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Generate swr hooks using OpenAPI schemas

npm license


npm install swr-openapi swr openapi-fetch
npm install --save-dev openapi-typescript typescript


Follow openapi-typescript directions to generate TypeScript definitions for each service being used.

Here is an example of types being generated for a service via the command line:

npx openapi-typescript "https://sandwiches.example/openapi/json" --output ./types/sandwich-schema.ts

Then, create an openapi-fetch client and initialize swr hooks for the API:

// sandwich-api.ts
import { createClient } from "openapi-fetch";
import { createHooks } from "swr-openapi";
import type * as SandwichesSchema from "./types/sandwich-schema";

export const sandwichesApi = createClient<SandwichesSchema.paths>({
  baseUrl: "https://sandwiches.example",

export const {
  use: useSandwiches,
  useInfinite: useSandwichesInfinite,
} = createHooks(sandwichesApi, "sandwich-api");


import { useSandwiches } from "./sandwich-api";

export function MySandwiches() {
  // Fetch a single sandwich (uses useSWR)
  const { data: sandwiches } = useSandwiches("/sandwiches/{sandwichId}", {
    params: {
      path: {
        sandwichId: "sandwich-123",

  // Fetch multiple pages of sandwiches (uses useSWRInfinite)
  const {
    data: pages,
  } = useSandwichesInfinite("/sandwiches", (index, previous) => {
    if (!previous.hasMore) {
      return null;

    return {
      params: {
        query: {
          limit: 25,
          offset: 25 * index,

API Reference

createHooks(api, keyPrefix)

  • Parameters:
    • api: An openapi-fetch client.
    • keyPrefix: A string to differentiate this API from others. This helps avoid swr cache collisions when using multiple APIs that may have identical paths.
  • Returns:

Depending on your project preferences, there are different ways to export the return value of createHooks. Here are two examples:

Option 1: Destructure the return value and rename the destructured properties
// sandwich-api.ts
export const {
  use: useSandwiches,
  useInfinite: useSandwichesInfinite
} = createHooks(sandwichesApi, "sandwich-api");
// some-component.tsx
import { useSandwiches } from "./sandwich-api";

export function SomeComponent() {
  const { data, error, isLoading } = useSandwiches("/sandwiches/{sandwichId}", {
    params: {
      path: {
        sandwichId: "sandwich-123",
Option 2: Don't destructure the return value
// sandwich-api.ts
export const sandwiches = createHooks(sandwichesApi, "sandwich-api");
// some-component.tsx
import { sandwiches } from "./sandwich-api";

export function SomeComponent() {
  const { data, error, isLoading } = sandwiches.use(
      params: {
        path: {
          sandwichId: "sandwich-123",

use(path, options, swrConfig)

function use(
  path: Path,
  options: Options | null,
  swrConfig?: Config,
): SWRResponse;
const { data, error, isLoading, mutate, revalidate } = use(
    params: {
      path: {
        sandwichId: "sandwich-123",

useInfinite(path, getOptionsFn, swrConfig)

function useInfinite(
  path: Path,
  getOptionsFn: SWRInfiniteKeyLoader<Data, Options | null>,
  swrConfig?: Config,
): SWRInfiniteResponse;
  • Parameters:
    • path: The GET endpoint to request.
    • getOptionsFn: An swr getKey function that accepts the index and the previous page data, returning either an openapi-fetch FetchOptions object for loading the next page or null, once there are no more pages.
    • swrConfig (optional): Configuration options for useSWRInfinite.
  • Returns:
const {
  data: sandwichPages,
} = useInfinite("/sandwiches", (index, previousPage) => {
  if (!previousPage.hasMore) {
    return null;

  return {
    params: {
      query: {
        limit: 25,
        offset: 25 * index,