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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

Status/NoSolution 🤷
Status/NoSolution 🤷
This cannot be worked on due to no possible solution.
Status/Pending 🔵
Status/Pending 🔵
This is new.
Status/Question ❓
Status/Question ❓
This needs further information.
Status/Rejected ❌
Status/Rejected ❌
This is rejected.
Status/Transfer ↗️
Status/Transfer ↗️
This is transferred to a more relevant place.
Status/WillNotFix 🙅
Status/WillNotFix 🙅
This will not be worked on.
Type/Bug 🐛
Type/Bug 🐛
Something is not working as expected or intended.
Type/Chore ⚙️
Type/Chore ⚙️
Miscellaneous task.
Type/Dependency 📦
Type/Dependency 📦
Related to dependency.
Type/Documentation 📓
Type/Documentation 📓
Additions or improvements to the documentation.
Type/Enhancement 💡
Type/Enhancement 💡
New feature or request.