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GISNav SITL Simulation Environment

This repository provides Docker scripts for building and running a PX4 SITL simulation environment for testing GISNav. The px4-sitl container launches a PX4 SITL simulation in Gazebo along with QGroundControl, micrortps_agent and gscam, while the standalone mapproxy container runs a MapProxy WMS (proxy) server.

Quick Start

If you have an NVIDIA GPU on your host machine, make sure you have NVIDIA Container Toolkit installed.

Clone this repository:

cd $HOME
git clone

Build the Docker image:

Note Replace the example MAPPROXY_TILE_URL string below with your own tile-based endpoint url (e.g. WMTS). See MapProxy configuration examples for more information on how to format the string.

cd gisnav-docker
docker-compose build --build-arg MAPPROXY_TILE_URL="https://<your-map-server-url>/tiles/%(z)s/%(y)s/%(x)s"

Run the simulation:

docker-compose up -d

Stop the simulation:

docker-compose down

To run Gazebo in headless mode (for automated testing, for example), pass the GAZEBO_HEADLESS=1 environment variable when you run your container:

GAZEBO_HEADLESS=1 docker-compose up -d


If the Gazebo and QGroundControl windows do not appear on your screen some time after running your container (may take several minutes the first time when it builds your image), you may need to expose your xhost to your Docker container as described in the ROS GUI Tutorial:

export containerId=$(docker ps -l -q)
xhost +local:$(docker inspect --format='{{ .Config.Hostname }}' $containerId)

If you need to do debugging, use the following command to run a bash shell inside your container:

docker run -it --env="DISPLAY" --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" --gpus all --tty --network host \
  --entrypoint="/bin/bash" gisnav-docker_px4-sitl

If you are trying to connect to the PX4-ROS 2 bridge inside the container from the host but it seems like the messages are not coming through, ensure your ROS_DOMAIN_ID environment variable on your host matches what is used inside the container (0 by default):

export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=0

Repository Structure

This repository is structured as follows:

├── docker
│   ├── mapproxy
│   │    └── Dockerfile                     # Dockerfile for a standalone MapProxy server
│   └── px4-sitl
│        └── Dockerfile                     # Dockerfile for the PX4 Gazebo simulator & dependencies
├── docker-compose.yaml
├── Makefile                                # Makefile used by px4-sitl (used inside container, not on host)
├── scripts
│    └──   # Configuration script used by px4-sitl
└── yaml
    ├── camera_calibration.yaml             # Configuration file used by px4-sitl
    ├── gscam_params.yaml                   # Configuration file used by px4-sitl
    └── mapproxy.yaml                       # Configuration file used by mapproxy

5 directories, 10 files


This software is released under the MIT license. See the file for more information.