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File metadata and controls

71 lines (52 loc) · 3.14 KB



  • Execute BPProbeLog open
  • In a BPBrowser, click on side pane>BPProbeLog
  • Click on an example's extented menu (...)

Adding & Removing Examples

  • New examples can be added with the add to the far right and selecting an existing example from the menu
  • In a lane, switch a display example with switch
  • Remove an example by clicking switch and then the first option none
  • Click on an example's extented menu (...)

Method Navigation

  • Click on an example (besides its editing fields)
  • Click on a bar from the flame graph
  • Click on a trace value's title


  • Click on the pause-icon to start the Debugger from that point of time

Managing Annotations

  • Delete a single annotation with the x-icon besides a trace value
  • Hide/Show all values from an annotation with the eye-icon besides a trace value
  • Delete all annotations for an example by its extented menu (...)
  • Deactivate an example to hide all its trace values

Annotation Highlighting

  • Double click on empty space around a trace value to highlight its originating annotation (given the responding morph is visible)

Object Properties

  • Click on a trace value to open its object properties

Flame Graph

  • One bar equals one method call stack (explorable by clicking)
  • One color responds to one unique method (up to 10 colors supported)
  • Most recent method call is the right-most bar

Theme support


  • Color of Transcript window border
  • PluggableTextMorph color
  • Scrollpane color
  • Image font size

Short Class Overview

Detailed documentation on the classes can be found in their responding class comments.



Left to right collection of all BPProbeLogColumnMorphs. Has a global context with BPProbeLogContext


Saves all methods of multiple traces to have a consistent color mapping for the flame graphs used by BPSwimlaneLineMorph. Also knows which annotations of an example should be hidden in the visualization.


One column in the ProbeLog, containing a button and a BPSwimlane. Responsible for the switch logic, for example, displaying the selected example from the menu as a swimlane or deleting itself when none is selected.


The none option for the displayed menu when selecting an example in BPProbeLogColumnMorph. Doesn't result in a swimlane and might delete a BPProbeLogColumnMorph when excessive.


Display of an example's trace values in chronological order. Listens to the given example trace's update events and updates accordingly. A top to bottom collection of BPSwimlaneLineMorph. Has a BPProbeLogContext to pass on.


Responsible for displaying a trace value and creating the UI for its possible interactions / additional information. The halt button, method call stacks, label, filter etc.. Sets flame graph colors and hides values using the BPProbeLogContext of its belonging BPSwimlane.


The label of a trace value extended with deletion, a backup label and downsize (when filtered) logic.