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finscn committed Sep 21, 2018
1 parent 79626d7 commit 9ac8f96
Showing 1 changed file with 107 additions and 102 deletions.
209 changes: 107 additions & 102 deletions Export Layers To Files (Fast)-dialog.json
@@ -1,111 +1,116 @@
dialog {
text: "Export Layers To Files",
orientation: "column",
alignChildren: "fill",
lblDest: StaticText {
alignment: "left",
text: "Destination:"
funcArea: Group {
orientation: "row",
alignChildren: "top",
content: Group {
orientation: "column",
alignChildren: "left",
grpDest: Group {
orientation: "row",
alignChildren: "left",
txtDest: EditText {preferredSize: [310, 20], properties: {readonly: false}},
btnDest: Button {text: "Browse..."}
grpLayers: Group {
orientation: "row",
txtLayers: StaticText {text: "Export:", preferredSize: [80, 20]},
radioLayersAll: RadioButton {text: "All layers", preferredSize: [80, 20], value: true},
radioLayersVis: RadioButton {text: "Visible only", preferredSize: [100, 20]},
radioLayersSel: RadioButton {text: "Selected group", preferredSize: [120, 20]},
cbIgnoreLayers: Checkbox {text: "Ignore layers starting with :"},
EditIgnoreLayers : EditText {preferredSize: [50, 20]}
grpNaming: Group {
orientation: "row",
txtNaming: StaticText {text: "Name files:", preferredSize: [80, 20]},
drdNaming: DropDownList {preferredSize: [140, 20], properties: {items: ["As layers, strip extension", "As layers", "By index from top", "By index from bottom"]}},
cbNaming: Checkbox {text: "Allow spaces"},
radioUnderscore: RadioButton {text: "Use Underscore", preferredSize: [120, 20], value: true},
radioHyphen: RadioButton {text: "Use Hyphen", preferredSize: [120, 20]},
grpLetterCase: Group {
orientation: "row",
txtLetterCase: StaticText {text: "Letter case:", preferredSize: [80, 20]},
drdLetterCase: DropDownList {preferredSize: [140, 20], properties: {items: ["Keep", "Lowercase", "Uppercase"]}}
grpPrefix: Group {
orientation: "row",
alignChildren: "left",
txtPrefix: StaticText {text: "Prefix/suffix:", preferredSize: [80, 20], helpTip: "Prefix and/or suffix that will be added to the exported file names. A space is added automatically after/before."},
editPrefix: EditText {preferredSize: [140, 20]},
txtSep: StaticText {text: "- ... -"},
editSuffix: EditText {preferredSize: [140, 20]}
grpFolderTree: Group {
orientation: "row",
alignChildren: "left",
cbFolderTree: Checkbox {text: "Groups as folders", helpTip: "Exports groups as a folder tree."},
cbTopGroupAsFolder: Checkbox {text: "Top Groups as folders", helpTip: "Let All top groups be sub folders."},
cbTopGroupAsLayer: Checkbox {text: "Top Groups as layers", helpTip: "Merge Top Groups first."},
grpTrim: Group {
orientation: "row",
txtTrim: StaticText {text: "Trim:", preferredSize: [80, 20]},
drdTrim: DropDownList {preferredSize: [140, 20], properties: {items: ["No", "Each layer", "Combined"]}},
cbTrim: Checkbox {text: "Use trim()", helpTip: "Won't trim if a background layer is on, but may behave better on Mac."}
grpScale: Group {
orientation: "row",
txtScale: StaticText {text: "Scale:", preferredSize: [80, 20]},
cbScale: Checkbox {text: "Scale", helpTip: "Scale layer by x percents"},
editScale: EditText {preferredSize: [50, 20], properties: {readonly: false}},
txtScalePercent: StaticText {text: "% ", preferredSize: [20, 20]},
text: "Export Layers To Files",
orientation: "column",
alignChildren: "fill",
lblDest: StaticText {
alignment: "left",
text: "Destination:"
funcArea: Group {
orientation: "row",
alignChildren: "top",
content: Group {
orientation: "column",
alignChildren: "left",
grpDest: Group {
orientation: "row",
alignChildren: "left",
txtDest: EditText {preferredSize: [310, 20], properties: {readonly: false}},
btnDest: Button {text: "Browse..."}
grpLayers: Group {
orientation: "row",
txtLayers: StaticText {text: "Export:", preferredSize: [80, 20]},
radioLayersAll: RadioButton {text: "All layers", preferredSize: [80, 20], value: true},
radioLayersVis: RadioButton {text: "Visible only", preferredSize: [100, 20]},
radioLayersSel: RadioButton {text: "Selected group", preferredSize: [120, 20]},
cbIgnoreLayers: Checkbox {text: "Ignore layers starting with :"},
EditIgnoreLayers : EditText {preferredSize: [50, 20]}
grpNaming: Group {
orientation: "row",
txtNaming: StaticText {text: "Name files:", preferredSize: [80, 20]},
drdNaming: DropDownList {preferredSize: [140, 20], properties: {items: ["As layers, strip extension", "As layers", "By index from top", "By index from bottom"]}},
cbNaming: Checkbox {text: "Allow spaces"},
radioUnderscore: RadioButton {text: "Use Underscore", preferredSize: [120, 20], value: true},
radioHyphen: RadioButton {text: "Use Hyphen", preferredSize: [120, 20]},
grpLetterCase: Group {
orientation: "row",
txtLetterCase: StaticText {text: "Letter case:", preferredSize: [80, 20]},
drdLetterCase: DropDownList {preferredSize: [140, 20], properties: {items: ["Keep", "Lowercase", "Uppercase"]}}
grpPrefix: Group {
orientation: "row",
alignChildren: "left",
txtPrefix: StaticText {text: "Prefix/suffix:", preferredSize: [80, 20], helpTip: "Prefix and/or suffix that will be added to the exported file names. A space is added automatically after/before."},
editPrefix: EditText {preferredSize: [140, 20]},
txtSep: StaticText {text: "- ... -"},
editSuffix: EditText {preferredSize: [140, 20]}
grpFolderTree: Group {
orientation: "row",
alignChildren: "left",
cbFolderTree: Checkbox {text: "Groups as folders", helpTip: "Exports groups as a folder tree."},
blankLayers: StaticText {text: " "},
cbTopGroupAsFolder: Checkbox {text: "Top Groups as folders", helpTip: "Let All top groups be sub folders."},
blankLayers: StaticText {text: " "},
cbTopGroupAsLayer: Checkbox {text: "Top Groups as layers", helpTip: "Merge Top Groups first."},
grpTrim: Group {
orientation: "row",
txtTrim: StaticText {text: "Trim:", preferredSize: [80, 20]},
drdTrim: DropDownList {preferredSize: [140, 20], properties: {items: ["No", "Each layer", "Combined"]}},
cbTrim: Checkbox {text: "Use trim()", helpTip: "Won't trim if a background layer is on, but may behave better on Mac."}
grpScale: Group {
orientation: "row",
txtScale: StaticText {text: "Scale:", preferredSize: [80, 20]},
cbScale: Checkbox {text: "Scale", helpTip: "Scale layer by x percents"},
editScale: EditText {preferredSize: [50, 20], properties: {readonly: false}},
txtScalePercent: StaticText {text: "% ", preferredSize: [20, 20]},
grpPadding: Group {
orientation: "row",
txtPadding: StaticText {text: "Padding:", preferredSize: [80, 20]},
cbPadding: Checkbox {text: "Add padding", helpTip: "Add x pixels of transparency"},
editPadding: EditText {preferredSize: [50, 20], properties: {readonly: false}},
txtPaddingPx: StaticText {text: "px", preferredSize: [20, 20]},
cbBgLayer: Checkbox {text: "Lowest layer is background", helpTip: "Leaves the bottommost layer on while exporting every other layer one by one. It will act as background."},
cbFgLayer: Checkbox {text: "Highest layer is foreground", helpTip: "Leaves the topmost layer on while exporting every other layer one by one. It will act as foreground"},
grpFileType: Group {
orientation: "row",
txtFileType: StaticText {text: "File type:", preferredSize: [80, 20]},
drdFileType: DropDownList {preferredSize: [70, 20]}
pnlOptions: Panel {
text: "Options:",
orientation: "stack",
alignment: "fill",
preferredSize: [200, 100]
buttons: Group {
orientation: "column",
btnRun: Button {text: "Run"},
btnCancel: Button {text: "Cancel"},
txtSpace: StaticText {},
btnSettings: Button {text: "Save and Cancel", helpTip: "Save current settings and cancel."},
txtSpace: StaticText {},
cbOverwrite: Checkbox {text: "Overwrite files", helpTip: "Overwrite existing files"}
warning: Panel {
alignChildren: "fill",
message: StaticText {
text: "This document contains {0} layer(s), {1} of them visible, {2} selected.\n\nProcessing a large number of layers may take some time!\n\n(If you check \"Allow spaces\", make sure they are not replaced by Photoshop itself in \"Save For Web\" settings.)",
properties: {
multiline: true
grpBgFgLayer: Group {
cbBgLayer: Checkbox {text: "Lowest layer is background", helpTip: "Leaves the bottommost layer on while exporting every other layer one by one. It will act as background."},
blankLayers: StaticText {text: " "},
cbFgLayer: Checkbox {text: "Highest layer is foreground", helpTip: "Leaves the topmost layer on while exporting every other layer one by one. It will act as foreground"},
grpFileType: Group {
orientation: "row",
txtFileType: StaticText {text: "File type:", preferredSize: [80, 20]},
drdFileType: DropDownList {preferredSize: [70, 20]}
pnlOptions: Panel {
text: "Options:",
orientation: "stack",
alignment: "fill",
preferredSize: [200, 100]
buttons: Group {
orientation: "column",
btnRun: Button {text: "Run"},
btnCancel: Button {text: "Cancel"},
txtSpace: StaticText {},
btnSettings: Button {text: "Save and Cancel", helpTip: "Save current settings and cancel."},
txtSpace: StaticText {},
cbOverwrite: Checkbox {text: "Overwrite files", helpTip: "Overwrite existing files"}
warning: Panel {
alignChildren: "fill",
message: StaticText {
text: "This document contains {0} layer(s), {1} of them visible, {2} selected.\n\nProcessing a large number of layers may take some time!\n\n(If you check \"Allow spaces\", make sure they are not replaced by Photoshop itself in \"Save For Web\" settings.)",
properties: {
multiline: true

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