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Keypoints based detector

CornerNet (ECCV 2018)

CornerNet: Detecting Objects as Paired Keypoints
detect pairs of top-left corner and bottom-right corner of bounding box.
using hourglass as backbone, followed by 2 prediction modules (top-left corners and bottom-right corners).
Corners prediction module output heatmap of corner, embedding (for matching 2 corners) and offsets (to match original resolution).


  • formulate the task of object detection as a task of detecting and grouping corners with embeddings
  • the corner pooling layers that help better localize the corners
  • significantly modify the hourglass architecture and add our novel variant of focal loss (Linet al., 2017) to help better train the network

Corner Loss

Focal loss + reduce the penalty within a radiuss of positive location

$$L_det = -\dfrac{1}{N} \sum_{c=1}^C\sum_{i=1}^H\sum_{j=1}^W \begin{cases} (1-p_{cij})^\alpha log(p_{cij}) , & \text{if } y_{cij}=1\\\ (1-y_{cij})^\beta (p_{cij})^\alpha log(1-p_{cij}), & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}$$

where N is the number of objects in an image, and α and β are the hyper-parameters which control the contribution of each point (we set α to 2 and β to 4 in all experiments). α = $\gamma$ in focal loss With the Gaussian bumps encoded in $y_{cij}$ , the $(1-y_{cij})^\beta$ term reduces the penalty around the ground truth locations

Corner pooling Layer

It is one-stage detector with ~4fps (even slower than two-stage?)

Backbone: Hourglass

Backbone for keypoints is important to keypoint estimation network. It is tested using hourglass increase 8.2 AP.


real-time fps + higher AP than YOLO

CenterNet: Keypoint Triplets for Object Detection (ICCV 2019)

CenterNet: Keypoint Triplets for Object Detection
中科院牛津华为诺亚提出CenterNet,one-stage detector可达47AP,已开源!
triplets: top-left + bottom right + center
reduce incorrect bounding boxes via using predicted centre point to check if center keypoint of the same class falling within its central region

ExtremeNet (CVPR 2019)

Bottom-up Object Detection by Grouping Extreme and Center Points
based on CornerNet
predict 5 heatmaps: top, left, bottom, right, center + 4 offset map: top, left, bottom, right
No embedding, brute center grouping
code: xingyizhou/ExtremeNet (PyTorch v0.4.1), developed upon CornerNet, fine-tuned on pre-trained CornerNet
Disadvantage: for single-scale testing, AP lower than CornerNet, for larger objects. It is probably due to center response map is not accurate enough to perform well on large objects.

CenterNet: Objects as Points (2019)

Objects as Points by same Author of ExtremeNet
It is NOT CenterNet: Keypoint Triplets for Object Detection
code: xingyizhou/CenterNet (pyTorch)
output: heatmap of center points (# of class channel) + width, height of pixel location (2 channels) + offset (2 channels)

From points to bounding boxes (Inference)

  1. Get network output keypoints $\hat{Y}$ x number of class, offset $O$ x 2 channels (x,y) and size $S$ x 2 channels
  2. extract the peaks in heatmap for each category independently
    1. detect all response whose value greater or equal to its 8 connected neighbors
    2. keep top n peaks $\hat{P}_c$
  3. For each keypoint in $\hat{P}$, get it 2D location (i,j)
  4. Get corresponding $O_{i,j}$, $S_{i,j}$
  5. Produce bounding boxes
  6. (Optional) Post-processing all boxes with NMS. inference time: 28fps with DLA-34 backbone, 7.8fps with hourglass-104 (45.1 AP)

Other applications

3D detection, Human pose estimation

Backbone & Preformance

Object Detection on COCO validation

Backbone AP / FPS Flip AP / FPS Multi-scale AP / FPS
Hourglass-104 40.3 / 14 42.2 / 7.8 45.1 / 1.4
DLA-34 37.4 / 52 39.2 / 28 41.7 / 4
ResNet-101 34.6 / 45 36.2 / 25 39.3 / 4
ResNet-18 28.1 / 142 30.0 / 71 33.2 / 12

hourglass is pre-trained in ExtremeNet

Keypoint detection on COCO validation

Backbone AP FPS
Hourglass-104 64.0 6.6
DLA-34 58.9 23

Center point collision

CenterNet is unable to predict <0.1% objects due to collision in center points. But this number is lower than collisions of anchors-based detector


According to issue 269: Comparing with ExtremeNet and CornerNet
, this paper is rejected because it is not all better than ExtremeNet. However, this model do not require grouping keypoints hence faster.

TTFNet (AAAI 2020)

Training-Time-Friendly Network for Real-Time Object Detection
based on CenterNet: Objects as Points

  • using Gaussian kernels to encode training samples for center localization and size regression ~increasing batch size, so that enlarge the learning rate(Accurate, Large Minibatch SGD: Training ImageNet in 1 Hour) and accelerate the training process. (It predict $(w_l, h_t, w_r, h_b)$ instead of size since the training sample of size regression is not only the center points
  • initiative sample weight for better information utilization result: balance training time while the accuracy and inference time still comparable to CenterNet