'NavTwo']//order of nesting of navigators, required
            !NavigationStore.ActiveNavigator && NavigationStore.setActiveNavigator('MainDrawer')
            setTimeout(() => NavigationStore.doneHydrating(), 1000)
        }).catch(error => console.log(error))

computed - getters

All of this functions are getters and are used as fields like so: for example if the getter is foo()


returns an array of all the navigators names


returns a map where the keys are navigators names and the values are their stacks


returns the name of the active navigator


returns the current route name as a string


returns a boolean value indicating whether or not it's possible to go back in the navigation


returns the current routes params object

other functions


used to get the current stack of a navigator by its name params:

  • navigatorName - default: none , description: the name of the navigator that we want to get his current stack , required: yes


returns true if there is a set navigator with the given name, other wise returns false


used to get a navigator by its name, returns an instance of one of the classes StackNavigatorPersist, DrawerNavigatorPersist, TabNavigatorPersist all of those extends the class NavigatorPersist here are the fields of each class:

  • StackNavigatorPersist

    navigation = null
    @persist @observable shouldPersist = true
    @persist @observable initRoute = ''
    @persist @observable parent = ''
    @persist @observable name = ''
    @persist('object', RoutePersist) @observable currentRoute = null
    @persist('object') @observable nested = null 
    @persist('list', RoutePersist) @observable currentStack = []
  • DrawerNavigatorPersist

    navigation = null
    @persist @observable shouldPersist = true
    @persist @observable initRoute = ''
    @persist @observable parent = ''
    @persist @observable name = ''
    @persist('object', RoutePersist) @observable currentRoute = null
    @persist('object') @observable nested = null 
    @persist('list', RoutePersist) @observable currentStack = []

    the DrawerNavigatorPersist also have special functions to control the drawer

    /*they are used like so*/
    NavigationStore.getNavigator('myDrawerNavigator').open()/*if you injected NavigationStore use this.props.NavigationStore instead of NavigationStore*/
    NavigationStore.getNavigator('myDrawerNavigator').close()/*if you injected NavigationStore use this.props.NavigationStore instead of NavigationStore*/
    NavigationStore.getNavigator('myDrawerNavigator').toggle()/*if you injected NavigationStore use this.props.NavigationStore instead of NavigationStore*/
  • TabNavigatorPersist

    navigation = null
    @persist @observable shouldPersist = true
    @persist @observable initRoute = ''
    @persist @observable parent = ''
    @persist @observable name = ''
    @persist('object', RoutePersist) @observable currentRoute = null
    @persist('object') @observable nested = null 
    @persist @observable tabIndex = 0
    @persist @observable initIndex = 0
    @persist('list') @observable stackOfIndexes = []
    @persist('list') @observable routes = []
    jumpIndexFunction = null

NavigationStore fields - initial

    @observable startedStoreHydration = false
    @observable storeHydrated = false
    @persist('map', StackNavigatorPersist) @observable stackNavigators = new Map()
    @persist('map', TabNavigatorPersist) @observable tabNavigators = new Map()
    @persist('map', DrawerNavigatorPersist) @observable drawerNavigators = new Map()
    @persist('list') @observable order = []
    @persist @observable activeNavigator = ''
    @persist @observable initialNavigator = ''