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A higher order component for composing postMessage listeners.


npm i @highpoint/react-message-listener


postMessage events may pass either a string or an object. If an object is passed, it must have a type property set, and that is what is used to determine if the listener fires.

For example, postMessage can send a simple string like window.postMessage('toggle', '*') or an object like window.postMessage({ type: 'toggle', active: true }, '*').


import { createElement } from 'react';
import withMessageListener from '@highpoint/react-message-listener';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { compose, withState } from 'recompose';

const enhance = compose(
  withState('isVisible', 'setVisibility', false),
  withMessageListener('toggle', ({ isVisible, setVisibility }) =>

const el = enhance(({ isVisible }) => {
  const display = isVisible ? 'block' : 'none';
  return createElement('div', { style: { display } }, 'Hello World');

render(createElement(el), document.getElementById('app'));

Refer to experiment for a full example of this component working. You can run it with npm run experiment.