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Sweet Vagrant

A vagrant script bundle that make provisioning easier to customize and maintain. Just edit config file and vagrant up. Everything is done automatically.

Currently tested with CentOS (7) and Ubuntu (14.04) environments

With default example configuration file, Vagrant will install an Ubuntu 14.04 machine which contains Apache 2, PHP 5.6, Postgresql 9.5 and Xdebug

1. Run


  • Install Virtualbox and Vagrant.
  • This Vagrant stack requires vagrant-vbguest plugin for fully CentOS supports.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
  • Clone this repository or download latest version here
git clone
  • After clone this repository, rename config/default.yaml.example to config/default.yaml


vagrant up

Wait for everything loaded then navigate to to see if it works

To restart the VM

vagrant reload

To shut down the VM

vagrant halt

More syntax can be found in their Vagrant document.

Available running sites with example configuration file are

  • A generic test site, with php info can be found at
  • Site running with source in html/test folder and settings in config/apache2/sites/test.conf

2. Configuration

Notice: Each yaml file in config folder is used for its own machine. Example: config/default.yaml is used for machine named default

All configuration should be placed in config/default.yaml file

OS and version are important settings that will be used for provisioning proccess (Example: os: "CentOS", versionL "14")

Dependencies: Is a list of packages to be installed, default ones are Apache 2, PHP 5.6 ... A list of available packages can be found in package list file.

Copy: is a list of file to be copied to VM, all those files should locates in config/copy folder. Local file path should represent the actual file path in VM machine. Example: config/copy/etc/php5/php.ini in local machine will be copied to /etc/php5/php.ini in VM.

IP settings:

  • ip_prefix: is the first part of ips, has prefix 127.0.0
  • private_network_ips: is a list of second parts of ips, has postfix 1
  • ultilites_ip: is the ip used for ultilites site

Synced folders: Is a list of folders from local machine to be synced with VM Scripts: A list of script file to be run after all dependencies installed

3. Other settings

  • All sites settings are located in config/apache2/sites
  • Custom apache settings should be placed in config/apache2/smart-vagrant.conf
  • All provider settings should be edited in config/Providers.rb

Other hack-around can be done with a little knowlegde of Vagrant, can be found in their Vagrant document.

4. Xdebug with netbeans

Example with running site on

  • Config xdebug.remote_host to "" in local machine php.ini file like
zend_extension = "path/to/xdebug/dll/or/so"
  • Open project properties in netbeans, in tab Run Configuration change Project URL to
  • Click Advanced, then Do not open web browser, in server path fill /var/www/html/test/
  • Fill path/to/smart-vagrant/html/test in Project Path
  • Save

5. Override scripts

To override an installation script for specified package, example apache2, create install_apache2.rb or in scripts folder. To override an installation script for specified repo, example php5, create add_repo_php5.rb or in scripts folder. To add a new script or simply provide existing ones, example install-apache2-sites, create <script_name>.rb or <script_name>.sh in scripts folder then add it to scripts directive of your config file. See next chapter to get how to write your own provisioning scripts with Lamp Vagrant.

6. Write your own provisioning scripts

.sh file will be treated as shell file, its contents will be pushed into command stack. .rb file is a Ruby script and can use the command helpers provided by Lamp Vagrant multi-OS command builders (document coming soon).

lv = SmartVagrant.instance
command = lv.command
# require apt repo for postgresql 9.5
case lv.os
# for machine with os CENTOS
when "centos"
  # packages that we will install for our server to work
  package_list = ["postgresql95-server", "postgresql95", "php5.6-pgsql"]
  # show message "Installing <package> ..."
  lv.push_install_message(["Postgresql 9.5 For PHP 5.6"])
  lv.push_install_message(package_list, 1)
  # Install the packages we need
  # Run a command
  command.push("/usr/pgsql-9.5/bin/postgresql95-setup initdb")
  # command.start_service will generate a command that start the service, in this example is postgresql-9.5
  package_list = ["postgresql-9.5", "php5.6-pgsql"]
  lv.push_install_message(["Postgresql 9.5 For PHP 5.6"])
  lv.push_install_message(package_list, 1)
  # Install the packages we need with custom options
  # These options allow unauthenticated packages to be installed
  command.push(command.install(package_list, "-qq --allow-unauthenticated"))

Any contributions are welcomed and I am pleased to help you with all of your issues.

Best regards, Hung.

🍺 🍺 🍺