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File metadata and controls

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This section will explain in details some non-trivial commands available in GEF with examples and screenshots to make it easier to reproduce.

Note: if you consider the documentation to be imprecise/incomplete, file an Issue or better, create a a Pull Request to the project to help improve it.

Command Description
aliases Base command to add, remove, and list GEF defined aliases.
aslr View/modify GDB ASLR behavior.
assemble Inline code assemble. Architecture can be set in GEF runtime config (default is x86). (alias: asm)
capstone-disassemble Use capstone disassembly framework to disassemble code. (alias: cs-dis)
checksec port.
context Display execution context. (alias: ctx)
dereference Dereference recursively an address and display information (alias: telescope, dps)
edit-flags Edit flags in a human friendly way (alias: flags)
elf-info Display ELF header informations.
entry-break Tries to find best entry point and sets a temporary breakpoint on it. (alias: start-break)
format-string-helper Exploitable format-string helper: this command will set up specific breakpoints at well-known dangerous functions (printf, snprintf, etc.), and check if the pointer holding the format string is writable, and susceptible to format string attacks if an attacker can control its content. (alias: fmtstr-helper)
functions List the convenience functions provided by GEF.
gef Lists GEF commands and their descriptions
gef-remote gef wrapper for the target remote command. This command will automatically download the target binary in the local temporary directory (defaut /tmp) and then source it. Additionally, it will fetch all the /proc/PID/maps and loads all its information.
heap Base command to get information about the Glibc heap structure.
heap-analysis-helper Tracks dynamic heap allocation through malloc/free to try to detect heap vulnerabilities.
hexdump Display arranged hexdump (according to architecture endianness) of memory range.
highlight Highlight text using custom matches.
hijack-fd ChangeFdCommand: redirect file descriptor during runtime.
ida-interact IDA Interact: set of commands to interact with IDA via a XML RPC service deployed via the IDA script It should be noted that this command can also be used to interact with Binary Ninja (using the script using the same interface. (alias: binaryninja-interact, bn, binja)
is-syscall Tells whether the next instruction to be executed is a system call.
ksymaddr Solve kernel symbols from kallsyms table.
memory Add memory watches to the context view.
nop Patch the instruction pointed by parameters with NOP. If the return option is specified, it will set the return register to the specific value.
patch Write specified values to the specified address.
pattern This command will create or search a De Bruijn cyclic pattern to facilitate determining the offset in memory. The algorithm used is the same as the one used by pwntools, and can therefore be used in conjunction.
pcustom Dump user defined structure. This command attempts to reproduce WinDBG awesome dt command for GDB and allows to apply structures (from symbols or custom) directly to an address. Custom structures can be defined in pure Python using ctypes, and should be stored in a specific directory, whose path must be stored in the pcustom.struct_path configuration setting. (alias: dt)
pie Base command to support PIE breakpoints. PIE breakpoints is that you can set to a PIE binary, and use pie series commands to attach or create a new process, and it will automatically set the real breakpoint when the binary is running.
process-search List and filter process. (alias: ps)
process-status Extends the info given by GDB info proc, by giving an exhaustive description of the process status.
registers Display full details on one, many or all registers value from current architecture.
reset-cache Reset cache of all stored data.
ropper Ropper ( plugin
scan Search for addresses that are located in a memory mapping (haystack) that belonging to another (needle). (alias: lookup)
search-pattern SearchPatternCommand: search a pattern in memory. (alias: grep)
set-permission Change a page permission. By default, it will change it to RWX. (alias: mprotect)
shellcode ShellcodeCommand uses @JonathanSalwan simple-yet-awesome shellcode API to download shellcodes.
stub Stub out the specified function.
syscall-args Gets the syscall name and arguments based on the register values in the current state.
trace-run Create a runtime trace of all instructions executed from $pc to LOCATION specified.
unicorn-emulate Use Unicorn-Engine to emulate the behavior of the binary, without affecting the GDB runtime. By default the command will emulate only the next instruction, but location and number of instruction can be changed via arguments to the command line. By default, it will emulate the next instruction from current PC. (alias: emulate)
vmmap Display virtual memory mapping
xfiles Shows all libraries (and sections) loaded by binary (The truth is out there).
xinfo Get virtual section information for specific address
xor-memory XOR a block of memory.