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Releases: htcondor/htcondor-ce

HTCondor-CE 5.1.0 Release Candidate 2

09 Apr 16:43
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Merge pull request #455 from brianhlin/5.1.0-update-version

Update packaging for 5.1.0; drop (noreplace) for condor_mapfile

Packaging updates for HTCondor-CE 4.5.1

30 Mar 21:37
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Merge pull request #446 from brianhlin/V4-branch

Bump version to 4.5.1

HTCondor-CE 4.5.1

30 Mar 16:57
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  • Fix an issue with an overly aggressive default SYSTEM_PERIODIC_REMOVE (HTCONDOR-350)
  • Use the GlobalJobID attribute as the APEL record lrmsID (#426)

HTCondor-CE 5.0.0

11 Feb 23:21
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See the documentation for update instructions

This release includes the following new features:

  • Python 3 and Enterprise Linux 8 support (HTCONDOR_13)
  • HTCondor-CE no longer sets $HOME in routed jobs by default (HTCONDOR-176)
  • Whole node jobs (HTCondor batch systems only) now make use of GPUs (HTCONDOR-103)
  • HTCondor-CE Central Collectors now prefer GSI over SSL authentication (HTCONDOR-237)
  • HTCondor-CE registry now validates the value of submitted client codes (HTCONDOR-241)
  • Automatically remove CE jobs that exceed their maxWalltime (if defined) or the configuration value of ROUTED_JOB_MAX_TIME (default: 4320 sec/72 hrs)

This release also includes the following bug-fixes:

  • Fixed a circular configuration definition in the HTCondor-CE View that resulted in 100% CPU usage by the condor_gangliad daemon (HTCONDOR-161)
  • Replace htcondor-ce package requirement with python2-condor for htcondor-ce-bdii

HTCondor-CE 4.5.0

11 Feb 23:19
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This release includes the following new features:

  • Whole node jobs (HTCondor batch systems only) now make use of GPUs (HTCONDOR-103)
  • Added USE_CE_HOME_DIR configuration variable (default: True) to allow users to disable setting $HOME in the routed job's environment based on the HTCondor-CE user's home directory
  • HTCondor-CE Central Collectors now prefer GSI over SSL authentication (HTCONDOR-237)
  • HTCondor-CE registry now validates the value of submitted client codes (HTCONDOR-241)
  • Automatically remove CE jobs that exceed their maxWalltime (if defined) or the configuration value of ROUTED_JOB_MAX_TIME (default: 4320 sec/72 hrs)

This release also includes the following bug-fixes:

  • Fixed a circular configuration definition in the HTCondor-CE View that resulted in 100% CPU usage by the condor_gangliad daemon (HTCONDOR-161)
  • Replace htcondor-ce package requirement with python2-condor for htcondor-ce-bdii

HTCondor-CE 3.4.4

11 Feb 23:16
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This release contains the following changes:

  • Fixes a circular configuration definition in the HTCondor-CE View that resulted in 100% CPU usage by the condor_gangliad daemon
  • Replace htcondor-ce package requirement with python2-condor for htcondor-ce-bdii

Fix up various packaging requirements

20 Nov 21:50
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  • Fix blahp requirements now that it's been separated out from condor-externals (HTCONDOR-84)
  • Remove duplicate OSG CA certificate requirement
  • Allow for use of different VOMS clients. Previously, voms-clients-cpp was a hard requirement

Fixes for BDII, automated job removal, and HTCondor-CE View performance

14 Jul 15:15
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  • Fix a stacktrace with the BDII provider when HTCONDORCE_SPEC isn't defined in the local HTCondor configuration
  • Fixed a race condition that could result in removed jobs being put on hold
  • Improve performance of the HTCondor-CE View

Fixes for BDII and automated job removal

02 Jul 14:18
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  • Fix a stacktrace with the BDII provider when HTCONDORCE_SPEC isn't defined in the local HTCondor configuration
  • Fixed a race condition that could result in removed jobs being put on hold

Grid-agnostic HTCondor-CE View and fix for periodic APEL uploads

15 Jun 20:35
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This release contains the following new features:

  • Add plug-in interface to HTCondor-CE View and separate out OSG-specific code and configuration (SOFTWARE-3963)
  • Add configuration option (COMPLETED_JOB_EXPIRATION) for how many days (SOFTWARE-4108) completed jobs may stay in the queue

As well as the following bug fixes:

  • Replace APEL uploader SchedD cron with init and systemd services (#323)
  • Fix HTCondor-CE View SchedD query that caused "Info" tables to be blank