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282 lines (217 loc) · 13.1 KB

File metadata and controls

282 lines (217 loc) · 13.1 KB


This service provides:

  • An POST endpoint for receiving notification. These are stored in the order they were sent, keyed by Client Subscription ID (CsId) which is a UID
  • An GET endpoint for retrieving all notifications for a CsId
  • An DELETE endpoint for clearing all stored notifications.

Note this service assumes that we override the use of the Authorization header to contain the CsId (see below for details).
Instructions for seeding this data can be found below.

POST endpoint for receiving notification

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:9826/customs-notifications-receiver-stub/pushnotifications \
  -H 'authorization: Basic aaaa01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232' \
  -H 'content-type: application/xml' \
  -H 'x-conversation-id: xxxx01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232' \
  -d '<foo>bar</foo>'

HTTP return codes

HTTP Status Code Error scenario
204 If the request is processed successful.
400 This status code will be returned in case of incorrect data,incorrect data format, missing parameters etc. are provided in the request.
415 If request has missing or invalid Content-Type header.
500 In case of a system error such as time out, server down etc. ,this HTTP status code will be returned.

Request Structure

HTTP headers

Note we override the use of the Authorization header to contain the CsId (see below table for details)

Header Mandatory/Optional Description
Content-Type M Fixed application/xml or application/xml; charset=UTF-8
Authorization M cccc01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232 Note this contains the CsId which is a UUID
X-Conversation-ID M This id was passed to Messaging when the declaration was passed onto Messaging earlier. This must be a UUID


The body of the request will contain the XML notification payload.

Response Body

The Response body will contain the payload that was saved eg:

    "csid": "cccc01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232",
    "conversationId": "xxxx01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232",
    "authHeaderToken": "Basic cccc01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232",
    "outboundCallHeaders": [
            "name": "Accept",
            "value": "application/xml"
            "name": "Content-Type",
            "value": "application/xml"
            "name": "Authorization",
            "value": "Basic ffff01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232"
            "name": "Content-Length",
            "value": "14"
            "name": "X-Conversation-ID",
            "value": "ffff01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232"
    "xmlPayload": "<foo>bar</foo>"

GET endpoints for retrieving all notifications for a CsId and ConversationId


curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:9826/customs-notifications-receiver-stub/pushnotifications/csid/ffff01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232 \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \

curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:9826/customs-notifications-receiver-stub/pushnotifications/conversationid/ffff01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232 \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \

HTTP return codes

HTTP Status Code Error scenario
200 If the request is processed successful.
400 This status code will be returned in case of incorrect data,incorrect data format, missing parameters etc. are provided in the request.
500 In case of a system error such as time out, server down etc. ,this HTTP status code will be returned.

Response Body

        "csid": "cccc01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232",
        "conversationId": "xxxx01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232",
        "authHeaderToken": "Basic cccc01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232",
        "outboundCallHeaders": [
                "name": "Accept",
                "value": "application/xml"
                "name": "Content-Type",
                "value": "application/xml"
                "name": "Authorization",
                "value": "Basic ffff01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232"
                "name": "Content-Length",
                "value": "14"
                "name": "X-Conversation-ID",
                "value": "ffff01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232"
        "xmlPayload": "<foo>bar</foo>"

GET endpoint for getting counts of notifications for a CsId


curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:9826/customs-notifications-receiver-stub/pushnotifications/count/csid/ffff01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232 \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \

GET endpoint for getting counts of notifications for a ConversationId


curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:9826/customs-notifications-receiver-stub/pushnotifications/count/conversationid/ffff01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232 \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \

GET endpoint for getting counts of all notifications


curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:9826/customs-notifications-receiver-stub/pushnotifications/totalcount \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json'       

DELETE endpoint for clearing all stored notifications.

HTTP return codes

HTTP Status Code Error scenario
200 If the request is processed successful.
400 This status code will be returned in case of incorrect data,incorrect data format, missing parameters etc. are provided in the request.
500 In case of a system error such as time out, server down etc. ,this HTTP status code will be returned.


curl -X DELETE http://localhost:9826/customs-notifications-receiver-stub/pushnotifications


204 with no body

POST endpoint for returning custom HTTP response codes

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:9826/customs-notifications-receiver-stub/pushnotifications/customresponse/503 \
  -H 'authorization: Basic aaaa01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232' \
  -H 'content-type: application/xml' \
  -H 'x-conversation-id: xxxx01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232' \
  -d '<foo>bar</foo>'

Request Structure

HTTP headers

Note we override the use of the Authorization header to contain the CsId (see below table for details)

Header Mandatory/Optional Description
Content-Type M Fixed application/xml or application/xml; charset=UTF-8
Authorization M cccc01f9-ec3b-4ede-b263-61b626dde232 Note this contains the CsId which is a UUID
X-Conversation-ID M This id was passed to Messaging when the declaration was passed onto Messaging earlier. This must be a UUID

URL Path Parameter

Set the HTTP response code that you want the stub to return as in: (replace '???' with status code required)



The body of the request can contain anything as it is not parsed

Response Body

The Response body will contain:

  • For requested status codes between 300-399 no body is returned, instead a redirect response is returned redirecting the incoming request to the 'post endpoint for receiving notification' endpoint
  • For all other status codes a xml 'errorResponse' element similar to below:
      <message>Returning HTTP status 503 as requested</message>

Seeding api-subscription-fields Declarant data

Note that you will have to seed Declarant URL and SecurityToken data. This can be done by using a curl statement similar to the one below:

curl -v -X PUT "http://localhost:9650/field/application/<YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE>/context/<YOUR_APP_CONTEXT_HERE>/version/<YOUR_VERSION_HERE>" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "fields" : { "callbackUrl" : "http://localhost:9826/customs-notifications-receiver-stub/pushnotifications", "securityToken" : "securityToken" } }'

This will generate a MongoDb record in the notifications collection in the api-subscription-fields database, eg:

    "_id" : ObjectId("5b8fab9b9bb4d54201571201"),
    "apiContext" : "customs/inventory-linking-imports",
    "apiVersion" : "1.0",
    "clientId" : "6372609a-f550-11e7-8c3f-9a214cf093aa",
    "fields" : {
        "callbackUrl" : "http://localhost:9826/customs-notifications-receiver-stub/pushnotifications",
        "securityToken" : "securityToken"
    "fieldsId" : "f369eb7e-e6bf-42c6-9902-3c70705684e8"

Note you will then have to update the securityToken field in the database with fieldsId value (this is the CsId). This is because the customs-notifications-receiver-stub reads the authorisation header in order to extract the CsId. So after doing this the above record will look like:

    "_id" : ObjectId("5b8fab9b9bb4d54201571201"),
    "apiContext" : "customs/inventory-linking-imports",
    "apiVersion" : "1.0",
    "clientId" : "6372609a-f550-11e7-8c3f-9a214cf093aa",
    "fields" : {
        "callbackUrl" : "http://localhost:9826/customs-notifications-receiver-stub/pushnotifications",
        "securityToken" : "f369eb7e-e6bf-42c6-9902-3c70705684e8"
    "fieldsId" : "f369eb7e-e6bf-42c6-9902-3c70705684e8"

For concrete examples for all Customs services please see below section.

Concrete Examples of Seeding api-subscription-fields Declarant data for Customs services

Note you will have to pay attention to the version of the API you are calling - not all versions are covered below.

Service CURL for api-subscription-fields data seeding
customs-declarations curl -v -X PUT "http://localhost:9650/field/application/6372609a-f550-11e7-8c3f-9a214cf093ad/context/customs%2Fdeclarations/version/2.0" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "fields" : { "callbackUrl" : "http://localhost:9826/customs-notifications-receiver-stub/pushnotifications", "securityToken" : "securityToken" } }'
customs-inventory-linking-exports curl -v -X PUT "http://localhost:9650/field/application/6372609a-f550-11e7-8c3f-9a214cf093ae/context/customs%2Finventory-linking%2Fexports/version/1.0" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "fields" : { "callbackUrl" : "http://localhost:9826/customs-notifications-receiver-stub/pushnotifications", "securityToken" : "securityToken" } }'
customs-inventory-linking-imports curl -v -X PUT "http://localhost:9650/field/application/6372609a-f550-11e7-8c3f-9a214cf093aa/context/customs%2Finventory-linking-imports/version/1.0" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "fields" : { "callbackUrl" : "http://localhost:9826/customs-notifications-receiver-stub/pushnotifications", "securityToken" : "securityToken" } }'

Don't forget that you will have to update the securityToken field in the database with fieldsId value as mentioned in the above section.


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.