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executable file
68 lines (45 loc) · 1.38 KB


File metadata and controls

executable file
68 lines (45 loc) · 1.38 KB

Command line interface

This describes the command line interface to TLS. After installation, you can call it from the command line.


Syntax: :

transitleastsquares [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-c CONFIG] lightcurve

Minimum example: :

transitleastsquares test_data.csv

Maximum example: :

transitleastsquares test_data.csv --config=tls_config.cfg --output=results.csv


In the current TLS version, custom transit shapes can not be defined with the command line interface. If you have a use case for more complex searches using the command line interface, please open an issue on Github and I will add it to the next version.

Config file


R_star = 1
R_star_min = 0.8
R_star_max = 1.2
M_star = 1
M_star_min = 0.8
M_star_max = 1.2
period_min = 0
period_max = 1e10
n_transits_min = 3

transit_template = default

duration_grid_step = 1.1
transit_depth_min = 10e-6
oversampling_factor = 2
T0_fit_margin = 0.01
use_threads = 4

delimiter = ,


After a successful TLS run, 2 files are generated: :statistics: lightcurve filename + _statistics.csv :SDE-ogram: lightcurve filename + _power.csv