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bitmap api
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huahaiy committed Jul 13, 2012
1 parent 7946ecc commit c263b4b
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Showing 4 changed files with 257 additions and 0 deletions.
101 changes: 101 additions & 0 deletions src/colap/bitmap.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
(ns colap.bitmap
{:doc "Operations on a bitmap, which is implemented by an
:author "Huahai Yang"}
(:use [slingshot.slingshot :only [throw+]])
(:import [javaewah EWAHCompressedBitmap]
[colap.bytebuffer OutputStream InputStream]
[java.nio ByteBuffer]
[ DataOutputStream DataInputStream]))

(defn bitmap->positions
"Return a seq of the positions of 1 in the bitmap"
[^EWAHCompressedBitmap bm]
(iterator-seq (.iterator bm)))

(defn append-position!
"Set the corresponding positions of the given bitmap according to the
given integers, which should be greater than the existing positions,
unique and in ascending order."
([^EWAHCompressedBitmap bm p]
(if (< p (.sizeInBits bm))
(throw+ "Can only append to the end of a bitmap")
(.set bm p))
([^EWAHCompressedBitmap bm p & ps]
(doseq [x (cons p ps)] (append-position! bm x))

(defn positions->bitmap
"Load a collection of unordered 1 positions into a new bitmap"
(apply append-position! (EWAHCompressedBitmap.) (apply sorted-set coll)))

(defn- insert-to-list
[^java.util.List l p]
(let [i (java.util.Collections/binarySearch l p)]
(when (< i 0)
(.add l (- (inc i)) p))

(defn- remove-from-list
[^java.util.List l p]
(let [i (java.util.Collections/binarySearch l p)]
(when (>= i 0)
(.remove l i))

(defn- do-at-positions
[^EWAHCompressedBitmap bm f coll]
(let [l (.getPositions bm)]
(doseq [p coll] (f l (int p)))
(apply append-position! (EWAHCompressedBitmap.) (seq l))))

(defn insert-position
"Return a new bitmap with given positions added"
([^EWAHCompressedBitmap bm p]
(.or bm (append-position! (EWAHCompressedBitmap.) p)))
([^EWAHCompressedBitmap bm p & ps]
(let [coll (cons p ps) n (count coll)]
(if (< n 22500)
(do-at-positions bm insert-to-list coll)
(.or bm (positions->bitmap coll))))))

(defn remove-position
"Return a new bitmap with given positions removed"
([^EWAHCompressedBitmap bm p]
(apply append-position! (EWAHCompressedBitmap.)
(seq (remove-from-list (.getPositions bm) (int p)))))
([^EWAHCompressedBitmap bm p & ps]
(do-at-positions bm remove-from-list (cons p ps))))

(defn- in-list?
[^java.util.List l p]
(>= (java.util.Collections/binarySearch l (int p)) 0))

(defn position-set?
"Return true if the given positions of the bitmp are set"
([^EWAHCompressedBitmap bm p]
(in-list? (.getPositions bm) p))
([^EWAHCompressedBitmap bm p & ps]
(let [l (.getPositions bm)]
(every? #(in-list? l %) (cons p ps)))))

(defn bitmap->bytebuffer
"Return a Bytebuffer filled with the given bitmap"
[^EWAHCompressedBitmap bm]
(let [bb (ByteBuffer/allocate (.serializedSizeInBytes bm))]
(.serialize bm (-> bb
(.rewind bb)))

(defn bytebuffer->bitmap
"Recover a bitmap from the given ByteBuffer"
(let [bm (EWAHCompressedBitmap.)]
(.deserialize bm (-> bb

50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions src/colap/bytebuffer.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
(ns colap.bytebuffer
{:doc "Define IO streams that are directly backed by a given
java.nio.ByteBuffer. This nanmespace needs to be AOT compiled."
:author "Huahai Yang"})

:name colap.bytebuffer.OutputStream
:init init
:state state
:constructors {[java.nio.ByteBuffer] []}
:exposes-methods {write writeSuper}
:main false)

(defn -init
"Initialize the stream with a given ByteBuffer"
[[] bb])

(defn -write
"Implements the write methods of"
([^colap.bytebuffer.OutputStream this b]
(if (= (type b) (Class/forName "[B"))
(.writeSuper this ^bytes b)
(.put ^java.nio.ByteBuffer (.state this)
(clojure.lang.RT/uncheckedByteCast ^int b))))
([^colap.bytebuffer.OutputStream this ^bytes b o l]
(.writeSuper this b ^int o ^int l)))

:name colap.bytebuffer.InputStream
:init init
:state state
:constructors {[java.nio.ByteBuffer] []}
:exposes-methods {read readSuper}
:main false)

(defn -read
"Implements the read methods of"
([^colap.bytebuffer.InputStream this]
(let [bb ^java.nio.ByteBuffer (.state this)]
(if (.hasRemaining bb)
(clojure.lang.RT/uncheckedIntCast (bit-and 0xff ^byte (.get bb)))
(int -1))))
([^colap.bytebuffer.InputStream this ^bytes b]
(.readSuper this b))
([^colap.bytebuffer.InputStream this ^bytes b o l]
(.readSuper this b ^int o ^int l)))

33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions src/colap/cassandra.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
(ns colap.cassandra
{:doc "Use Cassandra as data store"
:author "Huahai Yang"}
(:use [clj-hector.ddl]
(:import [me.prettyprint.hector.api Serializer]))

(def ^:dynamic *keyspace* (keyspace (cluster "Test Cluster" "localhost") "testks"))
(def ^:dynamic *cf-name* "User")

(defn bm-serializer
"return an instance of hector Serializer that can serialize/deserialize
an EWAHCompresedBitmap to/from ByteBuffer, "
(proxy [Serializer] []
(toByteBuffer [bm]
(bitmap->bytebuffer bm))
(fromByteBuffer [bb]
(bytebuffer->bitmap bb))))

(defn store-bitmap
"store a EWAHCompresedBitmap as a column value"
[dim val bm]
(put *keyspace* *cf-name* dim {val bm}
:n-serializer :string :v-serializer bm-serializer))

(defn retrieve-bitmap
"retrieve a EWAHCompresedBitmap as a column value"
[dim val]
(-> (get-columns *keyspace* *cf-name* dim val
:n-serializer :string :v-serializer bm-serializer)
(get val)))
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions test/colap/test/bitmap.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
(ns colap.test.bitmap
{:author "Huahai Yang"}
(:use [colap.bitmap]
(:import [javaewah EWAHCompressedBitmap]))

(def ^:private max-pos 2147483583) ;the maximum settable bit (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 64)
(def ^:private ext-bm (apply append-position! (EWAHCompressedBitmap.) [0 max-pos]))
(def ^:private rnd-bm (EWAHCompressedBitmap.))

(declare ^:private ^:dynamic rnd-coll)

(defn rnd-ints
[n limit]
(repeatedly n #(rand-int limit)))

(defn rnd-bitmaps-fixture
(binding [rnd-coll (rnd-ints 100 max-pos)]
(apply append-position! rnd-bm (apply sorted-set rnd-coll))
(.clear rnd-bm)))))

(use-fixtures :each rnd-bitmaps-fixture)

(deftest from-to-positions
(is (= (bitmap->positions ext-bm) [0 max-pos]))
(is (= (bitmap->positions rnd-bm) (seq (apply sorted-set rnd-coll))))
(is (= ext-bm (positions->bitmap (bitmap->positions ext-bm))))
(is (= rnd-bm (positions->bitmap (bitmap->positions rnd-bm)))))

(deftest insert-remove
(is (= (bitmap->positions (insert-position ext-bm 1)) [0 1 max-pos]))
(is (= (insert-position ext-bm 3 2 729) (positions->bitmap [0 2 3 729 max-pos])))
(let [s (set (bitmap->positions rnd-bm))
xs (filter #(nil? (s %)) (range))
x (first xs)
nf (take 5 xs)]
(is (= rnd-bm (remove-position (insert-position rnd-bm x) x)))
(is (= rnd-bm (apply remove-position (apply insert-position rnd-bm nf) nf)))))

(deftest set-or-not
(is (position-set? ext-bm max-pos))
(is (position-set? ext-bm 0 max-pos))
(is (position-set? (insert-position rnd-bm 289) 289))
(is (position-set? (insert-position rnd-bm 3 899) 899 3)))

(deftest from-to-bytebuffer
(is (= ext-bm (bytebuffer->bitmap (bitmap->bytebuffer ext-bm)))
"Error serializing bitmap to bytebuffer")
(is (= rnd-bm (bytebuffer->bitmap (bitmap->bytebuffer rnd-bm)))
"Error serializing bitmap to bytebuffer"))

(defn benchmark
[n i f x]
(str i ","
(second (first
(re-seq #"[^\d]+(\d+\.\d+).+"
(time (dotimes [_ n] (f x)))))))

(defn run-benchmark
[f o]
(with-open [w (writer o :append true)]
(doseq [x (rnd-ints 1000 40000)]
(.write w (benchmark 1 x f (rnd-ints x max-pos))))
;(doseq [x (rnd-ints 1000 max-pos)]
;(.write w (benchmark 100 x f [x])))
(.flush w)))

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