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  • Nodejs v9.2.0


$ npm install


$ npm run compile
$ npm run testrpc
$ npm run migrate
$ npm test

Private Network Testing

This guide is about testing the contracts on the real network, not the testrpc network, but also not the main one. Keep in mind that our unit tests using testrpc network to run so it will not be included here. In case you have run unit tests before go to this section, please make sure that you already stop testrpc network before continue.

Set up private network

Note: This guide will use geth to create a node. Make sure you have geth installed in your machine.

Initialize genesis block

Note: You need to do this only once per network.

You need data directory and genesis file to initialize a network. You can find genesis.json in scripts directory.

# Create a network directory
$ mkdir /path/to/network/directory
$ cd /path/to/network/directory
# Create chaindata directory, it will be use as geth data directory
$ mkdir chaindata
# Initialize
$ geth --datadir=./chaindata init ./genesis.json

You should see the output like this:

WARN [12-03|21:05:50] No etherbase set and no accounts found as default 
INFO [12-03|21:05:50] Allocated cache and file handles         database=/path/to/network/directory/chaindata/geth/chaindata cache=16 handles=16
INFO [12-03|21:05:50] Writing custom genesis block 
INFO [12-03|21:05:50] Successfully wrote genesis state         database=chaindata                                                           hash=9b8d4a…9021ba
INFO [12-03|21:05:50] Allocated cache and file handles         database=/path/to/network/directory/chaindata/geth/lightchaindata cache=16 handles=16
INFO [12-03|21:05:50] Writing custom genesis block 
INFO [12-03|21:05:50] Successfully wrote genesis state         database=lightchaindata

Start blockchain node using Geth

We need to run geth with --rpc --rpcapi="db,eth,net,web3,personal,web3" to be able to connect with it later using web3 client.

# Inside /path/to/network/directory
$ geth --datadir=./chaindata --rpc --rpcapi="db,eth,net,web3,personal,web3"

You should see these line at the end of the output:

INFO [12-03|21:13:29] Mapped network port                      proto=udp extport=30303 intport=30303 interface="UPNP IGDv2-IP1"
INFO [12-03|21:13:29] HTTP endpoint opened: 
INFO [12-03|21:13:29] IPC endpoint opened: /path/to/network/directory/chaindata/geth.ipc 
INFO [12-03|21:13:29] Mapped network port                      proto=tcp extport=30303 intport=30303 interface="UPNP IGDv2-IP1"

The most important line is the location of ipc file: IPC endpoint opened: /path/to/network/directory/chaindata/geth.ipc. We need this file to attach to the opened node later.

Connect Mist to the network

We will use Mist as a blockchain client. Make sure you have it installed in your machine.

# Start Mist
$ mist --rpc /path/to/network/directory/chaindata/geth.ipc

This will connect Mist to opened node. You should see your created account, in case you created it before. If you don't have one you can create it using Mist UI.

Start mining

To have some ether in the wallet and do transactions we need to start the miner on our node.

# Open geth interactive shell
$ geth attach rpc:/path/to/network/directory/chaindata/geth.ipc

You should get geth interactive shell open and waiting for your command.

# In geth interactive shell
> miner.start(4);

4 is number of threads you want to use. I found that set this number too low can cause the error because the transaction will take too long to complete. 4 never produce the error in my machine.

You should gain some ethers in your wallet now. You can stop miner by:

# In geth interactive shell
> miner.stop();

Remember that your transaction cannot complete without miner running. Don't forget to start it before send any transaction.

Deploy ReservedHotToken

Make sure you have the latest version of this repository and have NodeJS version >=9.2.0. The deployment script is written using some new ES6 syntax which may not be supported in older version. I recommend that you should use NVM to manage NodeJS version in your machine.

# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Compile contracts
$ npm run compile

You should see output json files in your build directory.

$ tree build
└── contracts
    ├── BasicToken.json
    ├── ERC20Basic.json
    ├── ERC20.json
    ├── HotokenReservation.json
    ├── Migrations.json
    ├── Ownable.json
    ├── SafeMath.json
    ├── StandardToken.json
    └── StupidReservation.json

Config deployment networks

Check your scripts/deploy.config.js to make sure that it matches your network configuration. You can put more than one network configuration in this file.

# Remember your network name, in this example is **test**

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    test: {
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 8545,
      gas: 2880000,

To deploy, you need to set:

  • OWNER address of contract owner
  • PASSWORD owner account password
  • NETWORK network name in deploy.config.js

Then run npm run deploy to deploy the contract:

$ OWNER=0xF1d2f5D323EF5807e8b27291fC54a8bad8A31C1A NETWORK=test PASSWORD=12345678 npm run deploy

It will take minute or more to complete the transaction, up to how many thread you have spent on mining.


Smart contract implementation for hotoken







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