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File metadata and controls

288 lines (206 loc) · 9.05 KB

Making a new project

Once you have a notebook that you think it is ready to be its own project you can follow these steps to get it set up. For the examples I’ll use an example project named “bears”:

1. Move the notebook into a new directory with same name

mkdir bears
mv bears.ipynb ./bears
cd bears

NOTE: If your project includes a file called index.ipynb, on the website, that will be treated as a special landing page for the whole project. This can be useful for projects with many notebooks that are best read in a particular order.

2. Start specifying the package dependencies

It can take a while to be sure you’ve captured every dependency, but I usually start by using nbrr (conda install -c conda-forge nbrr) which reads the notebooks and looks for dependencies:

nbrr env --directory "." --name bears > anaconda-project.yml

NOTE: We tend to add nomkl to the list of dependencies to speed up environment build times. But there is no rule that you must do this. MKL is used for better runtime performance in numpy operations, but since we use Numba for most of the internal computations it’s not as important for these particular projects.

3. Create the anaconda-project file

Copy template/.projectignore and template/anaconda-project.yml to your own project, then just replace NAME, DESC, MAINTAINERS, CREATED, LABELS and add the dependencies from step 2.

Labels Labels are used to give others a quick sense of what packages a particular project showcases. They are also used to indicate if a project depends on channels other than defaults. For example:

   - channel_conda-forge
   - datashader
   - panel


Once the dependencies are sorted, make sure to add the appropriate commands. If your project contains notebooks, then add a notebooks command:

      notebook: .

If your project also contains servable panel dashboards then suffix them with "_panel" and add the following to the command dictionary:

   unix: panel serve *_panel.ipynb
   supports_http_options: true

NOTE: If your project contains an index.ipynb which illustrates the best path through the notebooks, then instead of the notebooks command above, add the following:

   notebook: index.ipynb

Depending on unreleased package versions

In some cases you may have a notebook that relies on a development version of a package, or perhaps you wish to refer to a particular git tag that has not made it into a released version. In this case, you can add a pip subsection to your list of dependencies of the form:

- pip:
  - git+

Where ORG is the GitHub organization (or username), REPO is the name of the git repository, REF is a git reference (e.g a git tag or simply master to point to the very latest version) and PACKAGE is the name of the corresponding Python package. This syntax will use pip to fetch the necessary code, check out the specified git reference, and install the package.

Special website building options

If you'd like certain notebooks to be rendered on the website, but not linked from the main page (perhaps they are linked from other notebooks), then add the filenames to a list of orphans:

   - appendix.ipynb

If you'd like notebooks to be skipped entirely when building the website, use the skip option:

   - data_prep.ipynb

4. Make sure it works

anaconda-project run test

You might need to declare extra dependencies or add data downloads (see bay_trimesh for an example of downloading data).

5. For remote or large data (optional)

Unless your data is small enough that it can be processed on every continuous-integration build, you should make a much smaller version of the data and put it in test_data/bears. This step allows automated tests to be run in a practical way, exercising all of the example’s functionality but on a feasible subset of the data involved.

6. If using intake (optional)

The intake catalog should be at the top level of the project directory and called “catalog.yml”.

├── anaconda-project.yml
├── bears.ipynb
└── catalog.yml

If using the intake cache, point the cache to the data dir in the project by defining the INTAKE_CACHE_DIR variable in the anaconda-project file:


This way when the user runs the notebook, they will still be able to see the data from within the project directory:

├── anaconda-project.yml
├── bears.ipynb
├── catalog.yml
└── data
    └── f890ce4d538240e87ede9d31a6541443
        └── data.csv

Make sure to make a test catalog and put it in test_data/catalog.yml

7. Add thumbnails (optional)

By default, when the website is built on GitHub Actions, a thumbnail is generated for each project. The thumbnail is taken from the first image that the notebook produces. If you'd rather use a different image for a particular notebook: name the image to match the name of the notebook and include it in a "thumbnails" directory within your project. This image must be a png and have the extension ".png".

Uploading to AE (admin only)

If you are an examples.pyviz administrator, you can now upload and deploy the project in Anaconda Enterprise, which is the server we use to host our public Python-backed examples:

cd bears
anaconda-project archive

Then in the AE interface select “Create”, then “Upload Project” and navigate to the zip file. Once your project has been created, you can deploy it.

NOTE: Dashboard commands should be deployed at <project> and notebooks command at <project>

If you are not an administrator, just submit the PR, and one of the administrators will launch the project when the PR is merged.

Building a project for the website (admin only)

Most of the projects are built for the website automatically when a special commit message is passed to GitHub Actions. The commit message should include the word "build" and the name of the desired project, as in:

git commit -m "Fixing typo [build:bears]" files

This should trigger a GitHub Actions job that downloads the real data, sets up the environment, archives the project, then uses nbsite to generate a thumbnail and evaluated versions of all the notebooks in the project. Those assets are then stored on the evaluated branch of the github repo, and the dev version of the website should be updated. You can track the progress of this job using the Travis CI link on the Datashader homepage, and when the job completes you should be able to see the results at .

If everything looks good, an administrator can then re-build the release version of the website website by pushing a commit (empty if necessary) that contains the text build:website_release.

git commit --allow-empty -m "[build:website_release]"

The evaluated HTML versions of each notebook will then be deployed on the gh-pages branch, and should then appear on the public website.

Building a project locally

In a minority of cases, the project takes so long to build or the data are so large, that it isn't feasible to build the website version of the project on Travis CI. In those cases, the project maintainer is responsible for running the build commands locally and committing the results to the evaluated branch. To build the project follow these steps:

export DIR=bears
doit archive_project --name $DIR
anaconda-project prepare --directory $DIR
conda activate $DIR/envs/default && pip install pyctdev
conda install -y -c pyviz/label/dev nbsite sphinx_pyviz_theme selenium phantomjs lxml
doit build_project --name $DIR

You should end up with a new directory in the doc dir with the same name as your project. The structure of that directory should be as follows:

├── bears.ipynb
├── bears.rst
└── thumbnails
   └── bears.png

Commit only that doc/bears directory to the evaluated branch. The easiest way to do that is by moving it to a temporary directory, checking out the evaluated branch and then moving it back:

mv ./doc/$DIR ./tmp
git checkout evaluated
git pull
if [ -e  ./doc/$DIR ]; then rm -rf ./doc/$DIR; fi
mkdir ./doc/$DIR
mv ./tmp/* ./doc/$DIR
git add ./doc/$DIR
git commit -m "adding $DIR"
git push