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Tony Arcieri edited this page Feb 14, 2016 · 10 revisions

Query string parameters

Use the :params option to add query string parameters to requests:

HTTP.get("", :params => {:foo => "bar"})

Form data

Use the :form option to pass data serialized as form encoded:"", :form => {:foo => "42"})

Request bodies

The :body option allows posting a raw request body:"", :body => "foo=42&bar=baz")

Request bodies can be a String or any Enumerable object. Enumerable objects can be used for streaming request bodies.

The :json option allows serializing Ruby objects as JSON:"", :json => { :foo => "42" })

File uploads (via form data)

To upload files as if form data, construct the form as follows:"", :form => {
  :username => "ixti",
  :avatar   =>"/home/ixit/avatar.png")

See also

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