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File metadata and controls

92 lines (61 loc) · 2.83 KB


This library provides the capability to log over UDP to services such as logstash (for further analysis in systems such as elastic search). It provides appenders for logback and log4j, and a caching DNS client to resolve servers in SRV records.


The library has the following responsibilities:

  • Accepts log events.
  • Checks and caches service records to support UDP load balancing of log servers is supported (using dnsjava). TTL is respected.
  • Sends logged messages over UDP.
  • Supports (and requires) a pluggable formatter. At HootSuite we use a structured JSON format.

Since UDP is used, delivery is not assured.


Sample logback.xml fragment:

<appender name="logstash" class="com.hootsuite.udplog.logback.UdpAppender">
  <layout class="com.hootsuite.stump.StumpFormatter"/>
  <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.ThresholdFilter">


<root level="DEBUG">
  <appender-ref ref="disk" />
  <appender-ref ref="logstash" />

Sample log4j-config.xml fragment:

<appender name="logstash" class="com.hootsuite.udplog.log4j.UdpAppender">
  <param name="service" value="" />
  <layout class="{layout of your choice}"/>


  <priority value="debug">
  <appender-ref ref="disk" />
  <appender-ref ref="console" />

You can add debug="true" to the root element to check you are sending log messages correctly, or run tcpdump -n udp to watch the datagrams go.


Just include udp-logger and DNS-java jars into your app's classpath or build-time dependencies, and update your logger's configuration.


UdpLogger also works as a standalone program to test resolution and use of logstash servers. You may run it like this:

java -cp scala-library.jar:udp-logger_2.9.1-0.2.jar:dnsjava-2.1.6.jar com.hootsuite.udplog.Main "ECHO TEST"

After running, you should be able to see the log message either in your log montoring system (e.g. kibana), or by running tcpdump -n udp and port 55555 on the target server.

If the elastic search server didn't show the message, check your hosts can communicate over UDP.

  1. ssh to the client server
  2. ssh to the logstash server
  3. sudo tcpdump -n udp and host and port 55555 on logstash
  4. echo 'test' | nc -u 55555 on client
  5. check if logstash got a message which length is 4