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Basic Test with OpenvSwitch

This tutorial creates a simple SDN test environment with two physical servers (or virtual machines instead). If you are confused with some concepts, read quickunderstand first.

You need two physcial servers with namespace support for this tutorial. This tutorial assumes you are using CentOS 7, but any Linux version in which "ip netns" command is available can be used. If you want to try VLAN networks, you may need to configure the physical switch port to "trunk mode". If that is not possible, you can still use VXLAN isolation, in that case, you may use virtual machines (even in public cloud) to replace physical servers.

This toturial assumes you are using root account, if you run into priviledge problems with a non-root account, you may need sudo.

Most of the setup steps should be done on both servers, or every server in the cluster, except :centraldatabase, and all the API calls with curl which create global objects (physical networks, physical ports, logical networks, subnets, virtual routers).

Install OpenvSwitch

Download OpenvSwitch releases from You may choose a version from 2.3x, 2.5x or higher. 2.5x is recommended.

Build and install OpenvSwitch, following the steps in Usually you may build a RPM package once and install it on each server nodes with yum.


Other Linux distributions may have pre-built OpenvSwitch packages available, check the version if you want to use it instead.

Prepare Python Environment

VLCP v2.0 works Python 3.5+ and PyPy3.5. For production environment, PyPy3 is recommended which is about 5x faster than CPython. The most simple way to use PyPy is using the Portable PyPy distribution for Linux. You may also use a virtualenv environment if you want.


VLCP v1.x supports Python 2.6, Python 2.7 and PyPy2, but in v2.0, only Python 3.5+ are supported.

Use pip to install VLCP. If pip is not ready, refer to If you are using old versions of pip, you may also want to upgrade pip, setuptools and wheel:

pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel


Install from pypy

Use pip tool auto install from pypy:

pip install vlcp

Install from source

Git clone from github:

git clone

Install use

cd vlcp && python install

Some optional packages can be used by VLCP, install them as needed:


If you use Redis for the central database, install hiredis will improve the performance


Support daemonize with "-d" option to create system service for VLCP. But it is usually more convient to use with systemd in CentOS 7.

Setup Central Database

VLCP uses external KV-storage as a central database for configuration storage and distributed coordination. Currently Redis and ZooKeeper is supported. ZooKeeper is recommended for its high availability with clustering.

Choose one of the follwing sections to proceed. You may install the central database on one of the physical servers or on another server.

Install ZooKeeper (Recommended)

Follwing steps in For this tutorial, install a standalone node is enough, but you should setup a cluster for production environment.


You should protect the server port 2181 with iptables to grant access only from your servers.

Install Redis (Optional)

Download, compile and install redis from You should configure redis server to listen to or a IP address available for all the servers. You may also want to enable AOF.


It is a huge security hole to open redis port on Internet without password protection: attackers can grant full controll of your server by overwriting sensitive files like ~/.ssh/authorized with administration commands. Make sure you use private IP addresses, or configure iptables or your firewall correctly to allow connecting only from your servers.

Newer versions of Redis also blocks this configuration with a "protect mode", you may need to disable it after you configure iptables correctly.

Create VLCP Configuration

Download example configuration file from GitHub and save it to /etc/vlcp.conf as a start. In this tutorial, we will use genericl3.conf:

     > /etc/vlcp.conf

Modify the module.zookeeperdb.url line with your ZooKeeper server addresses, or if you are using Redis, following the comments in the configuration file.


module.jsonrpcserver.url='unix://var/run/openvswitch/db.sock' special where the UNIX socket which communicate with ovs. if install ovs from source , the UNIX socket file mybe unix://usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock.

Start VLCP Service

It is usually a good idea to create a system service for VLCP to make sure it starts on server booting, but for convient we will start VLCP with nohup instead:

nohup vlcp-start &


nohup python -m vlcp.start &

To stop the service, run command fg and press Ctrl+C, or use kill command on the process.


You should start the controller with root priviledge (sudo if necessary).

Configure OpenvSwitch

Create a test bridge in OpenvSwitch for virtual networking. The name of the bridge usually does not matter. In this tutorial we use testbr0. For docker integration, the bridge name dockerbr0 is usually used. Run following commands on each server:

ovs-vsctl add-br testbr0
ovs-vsctl set-fail-mode testbr0 secure
ovs-vsctl set-controller testbr0 tcp:

This creates the test bridge and the OpenFlow connection to the VLCP controller.


VLCP communicates with OpenvSwitch in two protocols: OpenFlow and OVSDB (a specialized JSON-RPC protocol). Usually the SDN controller is deployed on the same server with OpenvSwitch, in that case the default OVSDB UNIX socket is used, so we do not need to configure OVSDB connections with ovs-vsctl set-manager.

ovs fail-mode secure means ovs disconnect with controller, ovs will not set up flows on its own another fail-mode standalone ovs will set up flows cause the datapath to act link an ordinary MAC-learning switch.

From now on, if you run into some problems, or you want to retry this toturial, you can delete the whole bridge:

ovs-vsctl del-br testbr0

And cleanup or re-install the central database.

Create VXLAN Physical Network

There is only one step to create a physical network. The example configuration open a management API port at http://localhost/8081. We will call the management API with curl:

curl -g -d 'type=vxlan&vnirange=`[[10000,20000]]`&id=vxlan' \

You may run this command on any of your server nodes. All server nodes share the same data storage, so you create the network configuration once and they can be used anywhere.

The id of newly created physical network is "vxlan", this is a convient name for further calls, but you can replace it with any name you like. If you do not specify an id, VLCP creates a UUID for you. vnirange specify a list of VNI ranges, notice that different from range in Python, these ranges include both begin and end. For example, [10000,20000] is 10000-20000, which has 10001 VNIs enable. Network engineers are usually more familar with this type of ranges.


By default, the management API supports HTTP GET (with query string), HTTP POST (with standard form data), and HTTP POST with JSON-format POST data. Though use the HTTP GET/POST format is usually the easiest way to call the API in Shell command-line, when integrating with other systems JSON-format POST may be more convient.

`` quoted expression is a VLCP-specified extension. Some APIs need data types other than strings for its parameters. When a string parameter is quoted by ``, VLCP recognizes it as a literal expression in Python. You may use numbers, string, tuples, list, dictionary, sets and any combinations of them in a quoted expression.

'[]' have special meanings in curl, that is way we use -g option to turn it off.

Create Physical Port

Every physical network need one physical port for each server to provide external connectivity. There are two steps to create a physical port:

  1. Create the port on each server and plug the port to the bridge
  2. Create the physical port configuration in VLCP


These two steps can be done in any order. When you extend a cluster, you only need to do Step 1. on new servers since the second step is already done.

First create a vxlan tunnel port in each server:

ovs-vsctl add-port testbr0 vxlan0 -- set interface vxlan0 type=vxlan \
          options:local_ip= options:remote_ip=flow options:key=flow

Replace the IP address to an external IP address on this server, it should be different for each server. VLCP will use this configuration to discover other nodes in the same cluster.


options:remote_ip=flow means vxlan dst server ip , will set use flow dynamic options:key=flow means vxlan tunnel id , will set use flow dynamic.

The port name vxlan0 can be replaced to other names, but you should use the same name for each server.


VXLAN uses UDP port 4789 for overlay tunneling. You must configure your iptables or firewall to allow UDP traffic on this port. If there are other VXLAN services on this server (for example, overlay network driver in docker uses this port for its own networking), you may specify another port by appending option:dst_port=4999 to the commandline. Make sure all your servers are using the same UDP port.

Then create the physical port configuration (only once, on any server node):

curl -g -d 'physicalnetwork=vxlan&name=vxlan0'\

The physicalnetwork parameter is the physical network ID, and the name parameter is the port name in above command.

Create Logical Network and Subnets

In this tutorial, we will create two logical networks:

  • Network A: CIDR, network ID: network_a, gateway:
  • Network B: CIDR, network ID: network_b, gateway:

The steps are simple and direct. In VLCP, Ethernet related configurations are provided when createing a Logical Network, and IP related configurations are provided when creating a Subnet. First create two logical networks:

curl -g -d 'physicalnetwork=vxlan&id=network_a&mtu=`1450`'\
curl -g -d 'physicalnetwork=vxlan&id=network_b&mtu=`1450`'\


VXLAN introduces extra overlay packet header into the packet, so we leave 50 bytes for the header and set MTU=1450. If your underlay network supports larger MTU, you can set a larger MTU instead. The embedded DHCP service uses this configuration to generate a DHCP Option to set MTU on the logical port (vNIC in a virtual machine). vlcp-docker-plugin also uses this to generate MTU configurations for docker.

You may use an extra parameter vni=10001 to explictly specify the VNI used by this logical network. If ommited, VLCP automatically assign a free VNI from the physical network VNI ranges. The creation fails if all the VNIs in VNI ranges are used, or the specified VNI is used.

Then, create a Subnet for each logical network:

curl -g -d 'logicalnetwork=network_a&cidr='\
curl -g -d 'logicalnetwork=network_b&cidr='\


There are also batch create APIs like createlogicalnetworks and createsubnets, which accepts a list of dictionaries to create multiple objects in one transact. A batch create operation is an atomic operation, if one of the object is not created successfully, all the other created objects roll back.

Create Logical Ports

We will create one logical port for each logical network and each physical server - means 4 logical ports if you have two physical servers.

Run following commands on each server:


# create namespace
ip netns add vlcp_ns1

# create logicalport id

# add internal ovs interface set iface-id logicalport id
ovs-vsctl add-port testbr0 vlcp-port1 -- set interface vlcp-port1 \
      type=internal external_ids:iface-id=${LOGPORT_ID}

# get interface mac address used to create logical port
MAC_ADDRESS=`ip link show dev vlcp-port1 | grep -oP 'link/ether \S+'\
       | awk '{print $2}'`
curl -g -d "id=${LOGPORT_ID}&logicalnetwork=network_a&subnet=subnet_a&mac_address=${MAC_ADDRESS}"\

# move interface link to namespace and up it
ip link set dev vlcp-port1 netns vlcp_ns1
ip netns exec vlcp_ns1 ip link set dev vlcp-port1 up

# start dhcp to get ip address
ip netns exec vlcp_ns1 dhclient -pf /var/run/\
       -lf /var/lib/dhclient/dhclient-vlcp-port1.leases vlcp-port1

# create another namespace
ip netns add vlcp_ns2

# create another logical port id

# add internal ovs interface set iface-id logicalport id
ovs-vsctl add-port testbr0 vlcp-port2 -- set interface vlcp-port2 \
      type=internal external_ids:iface-id=${LOGPORT_ID}

# get interface mac address used to create logical port
MAC_ADDRESS=`ip link show dev vlcp-port2 | grep -oP 'link/ether \S+'\
      | awk '{print $2}'`
curl -g -d "id=${LOGPORT_ID}&logicalnetwork=network_b&subnet=subnet_b&mac_address=${MAC_ADDRESS}" \

# move interface link to namespace and up it
ip link set dev vlcp-port2 netns vlcp_ns2
ip netns exec vlcp_ns2 ip link set dev vlcp-port2 up

# start dhcp to get ip address
ip netns exec vlcp_ns2 dhclient -pf /var/run/ \
      -lf /var/lib/dhclient/dhclient-vlcp-port2.leases vlcp-port2

Change SERVER_ID to a different number for each of your server to prevent the logical port ID conflicts with each other.

A quick description:

For each port

  1. Create a namespace to simulate a logical endpoint with separated devices, IP addresses and routing.
  2. Create an ovs internal port to simutate a vNIC. "external_ids:iface-id" is set to the logical port id.
  3. Use the logical port ID, logical network ID, subnet ID and the MAC address to create a new logical port configuration.
  4. Move the internal port to the created namespace.
  5. Start DHCP client in the namespace to acquire IP address configurations.


When creating logical ports, you can specify an extra parameter like ip_address= to explictly assign an IP address for the logical port; if omitted, a free IP address is automatically choosen from the subnet CIDR. See API references for details.

dhclient is used to use DHCP to retrieve IP address and MTU configurations from embedded DHCP server.


ip netns exec vlcp_ns1 dhclient -x -pf /var/run/ \
      -lf /var/lib/dhclient/dhclient-vlcp-port1.leases vlcp-port1

to stop it.

You may also configure the IP addresses and MTU yourself, instead of acquiring from DHCP.

It is not necessary to call createlogicalport API on the same server where the ovs port is created. The order is also not matter (if you use a fixed MAC address). If you delete the ovs port and re-create it on another server, all configurations are still in effect, so you can easily migrate a virtual machine or docker container easily without network loss.

You may also choose to omit the id parameter to let VLCP generate an UUID for you. Then you can set the UUID to external_ids:iface-id of the ovs port.

Now you should see the logical ports in the same logical networks can ping each other, while logical ports from different logical networks cannot ping each other. Try it yourself:

ip netns exec vlcp_ns1 ping

Create Virtual Router

As you can see, logical ports in different logical networks cannot access each other with L2 packets. But you can connect different logical networks with a Virtual Router, to provide L3 connectivity between logical networks. This keeps the broadcast range of logical networks in a reasonable scale.

Let's create a virtual router and put subnet_a, subnet_b inside it:

curl -g 'http://localhost:8081/vrouterapi/createvirtualrouter?id=subnetrouter'
curl -g -d 'interfaces=`[{"router":"subnetrouter","subnet":"subnet_a"},\

Now the logical ports should be enabled to ping each other no matter which logical network they are in:

ip netns exec vlcp_ns1 ping

(Optional) Create VLAN Physical Networks

If your server are connected to physical switches, and the ports your server connected to are configured to "trunk mode", and there are VLANs correctly configured and permitted in the physical switches, you may create a VLAN physical network to connect your vNICs through VLAN network. Usually it is an easy way to connect your vNICs to traditional networks.

It is not that different to create a VLAN physical network from creating a VXLAN physical network. We will assume your VLAN network is connected by a physical NIC or bonding device named bond0:

curl -g -d 'type=vlan&vlanrange=`[[1000,2000]]`&id=vlan'\
curl -g -d 'physicalnetwork=vlan&name=bond0'\

And on each server:

ovs-vsctl add-port testbr0 bond0

Creating logical networks and other parts of the network is same.


If your VLAN network has external gateways, you may want to specify is_external=`True` when creating subnets. When this subnet is connected to a virtual router, virtual router uses the external gateway as the default gateway. Static routes should be configured on the external gateway for other logical networks connected to the virtual router. Or you may use NAT instead, though current version does not support NAT yet, it is not too difficult to implement a simple source NAT solution with iptables.

Remove Network Objects

When removing configurations from VLCP, use a reversed order: Logical Ports, Virtual Router, Subnet, Logical Network, Physical Ports, Physical Network:

curl -g -d 'ports=`[{"id":"'"lgport-${SERVER_ID}-1"'"},

curl -g -d 'interfaces=`[{"router":"subnetrouter","subnet":"subnet_a"},
curl -g 'http://localhost:8081/vrouterapi/deletevirtualrouter?id=subnetrouter'

curl -g 'http://localhost:8081/viperflow/deletesubnet?id=subnet_a'
curl -g 'http://localhost:8081/viperflow/deletesubnet?id=subnet_b'
curl -g 'http://localhost:8081/viperflow/deletelogicalnetwork?id=network_a'
curl -g 'http://localhost:8081/viperflow/deletelogicalnetwork?id=network_b'
curl -g 'http://localhost:8081/viperflow/deletephysicalport?name=vxlan0'
curl -g 'http://localhost:8081/viperflow/deletephysicalnetwork?id=vxlan'

After this you can remove the ovs bridge and namespace created on each server to restore the environment:

ip netns exec vlcp_ns1 dhclient -x -pf /var/run/\
      -lf /var/lib/dhclient/dhclient-vlcp-port1.leases vlcp-port1
ip netns exec vlcp_ns2 dhclient -x -pf /var/run/\
      -lf /var/lib/dhclient/dhclient-vlcp-port2.leases vlcp-port2
ovs-vsctl del-br testbr0   
ip netns del vlcp_ns1
ip netns del vlcp_ns2