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Getting Started

GPkit is a Python package. We assume basic familiarity with Python. If you are new to Python take a look at Learn Python.

GPkit is also a command line tool. This means that you need to be in the terminal (OS X/Linux) or command prompt (Windows) to use it. If you are not familiar with working in the command line, check out this Learn Code the Hard Way tutorial.

The first thing to do is install GPkit . Once you have done this, you can start using GPkit in 3 easy steps:

  1. Open your command line interface (terminal/Command Prompt).
  2. Open a Python interpreter. This can be done by typing python (or ipython if installed).
  3. Type import gpkit.

After doing this, your command line will look something like the following:

$ python
>>> import gpkit

From here, you can use GPkit commands to formulate and solve geometric programs. To learn how, see Basic Commands.

Writing GPkit Scripts

Another way to use GPkit is to write a script and save it as a .py file. To run this file (e.g., type the following in your command line:

$ python

Again, ipython will also work here.