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Module key vault

This is a terraform module for creating an azure key vault resource


module "key_vault" {
  source              = ""
  name                = "rhubarb-fe-${var.env}" // Max 24 characters
  product             = var.product
  env                 = var.env
  object_id           = var.jenkins_AAD_objectId
  resource_group_name =
  product_group_name  = "Your AAD group" # e.g. MI Data Platform, or dcd_cmc
  common_tags         = var.common_tags


The module creates the following permissions:

  • Jenkins access to Keyvault
  • Managed Identity ($product)-$env-mi
  • Product team/developers access

Reading secrets

All developers have access to read non production secrets if they are a member of the DTS CFT Developers Azure AD group

Reading of production secrets is discouraged, in general you should overwrite the secret rather than trying to read it.

If you really really need that secret then ask the Platform Operations team to get it for you.

Reading a secret via Azure CLI:

$ az keyvault secret show --vault-name $VAULT --name $SECRET

Writing secrets to key vaults

The product group for the key vault have permissions to update / write / list / delete secrets in all environments This should be your teams AD group, it's controlled by the product_group_object_id variable

You should always write secrets via the command line, as you normally don't have read access on the production vault, but you can still write the secrets via CLI.

$ az keyvault secret set --vault-name $VAULT_NAME --name "${SECRET_NAME}" --value "${SECRET_VALUE}"

More docs can be found here:

product_group_object_id (deprecated)

Note: Historically this module couldn't look up groups by display name, that is now available in product_group_name

The product group object id is the Azure AD group object_id of users who should be allowed to write secrets into the vault (note they can't read the secrets after writing).

Useful commands for finding your group object id:

List all reform groups:

$ az ad group list --query "[?contains(displayName, 'dcd_')].{DisplayName: displayName, id: id}" -o table

Retrieve by name if you know the display name:

$ az ad group list --query "[?displayName=='dcd_devops'].{DisplayName: displayName, id: id}" -o table

Keyvault access using Access Control List

Allow the jenkins subnet id e.g [] and others Allow the listed set of IPs

# Set by the Jenkins pipeline
variable "mgmt_subscription_id" {}

provider "azurerm" {
  alias           = "mgmt"
  subscription_id = var.mgmt_subscription_id
  features {}

# for SDS
data "azurerm_subnet" "jenkins_subnet" {
  provider             = azurerm.mgmt
  name                 = "iaas"
  virtual_network_name = var.env == "sbox" ? "ss-ptlsbox-vnet" : "ss-ptl-vnet"
  resource_group_name  = var.env == "sbox" ? "ss-ptlsbox-network-rg" : "ss-ptl-network-rg"

# for CFT
data "azurerm_subnet" "jenkins_subnet" {
  provider             = azurerm.mgmt
  name                 = "iaas"
  virtual_network_name = "cft-ptl-vnet"
  resource_group_name  = "cft-ptl-network-rg"

module "key_vault" {
  source              = ""
  network_acls_allowed_subnet_ids = [] 
  network_acls_allowed_ip_ranges = ["IPs"]
  network_acls_default_action = "Deny" # Allow by default

Application access using Managed Identities

If your application is running in kubernetes it will retrieve the secrets with a managed identity.

Teams can use single Manage Identity for all the key vaults owned by a team.

In order to allow the managed identity access you need to either :

Create a new Managed Identity

Add an additional variable to the module (create_managed_identity) which will create a managed identity and creates necessary access policy.

module "this" {
  source              = ""
  create_managed_identity = true

Object Id and Client id are available in terraform output.

Use an Existing MI

Add the managed_identity_object_ids variable to the module with an existing managed identity.

data "azurerm_user_assigned_identity" "cmc-identity" {
 name                = "${var.product}-${var.env}-mi"
 resource_group_name = "managed-identities-${var.env}-rg"

module "key_vault" { 
  source              = ""
  managed_identity_object_ids = [data.azurerm_user_assigned_identity.cmc-identity.principal_id]

Accessing Managed Identity details

You may need to join the readers group for the subscription in order to see the manged identity

It can be retrieved with:

$ az identity show --name <identity-name>-sandbox-mi -g managed-identities-<env>-rg --subscription <Subscription> --query principalId -o tsv

i.e. for sandbox

$ az identity show --name cnp-sandbox-mi -g managed-identities-sbox-rg --subscription DCD-CFT-Sandbox --query principalId -o tsv

Private endpoints

To enable private endpoints:

locals {
  private_endpoint_rg_name   = var.businessArea == "sds" ? "ss-${var.env}-network-rg" : "${var.businessArea}-${var.env}-network-rg"
  private_endpoint_vnet_name = var.businessArea == "sds" ? "ss-${var.env}-vnet" : "${var.businessArea}-${var.env}-vnet"
# CFT only, on SDS remove this provider
provider "azurerm" {
  alias           = "private_endpoints"
  subscription_id = var.aks_subscription_id
  features {}
  skip_provider_registration = true
data "azurerm_subnet" "private_endpoints" {
  # CFT only you will need to provide an extra provider, uncomment the below line, on SDS remove this line and the next
  # azurerm.private_endpoints
  resource_group_name  = local.private_endpoint_rg_name
  virtual_network_name = local.private_endpoint_vnet_name
  name                 = "private-endpoints"

module "this" {
  source                     = ""
  name                       = "rhubarb-fe-${var.env}" // Max 24 characters
  product                    = var.product
  env                        = var.env
  object_id                  = var.jenkins_AAD_objectId
  resource_group_name        =
  product_group_name         = "Your AAD group" # e.g. MI Data Platform, or dcd_cmc
  private_endpoint_subnet_id =
  common_tags                = var.common_tags

variable "businessArea" {
  default = "" # sds or cft, fill this in