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127 lines (82 loc) · 6.08 KB

Project Name: OpenCV

Evaluating Person or Team: Gillian Pantaleon


  1. Report on whether you were successful installing the project on your local machine. The instructions for installation are hidden in the documentation. They can be found under "OpenCV Tutorials". The project is available on several different platforms.


  1. What is the project's license? In most repositories there will be a file named LICENSE or something similar in the root level of the repository. This is the one to examine. There may be different licenses on specific files, but the project will have a main license. This project has a 3-clause BSD license.

Code Base

  1. What is the primary programming language in the project? The primary programming language is C++.

  2. What is the development environment? For example, is it Gnu C++ on Linux? Are there instructions for how to download, build, and install? The development environment is CMake, which is available on several platforms. Yes, there are instructions for how to download, build and install the here.

  3. Does the project depend on external additional software modules such as database, graphics, web development, or other libraries? Yes, the project relies on NumPy.

  4. Is the code easy to understand? Browse some source code files and make a judgment based on your random sample. Yes.

  5. Is this a big project? If you can, find out about how many lines of code are in it, perhaps on OpenHub. Yes, the project has about 2 million lines of code.

  6. Does the repository have tests? No.

Code and Design Documentation

  1. Is there clear documentation in the code itself? Yes. The repository includes a Coding Style Guide for contributors to follow when writing OpenCV code.

  2. Is there documentation about the design? Yes. OpenCV has its own website dedicated to the design of the project. The documentation can be found here.

Activity Level

  1. How many commits have been made in the past week? 20 commits

  2. When was the most recent commit? Saturday, February 29

  3. How many issues are currently open? 1,707 issues are currently open

  4. How long do issues stay open? Take the five most recently closed issues and look at when each was first reported. Compute the number of days that each was open and take the average. Issues stay open for about 1 day.

  5. Is there active discussion on the issues? Read the conversations from some open and some closed issues. Yes.

  6. Are issues tagged as easy, hard, for beginners, etc.? No, issues are tagged by category as opposed to level of difficulty.

  7. How many issues were closed in the past six months? 9 issues were closed in the past 6 months.

  8. Is there information about how many people are maintaining the project? Yes. Some information about maintainers can be found on the contributors page of the Wiki.

  9. How many contributors has the project had in the past six months? The project has had about 30 contributors in the past 6 months.

  10. How many open pull requests are there? 61 open pull requests

  11. Do pull requests remain un-answered for a long time? Look at the closed pull requests to see how long they stayed open. Take the five most recently closed ones and look at when each was first reported. Compute the number of days that each was open and take the average. No. Pull requests are closed within 1 to 2 days.

  12. Is there active discussion on the pull requests? Use the same method as you did for the issues. Yes, there is active discussion on the pull requests.

  13. How many pull requests were opened within the past six months? 42 pull requests were opened within the past 6 months.

  14. When was the last pull request merged? The last pull request was merged 2 days ago.

Welcomeness and Community

  1. Is there a CONTRIBUTING document? If so, how easy to read and understand is it? Look through it and see if it is clear and thorough. Yes, such a document exits. It is easy to read and understand. The document is divided into different sections. It includes instructions on how to make a good pull request, testing and merging pull requests, and a FAQ.

  2. Is there a CODE OF CONDUCT document? Does it have consequences for acts that violate it? No, there is no CODE OF CONDUCT document.

  3. Do the maintainers respond helpfully to questions in issues? Are responses generally constructive? Read the issue conversations. Yes. The maintainers are prompt in their responses and provide constructive feedback.

  4. Are people friendly in the issues, discussion forum, and chat? People are polite in responding to issues.

  5. Do maintainers thank people for their contributions? No, maintainers do not thank people for their contributions.


Do you think this is a project to which it would be possible to contribute in the course of a semester?

Yes, I think this is a project to which it would be possible to contribute in the course of a semester. There are suggestions available for how to contribute to this project here. The community is very active is prompt in responding to issues and pull requests. However, I am not sure this project is beginner-friendly. Issues are not tagged by difficulty and the subject of this project is complex. Also, there is no Code of Conduct. Although contributors seem polite in the discussion, there is no guarantee to a harassment-free environment. Making a contribution would have a great impact as this project is employed by well-established companies (e.g. Google, Microsoft, Intel, IBM, Toyota, and Honda) as well as many startups.