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Reapit Vendor Javascript Client

Allows access to the Reapit Vendor System


First set up the reapit vendor client.

Getting a view

reapit_vendor = ReapitVendor.init({
    property_id: 'property_id',
    password: 'password',
    wsdl: 'wsdl_url'

The client provides methods to get Views of classes, for example - the Vendor Views

reapit_vendor.getVendorView().done(function(vendor_view) {

Each of these top level methods returns a promise, so 'done', 'failed' and 'pending' functions should be used to query their state.

Each view returned in an instance of BackBone.View and will render out a liquid template. Both the template and the element in which to render the template should be set before calling vendor.


In the above example the template is contained in the element #vendor_template which is a script tag with the type text/liquid

<script id='vendor_template' type="text/liquid">
  test: {{vendor.address1}}

The 'element' is simply a container with the id 'container'


A recent build of this library is available for Homeflow Ctesius developers and can be included in your theme by adding 'reapit_vendor' to your included javascript files in the theme's config.yml.

If you wish to build this seperatly, it's a yoeman/backbone project.

Install Node, then in this project's directory:

npm install
bower install
grunt serve:watch

Included in this repository is a dist directory. If you're unable to build the project you should be able to use that directory to run a prebuild version of the code.


An initiated reapit vendor class has the following methods. Methods with a * are yet to be implemented or are not fully implemented

  • getVendorView()
  • getOfficesView()
  • getNegotiatorView()*
  • getPropertyView()*